module SpatialFeatures # Splits overlapping features into separate polygons at their areas of overlap, and returns an array of objects # with kml for the overlapping area and a list of the record ids whose kml overlapped within that area def self.venn_polygons(*scopes) options = scopes.extract_options! scope = scopes.collect do |scope| scope.klass.from(scope, scope.klass.table_name).joins(:features).where('features.feature_type = ?', 'polygon').select("features.geom AS the_geom").to_sql end.join(' UNION ') sql = " SELECT, scope.type, ST_AsKML(venn_polygons.geom) AS kml FROM ST_Dump(( SELECT ST_Polygonize(the_geom) AS the_geom FROM ( SELECT ST_Union(the_geom) AS the_geom FROM ( -- Handle Multigeometry SELECT ST_ExteriorRing((ST_DumpRings(the_geom)).geom) AS the_geom FROM (#{scope}) AS scope ) AS exterior_lines ) AS noded_lines WHERE NOT ST_IsEmpty(the_geom) -- Ignore empty geometry from ST_Union if there are no polygons because polygonize will explode )) AS venn_polygons " # If we have a target model, throw away all venn_polygons not bounded by the target if options[:target] sql << "INNER JOIN features ON features.spatial_model_type = '#{options[:target].class}' AND features.spatial_model_id = #{options[:target].id} AND ST_Intersects(features.geom, venn_polygons.geom) " end # Join with the original polygons so we can determine which original polygons each venn polygon came from scope = scopes.collect do |scope| scope.klass.from(scope, scope.klass.table_name).joins(:features).where('features.feature_type = ?', 'polygon').select("#{scope.klass.table_name}.id, features.spatial_model_type AS type, features.geom").to_sql end.join(' UNION ') sql << "INNER JOIN (#{scope}) AS scope ON ST_Covers(scope.geom, ST_PointOnSurface(venn_polygons.geom)) -- Shrink the venn polygons so they don't share edges with the original polygons which could cause varying results due to tiny inaccuracy" # Eager load the records for each venn polygon eager_load_hash = {|hash, key| hash[key] = []} polygons = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) polygons.group_by{|row| row['type']}.each do |record_type, rows| rows.each do |row| eager_load_hash[record_type] << row['id'] end end eager_load_hash.each do |record_type, ids| eager_load_hash[record_type] = record_type.constantize.find(ids) end # Instantiate objects to hold the kml and records for each venn polygon polygons.group_by{|row| row['kml']}.collect do |kml, rows| # Uniq on row id in case a single record had self intersecting multi geometry, which would cause it to appear duplicated on a single venn polygon records = rows.uniq{|row| row.values_at('id', 'type') }.collect{|row| eager_load_hash.fetch(row['type']).detect{|record| == row['id'].to_i } } => kml, :records => records) end end end