= Bitcoin-ruby This is a ruby library for interacting with the bitcoin protocol/network. Some of the main features are: * bitcoin utility functions for base58, ECC, etc. (Bitcoin::Util) * parse/create (almost?) all protocol messages (Bitcoin::Protocol) * connect to peers and exchange messages (Bitcoin::Network::Node, NODE) * load the blockchain from the network and stay in sync (WITHOUT verification yet!) * store and the blockchain and query for txouts (Bitcoin::Storage) * script implementation, create/run scripts and verify signatures (Bitcoin::Script) * create transactions (and even blocks!) (Bitcoin::Protocol, Bitcoin::Builder) * manage keys (Bitcoin::Key) in a wallet (Bitcoin::Wallet, WALLET) * there is even a highly experimental(!) Bitcoin::Gui == Installation We assume you already have a ruby 1.9 compatible interpreter and rubygems environment. git clone https://github.com/lian/bitcoin-ruby.git; cd bitcoin-ruby ruby -Ilib bin/bitcoin_node if you want to install it system-wide, just build the gem and install it gem build bitcoin-ruby.gemspec && gem install bitcoin-ruby-0.0.1.gem now you can just call +bitcoin_node+ from anywhere. Note that some aspects of the library (such as networking, storage, etc.) need additional dependencies which are not specified in the gemspec. The core requirements are intentionally kept to a minimum, so nobody has to install unneeded dependencies. * +eventmachine+ to run a node / connect to peers * +sequel+, +sqlite3+/+pg+/+mysql+ to use a storage backend * +em-dns+ or +nslookup+ to get peer addrs from DNS seeds * +gir_ffi+ for the gui * +bacon+ to run the specs == Client There is a NODE which connects to the network and downloads the blockchain into a database. see Bitcoin::Network::Node. It also opens an extra socket for clients to connect where they can call certain methods, ask for information or register callbacks for events. see Bitcoin::Network::CommandClient. There is a WALLET implementation to manage a set of keys, list balances and create transactions. see Bitcoin::Wallet == Library Usage There are different aspects to the library which can be used separately or in combination. Here are some Ideas of what you could do. There are also some scripts which you can run, see EXAMPLES. === Keys/Addresses Generate a Bitcoin::Key key = Bitcoin::generate_key key #=> [, ] Get the address from a public key address = Bitcoin::pubkey_to_address(key[1]) address #=> Check if an address is valid Bitcoin::valid_address?(address) #=> true === Blocks / Transactions parsing Parse a Bitcoin::Protocol::Block raw_block = File.open('spec/bitcoin/fixtures/rawblock-0.bin', 'rb') {|f| f.read} blk = Bitcoin::Protocol::Block.new(raw_block) blk.hash #=> 00000000839a8e6886ab5951d76f411475428afc90947ee320161bbf18eb6048 blk.tx.count #=> 1 blk.to_hash #=> ... Bitcoin::Protocol::Block.from_json( blk.to_json ) Parse a Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx raw_tx = File.open('spec/bitcoin/fixtures/rawtx-01.bin', 'rb') {|f| f.read} tx = Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.new(raw_tx) tx.hash #=> 6e9dd16625b62cfcd4bf02edb89ca1f5a8c30c4b1601507090fb28e59f2d02b4 tx.in.size #=> 1 tx.out.size #=> 2 tx.to_hash #=> ... Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.from_json( tx.to_json ) Bitcoin::Script.new(tx.out[0].pk_script).to_string #=> "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 b2e21c1db922e3bdc529de7b38b4c401399e9afd OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG" === Transaction verification / Scripts Get the matching transactions (in this example tx1 is the spending transaction) rawtx1 = File.open("spec/bitcoin/fixtures/rawtx-f4184fc596403b9d638783cf57adfe4c75c605f6356fbc91338530e9831e9e16.bin", 'rb') {|f| f.read} rawtx2 = File.open("spec/bitcoin/fixtures/rawtx-0437cd7f8525ceed2324359c2d0ba26006d92d856a9c20fa0241106ee5a597c9.bin", 'rb') {|f| f.read} tx1 = Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.new(rawtx1) tx2 = Bitcoin::Protocol::Tx.new(rawtx2) Then simply ask the transaction to verify an input tx1.verify_input_signature(0, tx2) #=> true === Scripts If you want to control the Bitcoin::Script yourself, you can do so txin = tx1.in.first txout = tx2.out[txin.prev_out_index] script = Bitcoin::Script.new(txin.script_sig + txout.pk_script) result = script.run do |pubkey, sig, hash_type| hash = tx1.signature_hash_for_input(0, nil, txout.pk_script) Bitcoin.verify_signature(hash, sig, pubkey.unpack("H*")[0]) end result #=> true === Create Transactions TODO === Node / Network connections The Bitcoin::Network::Node can connect to peers and download the blockchain into a Bitcoin::Storage backend. For now it works completely self-contained: node = Bitcoin::Network::Node.new(options) # options = {:network => :bitcoin, ...} node.run In the future you will be able to register callbacks to the node and control many aspects of its operation yourself. Also see NODE. If you want to implement your own node, see lib/bitcoin/connection.rb or lib/bitcoin/network/node.rb for examples. === Storage / Database backends There is support for multiple database backends, but currently the only stable one is the Bitcoin::Storage::Backends::SequelStore backend. All backends implement the interface defined in Bitcoin::Storage::Backends::StoreBase and return Bitcoin::Storage::Models. store = Bitcoin::Storage.sequel(:db => "sqlite://bitcoin.db") # in-memory db store.get_head #=> block txouts = store.get_txouts_for_address("15yN7NPEpu82sHhB6TzCW5z5aXoamiKeGy") txouts.first.value #=> 5000000000 txouts.first.type #=> :pubkey txouts.first.get_address #=> "15yN7NPEpu82sHhB6TzCW5z5aXoamiKeGy" See Bitcoin::Storage::Backends::StoreBase, Bitcoin::Storage::Backends::SequelStore and Bitcoin::Storage::Models for details. == Documentation Always trying to improve, any help appreciated! If anything is unclear to you, let us know! Documentation is generated using RDoc rake rdoc The specs are also a good place to see how something works. == Specs The specs can be run with rake bacon or, if you want to run a single spec ruby spec/bitcoin/bitcoin_spec.rb If you make changes to the code or add functionality, please also add specs. == Development If you are curious or like to participate in development, drop by \#bitcoin-ruby on irc.freenode.net!