--- language: python python: "2.7" services: - docker env: global: - ROLE_GLOBALS="postgresql_shared_buffers=32MB" matrix: - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.1" ANSIBLE_VERSION="1.9.4" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.2" ANSIBLE_VERSION="1.9.4" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.3" ANSIBLE_VERSION="1.9.4" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.4" ANSIBLE_VERSION="1.9.4" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.5" ANSIBLE_VERSION="1.9.4" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.6" ANSIBLE_VERSION="1.9.4" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.1" ANSIBLE_VERSION="" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.2" ANSIBLE_VERSION="" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.3" ANSIBLE_VERSION="" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.4" ANSIBLE_VERSION="" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.5" ANSIBLE_VERSION="" - ROLE_OPTIONS="postgresql_version=9.6" ANSIBLE_VERSION="" before_install: # Remove the PostgreSQL installed by Travis - sudo apt-get purge pgdg-keyring '^postgresql.*' -y - sudo apt-get autoremove -y -qq - sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql - sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql - sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg-source.list # Install some dependencies - sudo apt-get update -qq -y - sudo apt-get install -qq -y python-apt python-pycurl locales - echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' | sudo tee /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local install: - pip install ansible=="$ANSIBLE_VERSION" script: - echo localhost > inventory # Syntax check - ansible-playbook -i inventory tests/playbook.yml --syntax-check # Play test - ansible-playbook -i inventory tests/playbook.yml --connection=local --sudo -e "$ROLE_GLOBALS $ROLE_OPTIONS" # Idempotence test - ansible-playbook -i inventory tests/playbook.yml --connection=local --sudo -e "$ROLE_GLOBALS $ROLE_OPTIONS" > idempotence_out - ./tests/idempotence_check.sh idempotence_out # Testing with docker (experimental) - docker build -f tests/Dockerfile-ubuntu14.04 -t postgres_ubuntu14.04 . - docker build -f tests/Dockerfile-centos6 -t postgres_centos6 .