require File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/spec_helper.rb" describe Rserve::Rlist do before do @l=@r.eval("list(name='Fred',age=30,10,20,kids=c(1,2,3))").as_list end it "method names return correct names" do @l.names.should==['name','age',"","","kids"] end it "method == should return true for rlist with equal data and names" do[1,2,3],%w{a b c})[1,2,3],%w{a b c}) (a==b).should be_true[1,2,3],%w{a b c})[1,2,3]) (a==b).should be_false[1,2,3],%w{a b c})[4,5,6],%w{c d e}) (a==b).should be_false end it "method [] return correct values for strings" do @l['name'].to_ruby.should=='Fred' @l['age'].to_ruby.should==30 @l['kids'].to_ruby.should==[1,2,3] end it "method [] return correct values for integers (0-based)" do @l[2].to_ruby.should==10 @l[3].to_ruby.should==20 end it "method to_a return an array with best ruby representation of data" do @l.to_a.should==['Fred',30,10,20,[1,2,3]] end it "method to_ruby returns a hash when all names are set" do list=@r.eval("list(name='Fred', age=30)") list.to_ruby.should=={'name'=>'Fred','age'=>30} end it "method to_ruby returns a hash with numbers (1-based) replacing empty names" do list=@r.eval("list(name='Fred', age=30,'aaaa')") list.to_ruby.should=={'name'=>'Fred','age'=>30,3=>'aaaa'} end it "method to_ruby returns an array when no names are set" do list=@r.eval("list(10,20,30)") list.to_ruby.should==[10,20,30] end it "should allow recursive list" do list=@r.eval("list(l1=list(l11=1,l22=2),l2=list(3,4))").as_list list['l1'].to_ruby.should=={'l11'=>1,'l22'=>2} list['l2'].to_ruby.should==[3,4] end end