
Public Instance Methods

cmd(cmd_str,opt = nil) click to toggle source

shortcut of RBatch::Cmd

     # File lib/rbatch/cmd.rb, line 114
114:   def cmd(cmd_str,opt = nil)
115:     Cmd.new(cmd_str,opt).run
116:   end
common_config() click to toggle source
    # File lib/rbatch.rb, line 21
21:   def common_config
22:     if File.exist?(RBatch.common_config_path)
23:       yaml = YAML::load_file(RBatch.common_config_path)
24:       if yaml
25:         return yaml
26:       else
27:         # If file is emply , YAML::load_file is false
28:         return nil
29:       end
30:     else
31:       return nil
32:     end
33:   end
common_config_path() click to toggle source
    # File lib/rbatch.rb, line 18
18:   def common_config_path
19:     File.join(File.dirname(RBatch.program_name),"..","conf","rbatch.yaml")
20:   end
config() click to toggle source

Alias of RBatch::Config.new

   # File lib/rbatch/config.rb, line 9
9:   def config ; Config.new end
program_name() click to toggle source
   # File lib/rbatch.rb, line 7
7:   def program_name ; @@program_name ; end
program_name=(f) click to toggle source
   # File lib/rbatch.rb, line 6
6:   def program_name=(f) ; @@program_name = f ; end
tmp_dir() click to toggle source
    # File lib/rbatch.rb, line 8
 8:   def tmp_dir
 9:     case RUBY_PLATFORM
10:     when /mswin|mingw/
11:       return ENV["TEMP"]
12:     when /cygwin|linux/
13:       return "/tmp/"
14:     else
15:       raise "Unknown RUBY_PRATFORM : " + RUBY_PLATFORM
16:     end
17:   end

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