require 'spec_helper' class Model < ActiveRecord::Base extend Enumify::Model enum :status, [:available, :canceled, :completed] end class OtherModel < ActiveRecord::Base extend Enumify::Model belongs_to :model enum :status, [:active, :expired] end describe :Enumify do before(:each) do Model.delete_all OtherModel.delete_all @obj = Model.create!(:status => :available) @canceled_obj = Model.create!(:status => :canceled) @completed_obj = Model.create!(:status => :completed) @active_obj = OtherModel.create!(:status => :active, :model => @obj) @expired_obj = OtherModel.create!(:status => :expired, :model => @canceled_obj) end describe "short hand methods" do describe "question mark (?)" do it "should return true if value of enum equals a value" do @obj.available?.should be_true end it "should return false if value of enum is different " do @obj.canceled?.should be_false end end describe "exclemation mark (!)" do it "should change the value of the enum to the methods value" do @obj.canceled! @obj.status.should == :canceled end end it "should have two shorthand methods for each possible value" do Model::STATUSES.each do |val| @obj.respond_to?("#{val}?").should be_true @obj.respond_to?("#{val}!").should be_true end end end describe "getting value" do it "should always return the enums value as a symbol" do @obj.status.should == :available @obj.status = "canceled" @obj.status.should == :canceled end end describe "setting value" do it "should except values as symbol" do @obj.status = :canceled @obj.canceled?.should be_true end it "should except values as string" do @obj.status = "canceled" @obj.canceled?.should be_true end end describe "validations" do it "should not except a value outside the given list" do @obj = => :available) @obj.status = :foobar @obj.should_not be_valid end it "should except value in the list" do @obj = => :available) @obj.status = :canceled @obj.should be_valid end end describe "callbacks" do it "should receive a callback on change of value" do @obj.should_receive(:status_changed).with(:available,:canceled) @obj.canceled! end it "should not receive a callback on initial value" do @obj = @obj.should_not_receive(:status_changed).with(nil, :canceled) @obj.canceled! end it "should not receive a callback on value change to same" do @obj.should_not_receive(:status_changed).with(:available, :available) @obj.available! end end describe "scopes" do it "should return objects with given value" do Model.available.should == [@obj] Model.canceled.should == [@canceled_obj] end it "should return objects with given value when joined with models who have the same enum field" do OtherModel.joins(:model).active.should == [@active_obj] end describe "negation scopes" do it "should return objects that do not have the given value" do Model.not_available.should include(@canceled_obj, @completed_obj) end it "should return objects that do not have the given value when joined with models who have the same enum field" do OtherModel.joins(:model).not_active.should == [@expired_obj] end end end it "class should have a CONST that holds all the available options of the enum" do Model::STATUSES.should == [:available, :canceled, :completed] end end