require 'svelte' unless Object.const_defined?('Svelte') require 'FileUtils' unless Object.const_defined?('FileUtils') module Rack::Svelte # This class is the interface between Rack and the svelte-ruby gem class Cogs # defaults for the Svelte gem config DEFAULT_SVELTE_OPTS = {} DEFAULT_ROOT = '/' DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_IN = '/app/components' DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_OUT = '/public/app/js' DEFAULT_DIR_OUT_OVERWRITE = false DEFAULT_DIR_OUT_CLEAR = false SVELTE_RACK_ATTRS = [:app_root_dir, :components_dir_in, :components_dir_out, :dir_out_overwrite, :dir_out_clear] def initialize(app, options = {}) @app = app symbolize_keys!(options) @app_root_dir = options.fetch(:app_root_dir, DEFAULT_ROOT) @components_dir_in = options.fetch(:components_dir_in, DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_IN) @components_dir_out = options.fetch(:components_dir_out, DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_OUT) @dir_out_overwrite = options.fetch(:dir_out_overwrite, DEFAULT_DIR_OUT_OVERWRITE) @dir_out_clear = options.fetch(:dir_out_clear, DEFAULT_DIR_OUT_CLEAR) @svelte_options = DEFAULT_SVELTE_OPTS.merge(options.reject {|x| SVELTE_RACK_ATTRS.include?(x)}) end def call(env) dir_in = File.join(@app_root_dir, @components_dir_in) dir_out = File.join(@app_root_dir, @components_dir_out) raise "ERROR: Dir In cannot be found: #{dir_in}" unless Dir.exist? dir_in raise "ERROR: Dir Out cannot be found: #{dir_out}" unless Dir.exist? dir_out FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob(File.join(dir_out, '*'))) if @dir_out_clear Dir.glob(File.join(dir_in, '**/*')).each do |filename_in| # only html components next unless filename_in =~ /.\.html$/i # create output filename fn_in = filename_in[dir_in.length..-1] # remove input dir fn_out_basename = File.basename(fn_in, '.html') fn_out_basename_js = File.basename(fn_in, '.html') + '.js' fn_out_dir = File.dirname(fn_in) fn_out = File.join(dir_out, fn_out_dir, fn_out_basename + '.js') # Kenny Powers # ensure output dir FileUtils.mkdir_p(fn_out_dir) unless Dir.exist?(fn_out_dir) # compile comp_opts = @svelte_options.dup comp_opts.merge!(name: fn_out_basename) unless comp_opts.key?(:name) sv_hash = ::Svelte.exec_method('svelte.compile', filename_in, nil, comp_opts) unless @dir_out_overwrite raise "Error: file exists: #{fn_out}\n use option: 'dir_out_overwrite: true'" if File.exist?(fn_out) end # write IO.write(fn_out, sv_hash['code']) end end private def symbolize_keys(arg_hash) arg_hash.each_with_object({}) {|(k,v),h| h[k.to_sym] = v} end def symbolize_keys!(arg_hash) arg_hash = symbolize_keys(arg_hash) end end end