var _ = require('../util') var addClass = _.addClass var removeClass = _.removeClass var transDurationProp = _.transitionProp + 'Duration' var animDurationProp = _.animationProp + 'Duration' var queue = [] var queued = false /** * Push a job into the transition queue, which is to be * executed on next frame. * * @param {Element} el - target element * @param {Number} dir - 1: enter, -1: leave * @param {Function} op - the actual dom operation * @param {String} cls - the className to remove when the * transition is done. * @param {Function} [cb] - user supplied callback. */ function push (el, dir, op, cls, cb) { queue.push({ el : el, dir : dir, cb : cb, cls : cls, op : op }) if (!queued) { queued = true _.nextTick(flush) } } /** * Flush the queue, and do one forced reflow before * triggering transitions. */ function flush () { /* jshint unused: false */ var f = document.documentElement.offsetHeight queue.forEach(run) queue = [] queued = false } /** * Run a transition job. * * @param {Object} job */ function run (job) { var el = job.el var data = el.__v_trans var cls = job.cls var cb = job.cb var op = job.op var transitionType = getTransitionType(el, data, cls) if (job.dir > 0) { // ENTER if (transitionType === 1) { // trigger transition by removing enter class removeClass(el, cls) // only need to listen for transitionend if there's // a user callback if (cb) setupTransitionCb(_.transitionEndEvent) } else if (transitionType === 2) { // animations are triggered when class is added // so we just listen for animationend to remove it. setupTransitionCb(_.animationEndEvent, function () { removeClass(el, cls) }) } else { // no transition applicable removeClass(el, cls) if (cb) cb() } } else { // LEAVE if (transitionType) { // leave transitions/animations are both triggered // by adding the class, just remove it on end event. var event = transitionType === 1 ? _.transitionEndEvent : _.animationEndEvent setupTransitionCb(event, function () { op() removeClass(el, cls) }) } else { op() removeClass(el, cls) if (cb) cb() } } /** * Set up a transition end callback, store the callback * on the element's __v_trans data object, so we can * clean it up if another transition is triggered before * the callback is fired. * * @param {String} event * @param {Function} [cleanupFn] */ function setupTransitionCb (event, cleanupFn) { data.event = event var onEnd = data.callback = function transitionCb (e) { if ( === el) {, event, onEnd) data.event = data.callback = null if (cleanupFn) cleanupFn() if (cb) cb() } } _.on(el, event, onEnd) } } /** * Get an element's transition type based on the * calculated styles * * @param {Element} el * @param {Object} data * @param {String} className * @return {Number} * 1 - transition * 2 - animation */ function getTransitionType (el, data, className) { var type = data.cache && data.cache[className] if (type) return type var inlineStyles = var computedStyles = window.getComputedStyle(el) var transDuration = inlineStyles[transDurationProp] || computedStyles[transDurationProp] if (transDuration && transDuration !== '0s') { type = 1 } else { var animDuration = inlineStyles[animDurationProp] || computedStyles[animDurationProp] if (animDuration && animDuration !== '0s') { type = 2 } } if (type) { if (!data.cache) data.cache = {} data.cache[className] = type } return type } /** * Apply CSS transition to an element. * * @param {Element} el * @param {Number} direction - 1: enter, -1: leave * @param {Function} op - the actual DOM operation * @param {Object} data - target element's transition data */ module.exports = function (el, direction, op, data, cb) { var prefix = || 'v' var enterClass = prefix + '-enter' var leaveClass = prefix + '-leave' // clean up potential previous unfinished transition if (data.callback) {, data.event, data.callback) removeClass(el, enterClass) removeClass(el, leaveClass) data.event = data.callback = null } if (direction > 0) { // enter addClass(el, enterClass) op() push(el, direction, null, enterClass, cb) } else { // leave addClass(el, leaveClass) push(el, direction, op, leaveClass, cb) } }