Knock.setup do |config| ## Expiration claim ## ---------------- ## ## How long before a token is expired. If nil is provided, token will ## last forever. ## ## Default: # config.token_lifetime = ## Audience claim ## -------------- ## ## Configure the audience claim to identify the recipients that the token ## is intended for. ## ## Default: # config.token_audience = nil ## If using Auth0, uncomment the line below # config.token_audience = -> { Rails.application.secrets.auth0_client_id } ## Signature algorithm ## ------------------- ## ## Configure the algorithm used to encode the token ## ## Default: # config.token_signature_algorithm = 'HS256' ## Signature key ## ------------- ## ## Configure the key used to sign tokens. ## ## Default: # config.token_secret_signature_key = -> { Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base } ## If using Auth0, uncomment the line below # config.token_secret_signature_key = -> { JWT.base64url_decode Rails.application.secrets.auth0_client_secret } ## Public key ## ---------- ## ## Configure the public key used to decode tokens, if required. ## ## Default: # config.token_public_key = nil ## Exception Class ## --------------- ## ## Configure the exception to be used when user cannot be found. ## ## Default: # config.not_found_exception_class_name = 'ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound' end