# Guard::WEBrick [![travis-ci](http://travis-ci.org/fnichol/guard-webrick.png)](http://travis-ci.org/fnichol/guard-webrick) Guard::WEBrick automatically starts and restarts WEBrick when needed. Useful when you are working on a static site but want to benefit from [Guard::LiveReload](http://github.com/guard/guard-livereload). * Tested on Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, Ruby Enterprise Edition, and JRuby ## Install Please be sure to have [Guard](http://github.com/guard/guard) installed before continue. Install the gem: gem install guard-webrick Add it to your Gemfile (inside test group): gem 'guard-webrick' Add guard definition to your Guardfile by running this command: guard init webrick ## Usage Please read [Guard usage doc](http://github.com/guard/guard#readme) ## Guardfile You can adapt your 'view' files like you want. Please read [Guard doc](http://github.com/guard/guard#readme) for more info about Guardfile DSL. guard 'webrick' do end ## Options The WEBrick guard has 3 options that you can set like this: guard 'webrick', :host => '', :port => '35728', :docroot => 'public' do ... end Available options: :host => '' # default '' :port => '12345' # default '3000' :docroot => 'public' # default current working directory :launchy => false # default true ## Development * Source hosted at [GitHub](http://github.com/fnichol/guard-webrick) * Report issues/Questions/Feature requests on [GitHub Issues](http://github.com/fnichol/guard-webrick/issues) Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make. == Authors [Fletcher Nichol](http://github.com/fnichol)