== Creating the test database The default names for the test databases are "activerecord_unittest" and "activerecord_unittest2". If you want to use another database name then be sure to update the connection adapter setups you want to test with in test/connections//connection.rb. == Requirements The following gems need to be installed. Make sure you have gems.github.com as a source. http://github.com/blog/97-github-loves-rubygems-1-2 * gem install thoughtbot-shoulda -s http://gems.github.com * gem install mocha The tests of this adapter depend on the existence of rails checkout. All the tests defined by rails are re-used. For this to work the following directory structure is assumed to exist: #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/adapters/sqlserver #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/activerecord/test Define a user named 'rails' in SQL Server with all privileges granted. Use an empty password for user 'rails', or alternatively use the OSQLPASSWORD environment variable which allows you to set a default password for the current session. Then run "rake create_databases". == Running with Rake The easiest way to run the unit tests is through Rake. Either run "rake test_sqlserver" or "rake test_sqlserver_odbc". For more information, checkout the full array of rake tasks with "rake -T" Rake can be found at http://rake.rubyforge.org == Running with Autotest Using autotest is easy, just run "autotest" and the tests will run continually in the same order as the rake test command. By default autotest will use ODBC connection. If you want to change this you can edit the autotest/sqlserver.rb file and set odbc_mode to false. Lastly, you can run autotest on just the adapter specific tests with "autotest sqlserver". This will continuously run ONLY the SQL Sever specific behavior tests which are much quicker to run than the entire active record test suite. == Running by hand Unit tests are located in test directory. If you only want to run a single test suite, you can do so with: rake test_sqlserver TEST=base_test.rb That'll run the base suite using the SQLServer-Ruby adapter.