namespace :npm do desc <<-DESC Install the project dependencies via npm. By default, devDependencies \ will not be installed. The install command is executed \ with the --production, --silent and --no-spin flags. You can override any of these defaults by setting the variables shown below. set :npm_target_path, nil set :npm_flags, '--production --silent --no-spin' set :npm_roles, :all set :npm_env_variables, {} DESC task :install do on roles fetch(:npm_roles) do within fetch(:npm_target_path, release_path) do with fetch(:npm_env_variables, {}) do execute :npm, 'install', fetch(:npm_flags) end end end end before 'deploy:updated', 'npm:install' desc <<-DESC Remove extraneous packages via npm. This command is executed within \ the same context as npm install using the npm_roles and npm_target_path \ variables. By default prune will be executed with the --production flag. You can \ override this default by setting the variable shown below. set :npm_prune_flags, '--production' This task is strictly opt-in. If you want to run it on every deployment \ before you run npm install, add the following to your deploy.rb. before 'npm:install', 'npm:prune' DESC task :prune do on roles fetch(:npm_roles) do within fetch(:npm_target_path, release_path) do execute :npm, 'prune', fetch(:npm_prune_flags) end end end desc <<-DESC Rebuild via npm. This command is executed within the same context \ as npm install using the npm_roles and npm_target_path \ variables. This task is strictly opt-in. The main reason you'll want to run this \ would be after changing npm versions on the server. DESC task :rebuild do on roles fetch(:npm_roles) do within fetch(:npm_target_path, release_path) do with fetch(:npm_env_variables, {}) do execute :npm, 'rebuild' end end end end end namespace :load do task :defaults do set :npm_flags, %w(--production --silent --no-spin) set :npm_prune_flags, '--production' set :npm_roles, :all end end