class Cms::File < ActiveRecord::Base IMAGE_MIMETYPES = %w(gif jpeg pjpeg png svg+xml tiff).collect{|subtype| "image/#{subtype}"} ComfyPress.establish_connection(self) self.table_name = 'cms_files' cms_is_categorized attr_accessor :dimensions attr_accessible :site, :site_id, :file, :dimensions, :label, :description, :category_ids, :position # -- AR Extensions -------------------------------------------------------- has_attached_file :file, ComfyPress.config.upload_file_options.merge( # dimensions accessor needs to be set before file assignment for this to work :styles => lambda { |f| if f.respond_to?(:instance) && f.instance.respond_to?(:dimensions) (f.instance.dimensions.blank?? { } : { :original => f.instance.dimensions }).merge( :cms_thumb => '80x60#' ) end } ) before_post_process :is_image? # -- Relationships -------------------------------------------------------- belongs_to :site has_one :site_logo, class_name: Cms::Site, foreign_key: 'logo_id' belongs_to :block # -- Validations ---------------------------------------------------------- validates :site_id, :presence => true validates_attachment_presence :file # -- Callbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ before_save :assign_label before_create :assign_position after_save :reload_page_cache after_destroy :reload_page_cache # -- Scopes --------------------------------------------------------------- scope :images, where(:file_content_type => IMAGE_MIMETYPES) scope :not_images, where('file_content_type NOT IN (?)', IMAGE_MIMETYPES) # -- Instance Methods ----------------------------------------------------- def is_image? IMAGE_MIMETYPES.include?(file_content_type) end protected def assign_label self.label = self.label.blank?? self.file_file_name.gsub(/\.[^\.]*?$/, '').titleize : self.label end def assign_position max = Cms::File.maximum(:position) self.position = max ? max + 1 : 0 end # FIX: Terrible, but no way of creating cached page content overwise def reload_page_cache return unless self.block p = Cms::Page.where(:id => => p.content(true)) end end