module Xi class Pattern module Transforms # Negates every number in the pattern # # Non-numeric values are ignored. # # @example # peek -[10, 20, 30].p #=> [-10, -20, -30] # peek -[1, -2, 3].p #=> [-1, 2, -3] # # @return [Pattern] # def -@ map { |v| v.respond_to?(:-@) ? -v : v } end # Concatenate +object+ pattern or perform a scalar sum with +object+ # # If +object+ is a Pattern, concatenate the two patterns. # Else, for each value from pattern, sum with +object+. # Values that do not respond to #+ are ignored. # # @example Concatenation of patterns # peek [1, 2, 3].p + [4, 5, 6].p #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # # @example Scalar sum # peek [1, 2, 3].p + 60 #=> [61, 62, 63] # peek [0.25, 0.5].p + 0.125 #=> [0.375, 0.625] # peek [0, :foo, 2].p + 1 #=> [1, :foo, 3] # # @param object [Pattern, Numeric] pattern or numeric # @return [Pattern] # def +(object) if object.is_a?(Pattern), size: size + object.size) { |y, d| each { |v| y << v } object.each { |v| y << v } } else map { |v| v.respond_to?(:+) ? v + object : v } end end # Performs a scalar substraction with +numeric+ # # For each value from pattern, substract with +numeric+. # Values that do not respond to #- are ignored. # # @example # peek [1, 2, 3].p - 10 #=> [-9, -8, -7] # peek [1, :foo, 3].p - 10 #=> [-9, :foo, -7] # # @param numeric [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def -(numeric) map { |v| v.respond_to?(:-) ? v - numeric : v } end # Performs a scalar multiplication with +numeric+ # # For each value from pattern, multiplicate with +numeric+. # Values that do not respond to #* are ignored. # # @example # peek [1, 2, 4].p * 2 #=> [2, 4, 8] # peek [1, :foo].p * 2 #=> [2, :foo] # # @param numeric [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def *(numeric) map { |v| v.respond_to?(:*) ? v * numeric : v } end # Performs a scalar division by +numeric+ # # For each value from pattern, divide by +numeric+. # Values that do not respond to #/ are ignored. # # @example # peek [1, 2, 4].p / 2 #=> [(1/2), (1/1), (2/1)] # peek [0.5, :foo].p / 2 #=> [0.25, :foo] # # @param numeric [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def /(numeric) map { |v| v.respond_to?(:/) ? v / numeric : v } end # Performs a scalar modulo against +numeric+ # # For each value from pattern, return modulo of value divided by +numeric+. # Values from pattern that do not respond to #% are ignored. # # @example # peek (1..5).p % 2 #=> [1, 0, 1, 0, 1] # peek [0, 1, 2, :bar, 4, 5, 6].p % 3 #=> [0, 1, 2, :bar, l, 2, 0] # # @param numeric [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def %(numeric) map { |v| v.respond_to?(:%) ? v % numeric : v } end # Raises each value to the power of +numeric+, which may be negative or # fractional. # # Values from pattern that do not respond to #** are ignored. # # @example # peek (0..5).p ** 2 #=> [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25] # peek [1, 2, 3].p ** -2 #=> [1, (1/4), (1/9)] # # @param numeric [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def **(numeric) map { |v| v.respond_to?(:**) ? v ** numeric : v } end alias_method :^, :** # Cycles pattern +repeats+ number of times, shifted by +offset+ # # @example # peek [1, 2, 3].p.seq #=> [1, 2, 3] # peek [1, 2, 3].p.seq(2) #=> [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] # peek [1, 2, 3].p.seq(1, 1) #=> [2, 3, 1] # peek [1, 2, 3].p.seq(2, 2) #=> [3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1] # # @param repeats [Integer] number (defaut: 1) # @param offset [Integer] (default: 0) # @return [Pattern] # def seq(repeats=1, offset=0) unless repeats.is_a?(Integer) && repeats >= 0 fail ArgumentError, "repeats must be a non-negative Integer" end unless offset.is_a?(Integer) && offset >= 0 fail ArgumentError, "offset must be a non-negative Integer" end, size: size * repeats) do |y| rep = repeats loop do if rep != inf rep -= 1 break if rep < 0 end c = offset offset_items = [] is_empty = true each do |v| is_empty = false if c > 0 offset_items << v c -= 1 else y << v end end offset_items.each { |v| y << v } break if is_empty end end end # Traverses the pattern in order and then in reverse order, skipping # first and last values if +skip_extremes+ is true. # # @example # peek (0..3).p.bounce #=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1] # peek 10.p.bounce #=> [10] # # @example with skip_extremes=false # peek (0..3).p.bounce(false) #=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0] # # @param skip_extremes [Boolean] Skip first and last values # to avoid repeated values (default: true) # @return [Pattern] # def bounce(skip_extremes=true) return self if size == 0 || size == 1 new_size = skip_extremes ? size * 2 - 2 : size * 2, size: new_size) { |y| each { |v| y << v } last_i = size - 1 reverse_each.with_index { |v, i| y << v unless skip_extremes && (i == 0 || i == last_i) } } end # Normalizes a pattern of values that range from +min+ to +max+ to 0..1 # # Values from pattern that do not respond to #- are ignored. # # @example # peek (1..5).p.normalize(0, 100) # #=> [(1/100), (1/50), (3/100), (1/25), (1/20)] # peek [0, 0x40, 0x80, 0xc0].p.normalize(0, 0x100) # #=> [(0/1), (1/4), (1/2), (3/4)] # # @param min [Numeric] # @param max [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def normalize(min, max) map { |v| v.respond_to?(:-) ? (v - min) / (max - min) : v } end # Scales a pattern of normalized values (0..1) to a custom range # +min+..+max+ # # This is inverse of {#normalize} # Values from pattern that do not respond to #* are ignored. # # @example # peek [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05].p.denormalize(0, 100) # #=> [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] # peek [0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75].p.denormalize(0, 0x100) # #=> [0, 64.0, 128.0, 192.0] # # @param min [Numeric] # @param max [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def denormalize(min, max) map { |v| v.respond_to?(:*) ? (max - min) * v + min : v } end # Scale from one range of values to another range of values # # @example # peek [0,2,4,1,3,6].p.scale(0, 6, 0, 0x7f) # #=> [(0/1), (127/3), (254/3), (127/6), (127/2), (127/1)] # # @param min_from [Numeric] # @param max_from [Numeric] # @param min_to [Numeric] # @param max_to [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def scale(min_from, max_from, min_to, max_to) normalize(min_from, max_from).denormalize(min_to, max_to) end # Slows down a pattern by stretching start and duration of events # +num+ times. # # It is the inverse operation of #accelerate # # @see #accelerate # # @example # peek_events %w(a b c d).p([1/4, 1/8, 1/6]).decelerate(2) # #=> [E["a",0,1/2], E["b",1/2,1/4], E["c",3/4,1/3], E["d",13/12,1/2]] # # @param num [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def decelerate(num), delta: delta.p * num) end # Advance a pattern by shrinking start and duration of events # +num+ times. # # It is the inverse operation of #decelerate # # @see #decelerate # # @example # peek_events %w(a b c d).p([1/2, 1/4]).accelerate(2) # #=> [E["a",0,1/4], E["b",1/4,1/8], E["c",3/8,1/4], E["d",5/8,1/8]] # # @param num [Numeric] # @return [Pattern] # def accelerate(num), delta: delta.p / num) end # Based on +probability+, it yields original value or nil # # +probability+ can also be an enumerable or a *finite* Pattern. In this # case, for each value in +probability+ it will enumerate original # pattern based on that probability value. # # @example # peek (1..6).p.sometimes #=> [1, nil, 3, nil, 5, 6] # peek (1..6).p.sometimes(1/4) #=> [nil, nil, nil, 4, nil, 6] # # @example # peek (1..6).p.sometimes([0.5, 1]), 12 # #=> [1, 2, nil, nil, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # # @param probability [Numeric, #each] (default=0.5) # @return [Pattern] # def sometimes(probability=0.5) prob_pat = probability.p if prob_pat.infinite? fail ArgumentError, 'times must be finite' end, size: size * prob_pat.size) do |y| prob_pat.each do |prob| each { |v| y << (Kernel.rand < prob ? v : nil) } end end end # Repeats each value +times+ # # +times+ can also be an enumerable or a *finite* Pattern. In this case, # for each value in +times+, it will yield each value of original pattern # repeated a number of times based on that +times+ value. # # @example # peek [1, 2, 3].p.repeat_each(2) #=> [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] # peek [1, 2, 3].p.repeat_each(3) #=> [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] # # @example # peek [1, 2, 3].p.repeat_each([3,2]), 15 # #=> [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] # # @param times [Numeric, #each] # @return [Pattern] # def repeat_each(times) times_pat = times.p if times_pat.infinite? fail ArgumentError, 'times must be finite' end, size: size * times_pat.size) do |y| times_pat.each do |t| each { |v| t.times { y << v } } end end end # Choose items from the list randomly, +repeats+ number of times # # @see Pattern::Generators::ClassMethods#rand # # @example # peek [1, 2, 3].p.rand #=> [2] # peek [1, 2, 3, 4].p.rand(6) #=> [1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 3] # # @param repeats [Integer, Symbol] number or inf (default: 1) # @return [Pattern] # def rand(repeats=1) P.rand(self, repeats) end # Choose randomly, but only allow repeating the same item after yielding # all items from the list. # # @see Pattern::Generators::ClassMethods#xrand # # @example # peek [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].p.xrand #=> [4] # peek [1, 2, 3].p.xrand(8) #=> [1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2] # # @param repeats [Integer, Symbol] number or inf (default: 1) # @return [Pattern] # def xrand(repeats=1) P.xrand(self, repeats) end # Shuffle the list in random order, and use the same random order # +repeats+ times # # @see Pattern::Generators::ClassMethods#shuf # # @example # peek [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].p.xrand #=> [4] # peek [1, 2, 3].p.xrand(8) #=> [1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2] # # @param repeats [Integer, Symbol] number or inf (default: 1) # @return [Pattern] # def shuf(repeats=1) P.shuf(self, repeats) end # Returns a new Pattern where values for which +test_proc+ are true are # yielded as a pattern to another +block+ # # If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned. # # These values are grouped together as a "subpattern", then yielded to # +block+ for further transformation and finally spliced into the original # pattern. +test_proc+ will be called with +value+, +start+ and +duration+ # as parameters. # # @param test_proc [#call] # @yield [Pattern] subpattern # @yieldreturn [Pattern] transformed subpattern # @return [Pattern, Enumerator] # def when(test_proc, &block) return enum_for(__method__, test_proc) if block.nil? do |y| each_event do |v, s, d, i| if, s, d, i) new_pat = new_pat.each_event(s) .take_while { |_, s_, d_| s_ + d_ <= s + d } .each { |v_, _| y << v_ } else y << v end end end end # Splices a new pattern returned from +block+ every +n+ cycles # # @see #every_iter # # @param n [Numeric] # @yield [Pattern] subpattern # @yieldreturn [Pattern] transformed subpattern # @return [Pattern] # def every(n, &block) fn = proc { |_, s, _| m = (s + 1) % n m >= 0 && m < 1 } self.when(fn, &block) end # Splices a new pattern returned from +block+ every +n+ iterations # # @see #every # # @param n [Numeric] # @yield [Pattern] subpattern # @yieldreturn [Pattern] transformed subpattern # @return [Pattern] # def every_iter(n, &block) fn = proc { |_, _, _, i| m = (i + 1) % n m >= 0 && m < 1 } self.when(fn, &block) end end end end