# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # A radio box item is used to select one of number of mutually exclusive choices.
  # It is displayed as a vertical column or horizontal row of labelled buttons.
  # === Styles
  # This class supports the following styles:
  # - {Wx::RA_SPECIFY_ROWS}: The major dimension parameter refers to the maximum number of rows. 
  # - {Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS}: The major dimension parameter refers to the maximum number of columns. 
  # === Events emitted by this class
  # The following event-handler methods redirect the events to member method or handler blocks for {Wx::CommandEvent} events.
  # Event handler methods for events emitted by this class:
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_radiobox}(id, meth = nil, &block): Process a {Wx::EVT_RADIOBOX} event, when a radiobutton is clicked. 
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Controls}  <div class='appearance'><span class='appearance'>Appearance:</span><table><tr><td> {Wx::MSW} Appearance
  #   </td><td> {Wx::GTK} Appearance
  #   </td><td> {Wx::OSX} Appearance
  #   </td></tr></table></div>
  # @see Events and Event Handling
  # @see  Wx::RadioButton
  # @see  Wx::CheckBox 
  class RadioBox < Control
    # @overload initialize()
    #   Default constructor.
    #   @see Wx::RadioBox#create
    #   @see  Wx::Validator 
    #   @return [RadioBox]
    # @overload initialize(parent, id, label, pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, choices=nil, majorDimension=0, style=Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS, validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::RADIO_BOX_NAME_STR)
    #   Constructor, creating and showing a radiobox.
    #   <b>{Wx::Perl} Note:</b> Not supported by {Wx::Perl}.
    #   @see Wx::RadioBox#create
    #   @see  Wx::Validator 
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window]  Parent window. Must not be NULL.
    #   @param id [Integer]  Window identifier. The value {Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY} indicates a default value.
    #   @param label [String]  Label for the static box surrounding the radio buttons.
    #   @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]  Window position. If {Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION} is specified then a default position is chosen.
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size]  Window size. If {Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE} is specified then a default size is chosen.
    #   @param choices [Array<String>]  An array of choices with which to initialize the radiobox.
    #   @param majorDimension [Integer]  Specifies the maximum number of rows (if style contains {Wx::RA_SPECIFY_ROWS}) or columns (if style contains {Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS}) for a two-dimensional radiobox. The default value of 0 means to use the number of items, i.e. n.
    #   @param style [Integer]  Window style. See {Wx::RadioBox}.
    #   @param validator [Wx::Validator]  Window validator.
    #   @param name [String]  Window name.
    #   @return [RadioBox]
    # @overload initialize(parent, id, label, pos, size, choices, majorDimension=0, style=Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS, validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::RADIO_BOX_NAME_STR)
    #   Constructor, creating and showing a radiobox.
    #   <b>{Wx::Perl} Note:</b> Use an array reference for the choices parameter.
    #   @see Wx::RadioBox#create
    #   @see  Wx::Validator 
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window]  Parent window. Must not be NULL.
    #   @param id [Integer]  Window identifier. The value {Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY} indicates a default value.
    #   @param label [String]  Label for the static box surrounding the radio buttons.
    #   @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]  Window position. If {Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION} is specified then a default position is chosen.
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size]  Window size. If {Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE} is specified then a default size is chosen.
    #   @param choices [Array<String>]  An array of choices with which to initialize the radiobox.
    #   @param majorDimension [Integer]  Specifies the maximum number of rows (if style contains {Wx::RA_SPECIFY_ROWS}) or columns (if style contains {Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS}) for a two-dimensional radiobox. The default value of 0 means to use the number of items, i.e. number of elements in choices.
    #   @param style [Integer]  Window style. See {Wx::RadioBox}.
    #   @param validator [Wx::Validator]  Window validator.
    #   @param name [String]  Window name.
    #   @return [RadioBox]
    def initialize(*args) end
    # @overload create(parent, id, label, pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, choices=nil, majorDimension=0, style=Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS, validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::RADIO_BOX_NAME_STR)
    #   Creates the radiobox for two-step construction.
    #   See {Wx::RadioBox#radio_box} for further details.
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param id [Integer] 
    #   @param label [String] 
    #   @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] 
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    #   @param choices [Array<String>] 
    #   @param majorDimension [Integer] 
    #   @param style [Integer] 
    #   @param validator [Wx::Validator] 
    #   @param name [String] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    # @overload create(parent, id, label, pos, size, choices, majorDimension=0, style=Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS, validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::RADIO_BOX_NAME_STR)
    #   Creates the radiobox for two-step construction.
    #   See {Wx::RadioBox#radio_box} for further details.
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    #   @param id [Integer] 
    #   @param label [String] 
    #   @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] 
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    #   @param choices [Array<String>] 
    #   @param majorDimension [Integer] 
    #   @param style [Integer] 
    #   @param validator [Wx::Validator] 
    #   @param name [String] 
    #   @return [true,false]
    def create(*args) end
    # Finds a button matching the given string, returning the position if found, or {Wx::NOT_FOUND} if not found.
    # @param string [String]  The string to find.
    # @param bCase [true,false]  Should the search be case-sensitive?
    # @return [Integer]
    def find_string(string, bCase=false) end
    # Returns the number of columns in the radiobox.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_column_count; end
    alias_method :column_count, :get_column_count
    # Returns a radio box item under the point, a zero-based item index, or {Wx::NOT_FOUND} if no item is under the point.
    # @param pt [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]  Point in client coordinates.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_item_from_point(pt) end
    alias_method :item_from_point, :get_item_from_point
    # Returns the helptext associated with the specified item if any or {Wx::EmptyString}.
    # @see Wx::RadioBox#set_item_help_text 
    # @param item [Integer]  The zero-based item index.
    # @return [String]
    def get_item_help_text(item) end
    alias_method :item_help_text, :get_item_help_text
    # Returns the tooltip associated with the specified item if any or NULL.
    # @see Wx::RadioBox#set_item_tool_tip
    # @see  Wx::Window#get_tool_tip 
    # @param item [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::ToolTip]
    def get_item_tool_tip(item) end
    alias_method :item_tool_tip, :get_item_tool_tip
    # Returns the number of rows in the radiobox.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_row_count; end
    alias_method :row_count, :get_row_count
    # Returns true if the item is enabled or false if it was disabled using Enable(n, false).
    # This function is currently only implemented in {Wx::MSW}, {Wx::GTK}, {Wx::QT} and {Wx::Universal} and always returns true in the other ports.
    # @param n [Integer]  The zero-based button position.
    # @return [true,false]
    def is_item_enabled(n) end
    alias_method :item_enabled?, :is_item_enabled
    # Returns true if the item is currently shown or false if it was hidden using Show(n, false).
    # Note that this function returns true for an item which hadn't been hidden even if the entire radiobox is not currently shown.
    # This function is currently only implemented in {Wx::MSW}, {Wx::GTK}, {Wx::QT} and {Wx::Universal} and always returns true in the other ports.
    # @param n [Integer]  The zero-based button position.
    # @return [true,false]
    def is_item_shown(n) end
    alias_method :item_shown?, :is_item_shown
    # Sets the helptext for an item.
    # Empty string erases any existing helptext.
    # @see Wx::RadioBox#get_item_help_text 
    # @param item [Integer]  The zero-based item index.
    # @param helptext [String]  The help text to set for the item.
    # @return [void]
    def set_item_help_text(item, helptext) end
    # Sets the tooltip text for the specified item in the radio group.
    # This function is currently only implemented in {Wx::MSW} and {Wx::GTK2} and does nothing in the other ports.
    # @see Wx::RadioBox#get_item_tool_tip
    # @see  Wx::Window#set_tool_tip 
    # @param item [Integer]  Index of the item the tooltip will be shown for.
    # @param text [String]  Tooltip text for the item, the tooltip is removed if empty.
    # @return [void]
    def set_item_tool_tip(item, text) end
    # Sets the selection to the given item.
    # Notice that a radio box always has selection, so n must be valid here and passing {Wx::NOT_FOUND} is not allowed.
    # @param n [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_selection(n) end
    alias_method :selection=, :set_selection
    # Shows or hides individual buttons.
    # true if the item has been shown or hidden or false if nothing was done because it already was in the requested state.
    # @see Wx::Window#show 
    # @param item [Integer]  The zero-based position of the button to show or hide.
    # @param show [true,false]  true to show, false to hide.
    # @return [true,false]
    def show(item, show=true) end
    # Returns the number of items in the control.
    # @see Wx::RadioBox#is_empty 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_count; end
    alias_method :count, :get_count
    # Returns the label of the item with the given index.
    # The index must be valid, i.e. less than the value returned by {Wx::RadioBox#get_count}, otherwise an assert is triggered. Notably, this function can't be called if the control is empty.
    # The label of the item.
    # @param n [Integer]  The zero-based index.
    # @return [String]
    def get_string(n) end
    alias_method :string, :get_string
    # Sets the label for the given item.
    # @param n [Integer]  The zero-based item index.
    # @param string [String]  The label to set.
    # @return [void]
    def set_string(n, string) end
    # Returns the index of the selected item.
    # As radio boxes always have a selected item, the return value is never {Wx::NOT_FOUND} for this class.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_selection; end
    alias_method :selection, :get_selection
    # Returns true if the control is empty or false if it has some items.
    # @see get_count 
    # @return [true,false]
    def is_empty; end
    alias_method :empty?, :is_empty
    # Returns the array of the labels of all items in the control.
    # @return [Array<String>]
    def get_strings; end
    alias_method :strings, :get_strings
    # Selects the item with the specified string in the control.
    # This method doesn't cause any command events to be emitted.
    # Notice that this method is case-insensitive, i.e. the string is compared with all the elements of the control case-insensitively and the first matching entry is selected, even if it doesn't have exactly the same case as this string and there is an exact match afterwards.
    # true if the specified string has been selected, false if it wasn't found in the control.
    # @param string [String]  The string to select.
    # @return [true,false]
    def set_string_selection(string) end
    alias_method :string_selection=, :set_string_selection
    # Returns the label of the selected item or an empty string if no item is selected.
    # @see get_selection 
    # @return [String]
    def get_string_selection; end
    alias_method :string_selection, :get_string_selection
    # This is the same as {set_selection} and exists only because it is slightly more natural for controls which support multiple selection.
    # @param n [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def select(n) end
  end # RadioBox
