BASE_CONFIG = %[ @type prometheus ] SIMPLE_CONFIG = BASE_CONFIG + %[ name simple_foo type counter desc Something foo. key foo ] FULL_CONFIG = BASE_CONFIG + %[ name full_foo type counter desc Something foo. key foo key foo1 name full_bar type gauge desc Something bar. key bar key foo2 name full_baz type summary desc Something baz. key baz key foo3 name full_qux type histogram desc Something qux. key qux buckets 0.1, 1, 5, 10 key foo4 name full_accessor1 type summary desc Something with accessor. key $.foo key foo5 name full_accessor2 type counter desc Something with accessor. key $.foo key foo6 test_key test_value ] PLACEHOLDER_CONFIG = BASE_CONFIG + %[ name placeholder_foo type counter desc Something foo. key foo foo ${foo} tag ${tag} hostname ${hostname} ] ACCESSOR_CONFIG = BASE_CONFIG + %[ name accessor_foo type counter desc Something foo. key foo foo $.foo ] COUNTER_WITHOUT_KEY_CONFIG = BASE_CONFIG + %[ name without_key_foo type counter desc Something foo. ] shared_examples_for 'output configuration' do context 'base config' do let(:config) { BASE_CONFIG } it { expect { driver }.not_to raise_error } end context 'with simple configuration' do let(:config) { SIMPLE_CONFIG } it { expect { driver }.not_to raise_error } end context 'with full configuration' do let(:config) { FULL_CONFIG } it { expect { driver }.not_to raise_error } end context 'with placeholder configuration' do let(:config) { PLACEHOLDER_CONFIG } it { expect { driver }.not_to raise_error } end context 'with accessor configuration' do let(:config) { ACCESSOR_CONFIG } it { expect { driver }.not_to raise_error } end describe 'with counter without key configuration' do let(:config) { COUNTER_WITHOUT_KEY_CONFIG } it { expect { driver }.not_to raise_error } end context 'with unknown type' do let(:config) do BASE_CONFIG + %[ type foo ] end it { expect { driver }.to raise_error(Fluent::ConfigError) } end end shared_examples_for 'instruments record' do before do tag) { driver.feed(event_time, message) } end context 'full config' do let(:config) { FULL_CONFIG } let(:counter) { registry.get(:full_foo) } let(:gauge) { registry.get(:full_bar) } let(:summary) { registry.get(:full_baz) } let(:histogram) { registry.get(:full_qux) } let(:summary_with_accessor) { registry.get(:full_accessor1) } let(:counter_with_accessor) { registry.get(:full_accessor2) } it 'adds all metrics' do expect( eq(%i[full_foo full_bar full_baz full_qux full_accessor1 full_accessor2]) expect(counter).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) expect(gauge).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) expect(summary).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) expect(summary_with_accessor).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) expect(counter_with_accessor).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) expect(histogram).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) end it 'instruments counter metric' do expect(counter.type).to eq(:counter) expect(counter.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo1'})).to be_kind_of(Numeric) expect(counter_with_accessor.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo6'})).to be_kind_of(Numeric) end it 'instruments gauge metric' do expect(gauge.type).to eq(:gauge) expect(gauge.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo2'})).to eq(100) end it 'instruments summary metric' do expect(summary.type).to eq(:summary) expect(summary.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo3'})).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(summary.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo3'})[0.99]).to eq(100) expect(summary_with_accessor.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo5'})[0.99]).to eq(100) end it 'instruments histogram metric' do tag) do 4.times { driver.feed(event_time, message) } end expect(histogram.type).to eq(:histogram) expect(histogram.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo4'})).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(histogram.get({test_key: 'test_value', key: 'foo4'})[10]).to eq(5) # 4 + `es` in before end end context 'placeholder config' do let(:config) { PLACEHOLDER_CONFIG } let(:counter) { registry.get(:placeholder_foo) } it 'expands placeholders with record values' do expect( eq([:placeholder_foo]) expect(counter).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) key, _ = counter.values.find {|k,v| v == 100 } expect(key).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(key[:tag]).to eq(tag) expect(key[:hostname]).to be_kind_of(String) expect(key[:hostname]).not_to eq("${hostname}") expect(key[:hostname]).not_to be_empty expect(key[:foo]).to eq("100") end end context 'accessor config' do let(:config) { ACCESSOR_CONFIG } let(:counter) { registry.get(:accessor_foo) } it 'expands accessor with record values' do expect( eq([:accessor_foo]) expect(counter).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) key, _ = counter.values.find {|k,v| v == 100 } expect(key).to be_kind_of(Hash) expect(key[:foo]).to eq(100) end end context 'counter_without config' do let(:config) { COUNTER_WITHOUT_KEY_CONFIG } let(:counter) { registry.get(:without_key_foo) } it 'just increments by 1' do expect( eq([:without_key_foo]) expect(counter).to be_kind_of(::Prometheus::Client::Metric) _, value = counter.values.find {|k,v| k == {} } expect(value).to eq(1) end end end