# The permit base class for both Role Permits and Role Group Permits # Should contain all common logic module CanTango module Permits class Permit autoload_modules :Execute, :License, :ClassMethods include CanTango::Helpers::Debug include CanTango::Rules # also makes a Permit a subclass of CanCan::Ability include CanTango::Api::Attributes include Execute include License extend ClassMethods # strategy is used to control the owns strategy (see rules.rb) attr_reader :ability, :strategy, :disabled delegate :cached?, :options, :subject, :user, :user_account, :to => :ability def self.inherited(subclass) register subclass.name.split('::').last.sub(/Permit$/, '').underscore.to_sym, subclass end def self.register permit, subclass available_permits[permit] = subclass end def self.available_permits CanTango.config.permits.available_permits end # creates the permit def initialize ability @ability = ability end def permit_type self.class.type end def ability_rules ability.send :rules end def disable! @disabled = true end def disabled? @disabled || config_disabled? end def valid_for? subject raise NotImplementedError end def category label config.models.by_category label end def any reg_exp config.models.by_reg_exp reg_exp end CanTango::Api::Options.options_list.each do |obj| class_eval %{ def #{obj} options[:#{obj}] end } end def localhost? config.localhost_list.include? request.host end def publichost? !localhost? end def ability_sync! ability_rules << (rules - ability_rules) ability_rules.flatten! end protected include CanTango::PermitEngine::Util include CanTango::PermitEngine::Compatibility include CanTango::PermitEngine::RoleMatcher def config_disabled? (CanTango.config.permits.disabled[permit_type] || []).include?(permit_name.to_s) end def strategy @strategy ||= options[:strategy] || CanTango::Ability.strategy || :default end def any_role_match? role_match?(subject) || role_group_match?(subject) end def config CanTango.config end end end end