# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class CSharp < RegexLexer tag 'csharp' aliases 'c#', 'cs' filenames '*.cs' mimetypes 'text/x-csharp' title "C#" desc 'a multi-paradigm language targeting .NET' # TODO: support more of unicode id = /@?[_a-z]\w*/i #Reserved Identifiers #Contextual Keywords #LINQ Query Expressions keywords = %w( abstract as base break case catch checked const continue default delegate do else enum event explicit extern false finally fixed for foreach goto if implicit in interface internal is lock new null operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sealed sizeof stackalloc static switch this throw true try typeof unchecked unsafe virtual void volatile while add alias async await get global partial remove set value where yield nameof notnull ascending by descending equals from group in init into join let on orderby select unmanaged when and not or with ) keywords_type = %w( bool byte char decimal double dynamic float int long nint nuint object sbyte short string uint ulong ushort var ) cpp_keywords = %w( if endif else elif define undef line error warning region endregion pragma nullable ) state :whitespace do rule %r/\s+/m, Text rule %r(//.*?$), Comment::Single rule %r(/[*].*?[*]/)m, Comment::Multiline end state :nest do rule %r/{/, Punctuation, :nest rule %r/}/, Punctuation, :pop! mixin :root end state :splice_string do rule %r/\\./, Str rule %r/{/, Punctuation, :nest rule %r/"|\n/, Str, :pop! rule %r/./, Str end state :splice_literal do rule %r/""/, Str rule %r/{/, Punctuation, :nest rule %r/"/, Str, :pop! rule %r/./, Str end state :root do mixin :whitespace rule %r/[$]\s*"/, Str, :splice_string rule %r/[$]@\s*"/, Str, :splice_literal rule %r/(<\[)\s*(#{id}:)?/, Keyword rule %r/\]>/, Keyword rule %r/[~!%^&*()+=|\[\]{}:;,.<>\/?-]/, Punctuation rule %r/@"(""|[^"])*"/m, Str rule %r/"(\\.|.)*?["\n]/, Str rule %r/'(\\.|.)'/, Str::Char rule %r/0b[_01]+[lu]?/i, Num rule %r/0x[_0-9a-f]+[lu]?/i, Num rule %r( [0-9](?:[_0-9]*[0-9])? ([.][0-9](?:[_0-9]*[0-9])?)? # decimal (e[+-]?[0-9](?:[_0-9]*[0-9])?)? # exponent [fldum]? # type )ix, Num rule %r/\b(?:class|record|struct|interface)\b/, Keyword, :class rule %r/\b(?:namespace|using)\b/, Keyword, :namespace rule %r/^#[ \t]*(#{cpp_keywords.join('|')})\b.*?\n/, Comment::Preproc rule %r/\b(#{keywords.join('|')})\b/, Keyword rule %r/\b(#{keywords_type.join('|')})\b/, Keyword::Type rule %r/#{id}(?=\s*[(])/, Name::Function rule id, Name end state :class do mixin :whitespace rule id, Name::Class, :pop! end state :namespace do mixin :whitespace rule %r/(?=[(])/, Text, :pop! rule %r/(#{id}|[.])+/, Name::Namespace, :pop! end end end end