require 'octokit' module DPL class Provider class Pages < Provider """Implements Github Pages deployment Options: - repo [optional, for pushed to other repos] - github-token [required] - github-url [optional, defaults to] - target-branch [optional, defaults to gh-pages] - keep-history [optional, defaults to false] - allow-empty-commit [optional, defaults to false] - committer-from-gh [optional, defaults to false] - verbose [optional, defaults to false] - local-dir [optional, defaults to `pwd`] - fqdn [optional] - project-name [optional, defaults to fqdn or repo slug] - email [optional, defaults to] - name [optional, defaults to Deployment Bot] - deployment-file [optional, defaults to false] """ require 'tmpdir' experimental 'GitHub Pages' def initialize(context, options) super @build_dir = File.join(src_dir, options[:local_dir] || '.') print_step "The target dir for deployment is '#{@build_dir}'." @project_name = options[:project_name] || fqdn || slug @target_branch = options[:target_branch] || 'gh-pages' @gh_fqdn = fqdn @gh_url = options[:github_url] || '' @keep_history = !!keep_history @allow_empty_commit = !!allow_empty_commit @committer_from_gh = !!committer_from_gh @verbose = !!verbose @gh_email = options[:email] || '' @gh_name = "#{options[:name] || 'Deployment Bot'} (from Travis CI)" @deployment_file = !!options[:deployment_file] @gh_ref = "#{@gh_url}/#{slug}.git" @git_push_opts = @keep_history ? '' : ' --force' @git_commit_opts = (@allow_empty_commit and @keep_history) ? ' --allow-empty' : '' print_step "The repo is configured to use committer user and email." if @committer_from_gh end def gh_token @gh_token ||= option(:github_token) end def gh_remote_url @gh_remote_url ||= "https://#{gh_token}@#{@gh_ref}" end def fqdn options.fetch(:fqdn) { nil } end def slug options.fetch(:repo) { context.env['TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG'] } end def src_dir context.env['TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR'] or Dir.pwd end def keep_history options.fetch(:keep_history, false) end def committer_from_gh options.fetch(:committer_from_gh, false) end def allow_empty_commit options.fetch(:allow_empty_commit, false) end def verbose # Achtung! Never verbosify git, since it may expose user's token. options.fetch(:verbose, false) end def api # Borrowed from Releases provider error 'gh-token must be provided for Pages provider to work.' unless gh_token return @api if @api api_opts = { :access_token => @gh_token } api_opts[:api_endpoint] = @gh_url == '' ? "" : "https://#{@gh_url}/api/v3/" @api = end def user @user ||= api.user end def setup_auth user.login end def check_auth setup_auth unless api.scopes.include? 'public_repo' or api.scopes.include? 'repo' error "Dpl does not have permission to access #{@gh_url} using it. Make sure your token contains the repo or public_repo scope." end log "Logged in as @#{user.login} (#{})" rescue Octokit::Unauthorized => exc error "gh-token is invalid. Details: #{exc}" end def needs_key? false end def print_step(msg) log msg if @verbose end def github_pull_or_init(target_dir) unless @keep_history github_init(target_dir) return end print_step "Trying to clone a single branch #{@target_branch} from existing repo..." unless "git clone --quiet --branch='#{@target_branch}' --depth=1 '#{@gh_remote_url}' '#{target_dir}' > /dev/null 2>&1" # if such branch doesn't exist at remote, init it from scratch print_step "Cloning #{@target_branch} branch failed" Dir.mkdir(target_dir) # Restore dir destroyed by failed `git clone` github_init(target_dir) end end def github_init(target_dir), :verbose => true) do print_step "Creating a brand new local repo from scratch in dir #{Dir.pwd}..." "git init" or raise 'Could not create new git repo' print_step 'Repo created successfully' "git checkout --orphan '#{@target_branch}'" or raise 'Could not create an orphan git branch' print_step "An orphan branch #{@target_branch} created successfully" end end def identify_preferred_committer if @committer_from_gh and @gh_token return ( or @gh_name), ( or @gh_email) end return @gh_name, @gh_email end def github_configure committer_name, committer_email = identify_preferred_committer print_step "Configuring git committer to be #{committer_name} <#{committer_email}> (workdir: #{Dir.pwd})" "git config '#{committer_email}'" "git config '#{committer_name}'" end def github_commit committer_name, _ = identify_preferred_committer print_step "Preparing to deploy #{@target_branch} branch to gh-pages (workdir: #{Dir.pwd})" "touch \"deployed at `date` by #{committer_name}\"" if @deployment_file "echo '#{@gh_fqdn}' > CNAME" if @gh_fqdn 'git add -A .' "git commit#{@git_commit_opts} -qm 'Deploy #{@project_name} to #{@gh_ref}:#{@target_branch}'" 'git show --stat-count=10 HEAD' end def github_deploy print_step "Doing the git push (workdir: #{Dir.pwd})..." unless "git push#{@git_push_opts} --quiet '#{@gh_remote_url}' '#{@target_branch}':'#{@target_branch}' > /dev/null 2>&1" error "Couldn't push the build to #{@gh_ref}:#{@target_branch}" end end def push_app print_step "Starting deployment of #{@target_branch} branch to GitHub Pages..." print_step "The deployment is configured to preserve the target branch if it exists on remote" if @keep_history Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| workdir = "#{tmpdir}/work" Dir.mkdir(workdir) print_step "Created a temporary work directory #{workdir}" github_pull_or_init(workdir), :verbose => true) do print_step "Copying #{@build_dir} contents to #{workdir} (workdir: #{Dir.pwd})..." "rsync -r --exclude .git --delete '#{@build_dir}/' '#{workdir}'" or error "Could not copy #{@build_dir}." github_configure github_commit github_deploy "git status" if @verbose end end print_step "App has been pushed" end end end end