require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb' describe "Common Functions" do before(:all) do @c1 ||= City.create!(:data => "City1", :geom => Polygon.from_coordinates([[[12,45],[45,41],[4,1],[12,45]],[[2,5],[5,1],[14,1],[2,5]]],4326)) @c2 ||= City.create!(:data => "City1", :geom => Polygon.from_coordinates([[[22,66],[65,65],[20,10],[22,66]],[[10,15],[15,11],[34,14],[10,15]]],4326)) @c3 ||= City.create!(:data => "City3", :geom => Polygon.from_coordinates([[[12.4,-45.3],[45.4,41.6],[4.456,1.0698],[12.4,-45.3]],[[2.4,5.3],[5.4,1.4263],[14.46,1.06],[2.4,5.3]]],4326)) @s1 ||= Street.create!(:data => "Street1", :geom => LineString.from_coordinates([[1,1],[2,2]],4326)) @s2 ||= Street.create!(:data => "Street2", :geom => LineString.from_coordinates([[4,4],[7,7]],4326)) @s3 ||= Street.create!(:data => "Street3", :geom => LineString.from_coordinates([[8,8],[18,18],[20,20],[25,25],[30,30],[38,38]],4326)) @s4 ||= Street.create!(:data => "Street4", :geom => LineString.from_coordinates([[10,8],[15,18]],4326)) @p1 ||= Position.create!(:data => "Point1", :geom => Point.from_x_y(1,1,4326)) @p2 ||= Position.create!(:data => "Point2", :geom => Point.from_x_y(5,5,4326)) @p3 ||= Position.create!(:data => "Point3", :geom => Point.from_x_y(8,8,4326)) @p4 ||= Position.create!(:data => "Point4", :geom => Point.from_x_y(18.1,18,4326)) @p5 ||= Position.create!(:data => "Point5", :geom => Point.from_x_y(30,30,4326)) end describe "Point" do it "should find the closest other point" do Position.close_to(@p1.geom,4326)[0].data.should == end it "should find the closest other point" do Position.closest_to(@p1.geom,4326).data.should == end it { @p1.distance_to(@s2).should be_close(4.24264068711928, 0.0001) } it { @p1.distance_to(@s3).should be_close(9.89949493661167, 0.0001) } it { @p2.distance_to(@s3).should be_close(4.24264068711928, 0.0001) } it { @p1.distance_to(@p2).should be_close(5.65685424949238, 0.0001) } it { @p1.distance_to(@c1).should be_close(3.0, 0.0001) } it { @p1.distance_to(@c2).should be_close(21.0237960416286, 0.000001) } it { @p1.distance_to(@s2).should be_close(4.24264068711928, 0.000001) } it { @p1.distance_sphere_to(@p2).should be_close(628516.874554178, 0.0001) } it { @p1.distance_sphere_to(@p3).should be_close(1098726.61466584, 0.00001) } it { @p1.distance_spheroid_to(@p2).should be_close(627129.50,0.01) } it { @p1.distance_spheroid_to(@p2).should be_close(627129.502639041, 0.000001) } it { @p1.distance_spheroid_to(@p3).should be_close(1096324.48117672, 0.000001) } it { @p1.should_not be_inside(@c1) } it { @p1.should be_outside(@c1) } it { @p1.should be_inside_circle(2.0,2.0,20.0) } it { @p1.should_not be_inside_circle(50,50,2) } it { @p1.should be_in_bounds(@s1) } it { @p3.should_not be_in_bounds(@s1, 1) } it { @p4.in_bounds?(@s3, 0.01).should be_false } it { @p1.azimuth(@p2).should be_close(0.785398163397448,0.000001) } it { @p1.azimuth(@s2).should raise_error } it { @p1.disjoint?(@s2).should be_true } it { @p3.polygonize.geometries.should be_empty } it { @p4.where_on_line(@s3).should be_close(0.335, 0.0001) } it { @s3.locate_point(@p4).should be_close(0.335, 0.1)} it { @s3.interpolate_point(0.335).x.should be_close(18.05, 0.01) } it { @p1.relate?(@s3, "T*T***FF*").should be_false } it { @p1.relate?(@s3).should eql("FF0FFF102") } it "should transform srid" do @p1.geom = @p1.transform(29101) @p1.geom.srid.should eql(29101) end it "should see in what fraction of the ls it is" do @p1.where_on_line(@s1).should eql(0.0) end end describe "Polygon" do it "sort by area size" do == "City1" #[@c1, @c2, @c3] end it "find all cities that contains a point" do City.contains(@p1.geom, 4326).should eql([]) end it "should find one city (first) that contains a point" do City.contain(@p4.geom, 4326).data.should eql("City1") end it { @c2.should be_closed } it { @c3.area.should be_close(1093.270089, 0.1) } it { @c2.area.should be_close(1159.5, 0.1) } it { @c2.dimension.should eql(2) } it { @c2.perimeter.should be_close(219.770013855493, 0.1) } it { @c2.perimeter3d.should be_close(219.770013855493, 0.1) } it { @c1.contains?(@p1).should be_false } it { @c1.contains?(@p4).should be_true } it { @c1.should_not be_spatially_equal(@c2) } it { @c1.covers?(@p1).should be_false } it { @c1.covers?(@p4).should be_true } it { @c1.should_not be_within(@c2) } it "city overlaps point?" do lambda { @c3.overlaps?(@c2) }.should raise_error # WHY?? end it "should get a polygon for envelope" do @c2.envelope.should be_instance_of(Polygon) end it "should get a polygon for envelope" do @c2.envelope.rings[0].points[0].should be_instance_of(Point) end it "should get the center" do @c2.centroid.x.should be_close(36.2945235015093,0.00001) @c2.centroid.y.should be_close(48.3211154233146,0.00001) end it "should get the center with the correct srid" do @c1.centroid.srid.should eql(4326) end it "distance from another" do @c1.distance_to(@c3).should eql(0.0) end it "distance to a linestring" do @c1.distance_to(@s1).should be_close(1.8,0.001) end it "should simplify me" do @c3.simplify.should be_instance_of(Polygon) end it "should simplify me number of points" do @c3.simplify[0].length.should eql(4) end #Strange again.... s2 s3 ... error it { @c3.touches?(@s1).should be_false } it { @c2.should be_simple } it { @c2.disjoint?(@p2).should be_true } it { @c3.polygonize.should have(2).geometries } # weird... # it do # @c1.disjoint?(@s2).should be_true # end end describe "LineString" do it "should sort by size" do == "Street1" == "Street3" end it "largest" do == "Street3" end describe "Length" do it { @s1.length.should be_close(1.4142135623731, 0.000001) } it { @s2.length.should be_close(4.2, 0.1) } it { @s3.length.should be_close(42.4264068, 0.001) } it { @s1.length_spheroid.should be_close(156876.1494,0.0001) } it { @s1.length_3d.should be_close(1.4142135623731,0.0001) } end it { @s1.crosses?(@s2).should be_false } it { @s4.crosses?(@s3).should be_true } it { @s1.touches?(@s2).should be_false } it { @s4.touches?(@s3).should be_false } it "should intersect with linestring" do @s4.intersects?(@s3).should be_true end it "should not intersect with this linestring" do @s4.intersects?(@s1).should be_false end it "intersection with a point" do @s1.intersection(@p2).should be_instance_of(GeometryCollection) end describe "Self" do it do @s1.envelope.should be_instance_of(Polygon) end it "should get a polygon for envelope" do @s1.envelope.rings[0].points[0].should be_instance_of(Point) end it "should get the center" do @s1.centroid.x.should be_close(1.5,0.01) @s1.centroid.y.should be_close(1.5,0.01) end it "should get the center with the correct srid" do @s1.centroid.srid.should eql(4326) end it "number of points" do @s3.num_points.should eql(6) end it "startpoint" do @s3.start_point.should be_instance_of(Point) @s3.start_point.x.should be_close(8.0, 0.1) end it "endpoint" do @s2.end_point.should be_instance_of(Point) @s2.end_point.x.should be_close(7.0, 0.1) end it { @s1.should_not be_envelopes_intersect(@s2) } it { @s1.boundary.should be_instance_of(MultiPoint) } end describe "Distance" do it { @s1.distance_to(@p3).should be_close(8.48528137423857,0.0001) } it { @s1.distance_to(@p3).should be_close(8.48,0.01) } it do lambda { @p1.distance_spheroid_to(@c3) }.should raise_error end it do lambda { @p3.distance_spheroid_to(@s1) }.should raise_error end end it do @s1.locate_point(@p1).should eql(0.0) end it do @s1.locate_point(@p2).should eql(1.0) end it "should simplify a line" do @s3.simplify.points.length.should eql(2) end it "should simplify the first correcty" do @s3.simplify.points[0].y.should be_close(8.0, 0.1) end it "should simplify the last correcty" do @s3.simplify.points[1].y.should be_close(38.0, 0.1) end it { @s1.overlaps?(@c2).should be_false } it { @s1.overlaps?(@s2).should be_false } it { @s1.convex_hull.should be_instance_of(LineString) } it { @s1.line_substring(0.2,0.5).should be_instance_of(LineString) } it do @s1.interpolate_point(0.7).should be_instance_of(Point) @s1.interpolate_point(0.7).x.should be_close(1.7,0.1) end it { @s1.should be_simple } it { @s1.disjoint?(@s2).should be_true } it { @s1.polygonize.should be_instance_of(GeometryCollection) } it { @s3.polygonize.geometries.should be_empty } it { @s2.locate_along_measure(1.6).should be_nil } it { @s2.locate_between_measures(0.1,0.3).should be_nil } it "should build area" do @s2.build_area.should be_nil end end end