require "spec_helper" describe 'React', js: true do describe "is_valid_element?" do it "should return true if passed a valid element" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element =, "React.createElement('div')")) React.is_valid_element?(element) eq(true) end it "should return false is passed a non React element" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element =, "{}")) React.is_valid_element?(element) eq(false) end end describe "create_element" do it "should create a valid element with only tag" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element('div') React.is_valid_element?(element) eq(true) end context "with block" do it "should create a valid element with text as only child when block yield String" do evaluate_ruby do ELEMENT = React.create_element('div') { "lorem ipsum" } end expect_evaluate_ruby("React.is_valid_element?(ELEMENT)").to eq(true) expect_evaluate_ruby("ELEMENT.props.children").to eq("lorem ipsum") end it "should create a valid element with children as array when block yield Array of element" do evaluate_ruby do ELEMENT = React.create_element('div') do [React.create_element('span'), React.create_element('span'), React.create_element('span')] end end expect_evaluate_ruby("React.is_valid_element?(ELEMENT)").to eq(true) expect_evaluate_ruby("ELEMENT.props.children.length").to eq(3) end it "should render element with children as array when block yield Array of element" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element('div') do [React.create_element('span'), React.create_element('span'), React.create_element('span')] end dom_node = React::Test::Utils.render_into_document(element) dom_node.JS[:children].JS[:length] eq(3) end end describe "custom element" do before :each do on_client do class Foo < React::Component::Base def initialize(native) @native = native end def render React.create_element("div") { "lorem" } end def props[:props]) end end end end it "should render element with only one children correctly" do evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element(Foo) { React.create_element('span') } INSTANCE = React::Test::Utils.render_into_document(element) true end expect_evaluate_ruby("INSTANCE.props[:children].is_a?(Array)").to be_falsy expect_evaluate_ruby("INSTANCE.props[:children][:type]").to eq("span") end it "should render element with more than one children correctly" do evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element(Foo) { [React.create_element('span'), React.create_element('span')] } INSTANCE = React::Test::Utils.render_into_document(element) true end expect_evaluate_ruby("INSTANCE.props[:children].is_a?(Array)").to be_truthy expect_evaluate_ruby("INSTANCE.props[:children].length").to eq(2) end it "should create a valid element provided class defined `render`" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element(Foo) React.is_valid_element?(element) eq(true) end it "should allow creating with properties" do expect_evaluate_ruby do Foo.class_eval do param :foo end element = React.create_element(Foo, foo: "bar") eq("bar") end it "should raise error if provided class doesn't defined `render`" do expect_evaluate_ruby do begin React.create_element(Array) rescue 'failed' end eq('failed') end it "should use the same instance for the same ReactComponent" do mount 'Foo' do Foo.class_eval do attr_accessor :a def initialize(n) self.a = 10 end def component_will_mount self.a = 20 end def render React.create_element("div") { self.a.to_s } end end end expect(page.body[-60..-19]).to include("
") end it "should match the instance cycle to ReactComponent life cycle" do expect_evaluate_ruby do Foo.class_eval do def initialize(native) @@count ||= 0 @@count += 1 end def render React.create_element("div") end def self.count @@count end end React::Test::Utils.render_component_into_document(Foo) React::Test::Utils.render_component_into_document(Foo) Foo.count eq(2) end end describe "create element with properties" do it "should enforce snake-cased property name" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element("div", class_name: "foo") element.props.className eq("foo") end it "should allow custom property" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element("div", foo: "bar") eq("bar") end it "should not camel-case custom property" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element("div", foo_bar: "foo") element.props.foo_bar eq("foo") end end describe "class_name helpers (React.addons.classSet)" do it "should not alter behavior when passing a string" do expect_evaluate_ruby do element = React.create_element("div", class_name: "foo bar") element.props.className eq("foo bar") end end end describe "render" do it "should render element to DOM" do # was async, don know how to handle evaluate_ruby do DIV =, 'document.createElement("div")') React.render(React.create_element('span') { "lorem" }, DIV) '' # make to_json happy end expect_evaluate_ruby("DIV.JS[:children].JS[0].JS[:tagName]").to eq("SPAN") expect_evaluate_ruby("DIV.JS[:textContent]").to eq("lorem") end it "should work without providing a block" do expect_evaluate_ruby do begin React::Test::Utils.render_into_document(React.create_element('span') { "lorem" }) true rescue false end be_truthy expect(page.body[-80..-10]).to include('
') end it "returns the actual ruby instance" do expect_evaluate_ruby do class Foo def render React.create_element("div") { "lorem" } end end div =, 'document.createElement("div")') instance = React.render(React.create_element(Foo), div) instance.is_a?(Foo) be_truthy end it "returns the actual DOM node" do expect_evaluate_ruby do div =, 'document.createElement("div")') node = React.render(React.create_element('span') { "lorem" }, div) node.JS['nodeType'] eq(1) end end describe "unmount_component_at_node" do it "should unmount component at node" do # was run_async # unmount was passed in a block run_async which passed in a block to React.render # trying to emulate that failed, becasue during render, _getOpalInstance was not yet defined. # it is defined only after render, when the component was mounted. So we call unmount after render expect_evaluate_ruby do div =, 'document.createElement("div")') React.render(React.create_element('span') { "lorem" }, div ) React.unmount_component_at_node(div) eq(true) end end end