#!/usr/bin/env ruby #--- # Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org). # All rights reserved. # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, # and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the # above copyright notice is included. #+++ require 'test/unit' require 'flexmock' # Sample FlexMock Usage. class TestSamples < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase # This is a basic example where we setup a mock object to mimic an # IO object. We know that the +count_lines+ method uses gets, so we # tell the mock object to handle +gets+ by returning successive # elements of an array (just as the real +gets+ returns successive # elements of a file. def test_file_io mock_file = flexmock("file") mock_file.should_receive(:gets).and_return("line 1", "line 2", nil) assert_equal 2, count_lines(mock_file) end # Count the number of lines in a file. Used in the test_file_io # test. def count_lines(file) n = 0 while file.gets n += 1 end n end end class TestUndefined < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_undefined_values m = flexmock("mock") m.should_receive(:divide_by).with(0). and_return_undefined assert_equal FlexMock.undefined, m.divide_by(0) end end class TestSimple < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_simple_mock m = flexmock(:pi => 3.1416, :e => 2.71) assert_equal 3.1416, m.pi assert_equal 2.71, m.e end end class TestDog < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_dog_wags tail_mock = flexmock(:wag => :happy) assert_equal :happy, tail_mock.wag end end class Woofer end class Dog def initialize @woofer = Woofer.new end def bark @woofer.woof end def wag :happy end end class TestDogBarking < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase # Setup the tests by mocking the +new+ method of # Woofer and return a mock woofer. def setup @dog = Dog.new flexmock(@dog, :bark => :grrr) end def test_dog assert_equal :grrr, @dog.bark # Mocked Method assert_equal :happy, @dog.wag # Normal Method end end class TestDogBarkingWithNewInstances < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase # Setup the tests by mocking Woofer to always # return partial mocks. def setup flexmock(Woofer).new_instances.should_receive(:woof => :grrr) end def test_dog assert_equal :grrr, Dog.new.bark # All dog objects assert_equal :grrr, Dog.new.bark # are mocked. end end class TestDefaults < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def setup @mock_dog = flexmock("Fido") @mock_dog.should_receive(:tail => :a_tail, :bark => "woof").by_default end def test_something_where_bark_must_be_called_once @mock_dog.should_receive(:bark => "bow wow").once assert_equal "bow wow", @mock_dog.bark assert_equal :a_tail, @mock_dog.tail end end class TestDemeter < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_manual_mocking # Manually mocking a Law of Demeter violation cog = flexmock("cog") cog.should_receive(:turn).once.and_return(:ok) joint = flexmock("gear", :cog => cog) axle = flexmock("axle", :universal_joint => joint) chassis = flexmock("chassis", :axle => axle) car = flexmock("car", :chassis => chassis) # test code assert_equal :ok, car.chassis.axle.universal_joint.cog.turn end def test_demeter car = flexmock("car") car.should_receive( "chassis.axle.universal_joint.cog.turn" => :ok).once # Test code assert_equal :ok, car.chassis.axle.universal_joint.cog.turn end end class TestDb < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_db db = flexmock('db') db.should_receive(:query).and_return([1,2,3]) db.should_receive(:update).with(5).and_return(nil).once # test code assert_nil db.update(5) end end class TestDb < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_query_and_update db = flexmock('db') db.should_receive(:query).and_return([1,2,3]).ordered db.should_receive(:update).and_return(nil).ordered # test code here assert_raises(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) do db.update db.query end end def test_ordered_queries db = flexmock('db') db.should_receive(:startup).once.ordered db.should_receive(:query).with("CPWR").and_return(12.3). once.ordered(:queries) db.should_receive(:query).with("MSFT").and_return(10.0). once.ordered(:queries) db.should_receive(:query).with(/^....$/).and_return(3.3). at_least.once.ordered(:queries) db.should_receive(:finish).once.ordered # test code here db.startup db.query("CPWR") db.query("MSFT") db.query("asdf") db.finish end def test_ordered_queries_in_record_mode db = flexmock('db') db.should_expect do |rec| rec.startup.once.ordered rec.query("CPWR") { 12.3 }.once.ordered(:queries) rec.query("MSFT") { 10.0 }.once.ordered(:queries) rec.query(/^....$/) { 3.3 }.at_least.once.ordered(:queries) rec.finish.once.ordered end # test code here using +db+. db.startup db.query("CPWR") db.query("MSFT") db.query("asdf") db.finish end def known_good_way_to_build_xml(builder) builder.html end def new_way_to_build_xml(builder) known_good_way_to_build_xml(builder) end def test_build_xml builder = flexmock('builder') builder.should_expect do |rec| rec.should_be_strict known_good_way_to_build_xml(rec) # record the messages end new_way_to_build_xml(builder) # compare to new way end end class TestMoreSamples < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_multiple_gets file = flexmock('file') file.should_receive(:gets).with_no_args. and_return("line 1\n", "line 2\n") # test code here assert_equal "line 1\n", file.gets assert_equal "line 2\n", file.gets end def test_an_important_message m = flexmock('m') m.should_receive(:an_important_message).and_return(1).once m.should_ignore_missing # test code here assert_equal 1, m.an_important_message assert_equal FlexMock.undefined, m.other end class QuoteService end class Portfolio def initialize @quote_service = QuoteService.new end def value @quote_service.quote end end def test_portfolio_value flexmock(QuoteService).new_instances do |m| m.should_receive(:quote).and_return(100) end port = Portfolio.new value = port.value # Portfolio calls QuoteService.quote assert_equal 100, value end end