#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' module MCollective describe Application do before do Application.intialize_application_options @argv_backup = ARGV.clone end describe "#application_options" do it "should return the application options" do Application.application_options.should == {:description => nil, :usage => [], :cli_arguments => [], :exclude_arg_sections => []} end end describe "#[]=" do it "should set the application option" do Application["foo"] = "bar" Application.application_options["foo"].should == "bar" end end describe "#[]" do it "should set the application option" do Application[:cli_arguments].should == [] end end describe "#intialize_application_options" do it "should initialize application options correctly" do Application.intialize_application_options.should == {:description => nil, :usage => [], :cli_arguments => [], :exclude_arg_sections => []} end end describe "#description" do it "should set the description correctly" do Application.description "meh" Application[:description].should == "meh" end end describe "#usage" do it "should set the usage correctly" do Application.usage "meh" Application.usage "foo" Application[:usage].should == ["meh", "foo"] end end describe "#exclude_argument_sections" do it "should set the excluded sections correctly" do Application.exclude_argument_sections "common", "rpc", "filter" Application[:exclude_arg_sections].should == ["common", "rpc", "filter"] Application.exclude_argument_sections ["common", "rpc", "filter"] Application[:exclude_arg_sections].should == ["common", "rpc", "filter"] end it "should detect unknown sections" do expect { Application.exclude_argument_sections "rspec" }.to raise_error("Unknown CLI argument section rspec") end end describe "#option" do it "should add an option correctly" do Application.option :test, :description => "description", :arguments => "--config CONFIG", :type => Integer, :required => true args = Application[:cli_arguments].first args.delete(:validate) args.should == {:name=>:test, :arguments=>"--config CONFIG", :required=>true, :type=>Integer, :description=>"description"} end it "should set correct defaults" do Application.option :test, {} args = Application[:cli_arguments].first args.delete(:validate) args.should == {:name=>:test, :arguments=>[], :required=>false, :type=>String, :description=>nil} end end describe "#validate_option" do it "should pass validations" do a = Application.new a.validate_option(Proc.new {|v| v == 1}, "key", 1) end it "should print an error to STDERR on error" do IO.any_instance.expects(:puts).with("Validation of key failed: failed").at_least_once Application.any_instance.stubs("exit").returns(true) a = Application.new a.validate_option(Proc.new {|v| "failed"}, "key", 1) end it "should exit on valdation error" do IO.any_instance.expects(:puts).at_least_once Application.any_instance.stubs("exit").returns(true) a = Application.new a.validate_option(Proc.new {|v| "failed"}, "key", 1) end end describe "#application_parse_options" do it "should pass the requested help value to the clioptions method" do ARGV.clear app = Application.new app.expects(:clioptions).with(true) app.application_parse_options(true) ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should support creating arrays of values" do Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :arguments => "--foo [FOO]", :type => :array ARGV.clear ARGV << "--foo=bar" << "--foo=baz" a = Application.new a.run a.configuration.should == {:foo=>["bar", "baz"]} ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should support boolean options" do Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :arguments => "--foo", :type => :boolean ARGV.clear ARGV << "--foo" a = Application.new a.run a.configuration.should == {:foo=>true} ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should set the application description as head" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:define_head).with("meh") ARGV.clear Application.description "meh" Application.new.application_parse_options ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should set the application usage as a banner" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs(:banner).with("meh") ARGV.clear Application.usage "meh" Application.new.application_parse_options ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should support validation" do IO.any_instance.expects(:puts).with("Validation of foo failed: failed").at_least_once Application.any_instance.stubs("exit").returns(true) Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :required => true, :default => "meh", :arguments => "--foo [FOO]", :validate => Proc.new {|v| "failed"} ARGV.clear ARGV << "--foo=bar" a = Application.new a.run ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should support default values" do Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :required => true, :default => "meh", :arguments => "--foo [FOO]" a = Application.new a.run a.configuration.should == {:foo => "meh"} end it "should enforce required options" do Application.any_instance.stubs("exit").returns(true) Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) OptionParser.any_instance.stubs("parse!").returns(true) IO.any_instance.expects(:puts).with(anything).at_least_once IO.any_instance.expects(:puts).with("The foo option is mandatory").at_least_once ARGV.clear ARGV << "--foo=bar" Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :required => true, :arguments => "--foo [FOO]" Application.new.run ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should call post_option_parser" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs("parse!").returns(true) Application.any_instance.stubs("post_option_parser").returns(true).at_least_once Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) ARGV.clear ARGV << "--foo=bar" Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :arguments => "--foo [FOO]" Application.new.run ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end it "should create an application option" do OptionParser.any_instance.stubs("parse!").returns(true) OptionParser.any_instance.expects(:on).with(anything, anything, anything, anything).at_least_once OptionParser.any_instance.expects(:on).with('--foo [FOO]', String, 'meh').at_least_once Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) ARGV.clear ARGV << "--foo=bar" Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :arguments => "--foo [FOO]" Application.new.run ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end end describe "#initialize" do it "should parse the command line options at application run" do Application.any_instance.expects("application_parse_options").once Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) Application.new.run end end describe "#application_options" do it "sshould return the application options" do Application.new.application_options.should == Application.application_options end end describe "#application_description" do it "should provide the right description" do Application.description "Foo" Application.new.application_description.should == "Foo" end end describe "#application_usage" do it "should provide the right usage" do Application.usage "Foo" Application.new.application_usage.should == ["Foo"] end end describe "#application_cli_arguments" do it "should provide the right usage" do Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :arguments => "--foo [FOO]" args = Application.new.application_cli_arguments.first # need to remove this cos we cant validate procs for equality afaik args.delete(:validate) args.should == {:description=>"meh", :name=>:foo, :arguments=>"--foo [FOO]", :type=>String, :required=>false} end end describe "#help" do it "should generate help using the full user supplied options" do app = Application.new app.expects(:clioptions).with(true).once app.help end end describe "#main" do it "should detect applications without a #main" do IO.any_instance.expects(:puts).with("Applications need to supply a 'main' method") expect { Application.new.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should raise SystemExit exceptions for exit events" do connector = mock connector.expects(:disconnect) PluginManager.expects("[]").with("connector_plugin").returns(connector) a = Application.new a.expects(:main).raises(SystemExit) expect { a.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end describe "#configuration" do it "should return the correct configuration" do Application.any_instance.stubs("main").returns(true) ARGV.clear ARGV << "--foo=bar" Application.option :foo, :description => "meh", :arguments => "--foo [FOO]" a = Application.new a.run a.configuration.should == {:foo => "bar"} ARGV.clear @argv_backup.each{|a| ARGV << a} end end describe "#halt" do before do @stats = {:discoverytime => 0, :discovered => 0, :failcount => 0, :responses => 0} end it "should exit with code 0 if discovery was done and all responses passed" do app = Application.new @stats[:discoverytime] = 2 @stats[:discovered] = 2 @stats[:responses] = 2 app.expects(:exit).with(0) app.halt(@stats) end it "should exit with code 0 if no discovery were done but responses were received" do app = Application.new @stats[:responses] = 1 app.expects(:exit).with(0) app.halt(@stats) end it "should exit with code 0 if discovery info is missing" do app = Application.new app.expects(:exit).with(0) app.halt({}) end it "should exit with code 1 if no nodes were discovered and discovery was done" do app = Application.new @stats[:discoverytime] = 2 app.expects(:exit).with(1) app.halt(@stats) end it "should exit with code 2 if a request failed for some nodes" do app = Application.new @stats[:discovered] = 1 @stats[:failcount] = 1 @stats[:discoverytime] = 2 @stats[:responses] = 1 app.expects(:exit).with(2) app.halt(@stats) end it "should exit with code 3 if no responses were received after discovery" do app = Application.new @stats[:discovered] = 1 @stats[:discoverytime] = 2 app.expects(:exit).with(3) app.halt(@stats) end it "should exit with code 4 if no discovery was done and no responses were received" do app = Application.new app.expects(:exit).with(4) app.halt(@stats) end end describe "#disconnect" do it "should disconnect from the connector plugin" do connector = mock connector.expects(:disconnect) PluginManager.expects("[]").with("connector_plugin").returns(connector) Application.new.disconnect end end describe "#clioptions" do it "should pass the excluded argument section" do oparser = mock oparser.stubs(:parse) Application.exclude_argument_sections "rpc" Optionparser.expects(:new).with({:verbose => false, :progress_bar => true}, "filter", ["rpc"]).returns(oparser) Application.new.clioptions(false) end it "should add the RPC options" do oparser = mock oparser.stubs(:parse).yields(oparser, {}) oparser.stubs(:banner=) oparser.stubs(:define_tail) Optionparser.stubs(:new).with({:verbose => false, :progress_bar => true}, "filter", []).returns(oparser) RPC::Helpers.expects(:add_simplerpc_options).with(oparser, {}) Application.new.clioptions(false) end it "should support bypassing the RPC options" do oparser = mock oparser.stubs(:parse).yields(oparser, {}) oparser.stubs(:banner=) oparser.stubs(:define_tail) Application.exclude_argument_sections "rpc" Optionparser.stubs(:new).with({:verbose => false, :progress_bar => true}, "filter", ["rpc"]).returns(oparser) RPC::Helpers.expects(:add_simplerpc_options).never Application.new.clioptions(false) end it "should return the help text if requested" do parser = mock parser.expects(:help) oparser = mock oparser.stubs(:parse).yields(oparser, {}) oparser.stubs(:banner=) oparser.stubs(:define_tail) oparser.expects(:parser).returns(parser) Optionparser.stubs(:new).with({:verbose => false, :progress_bar => true}, "filter", []).returns(oparser) RPC::Helpers.expects(:add_simplerpc_options).with(oparser, {}) Application.new.clioptions(true) end end describe "#application_failure" do before do @app = Application.new end it "on SystemExit it should disconnect and exit without backtraces or error messages" do @app.expects(:disconnect) expect { @app.application_failure(SystemExit.new) }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should print a single line error message" do out = StringIO.new @app.stubs(:disconnect) @app.stubs(:exit).with(1) @app.stubs(:options).returns({}) Config.instance.stubs(:color).returns(false) e = mock e.stubs(:backtrace).returns([]) e.stubs(:to_s).returns("rspec") out.expects(:puts).with(regexp_matches(/rspec application failed to run/)) @app.application_failure(e, out) end it "should print a backtrace if options are unset or verbose is enabled" do out = StringIO.new @app.stubs(:disconnect) @app.stubs(:exit).with(1) @app.stubs(:options).returns(nil) Config.instance.stubs(:color).returns(false) e = mock e.stubs(:backtrace).returns(["rspec"]) e.stubs(:to_s).returns("rspec") @app.expects(:options).returns({:verbose => true}).twice out.expects(:puts).with(regexp_matches(/ application failed to run, use -v for full error details/)) out.expects(:puts).with(regexp_matches(/from rspec <---/)) out.expects(:puts).with(regexp_matches(/rspec.+Mocha::Mock/)) @app.application_failure(e, out) end end describe "#run" do before do @app = Application.new end it "should parse the application options, run main and disconnect" do @app.expects(:application_parse_options) @app.expects(:main) @app.expects(:disconnect) @app.run end it "should allow the application plugin to validate configuration variables" do @app.expects("respond_to?").with(:validate_configuration).returns(true) @app.expects(:validate_configuration).once @app.stubs(:application_parse_options) @app.stubs(:main) @app.stubs(:disconnect) @app.run end it "should start the sleeper thread on windows" do Util.expects("windows?").returns(true) Util.expects(:setup_windows_sleeper).once @app.stubs(:application_parse_options) @app.stubs(:main) @app.stubs(:disconnect) @app.run end it "should catch handle exit() correctly" do @app.expects(:main).raises(SystemExit) @app.expects(:disconnect).once expect { @app.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should catch all exceptions and process them correctly" do @app.expects(:main).raises("rspec") @app.expects(:application_failure).once @app.run end end end end