# Reference
<!-- DO NOT EDIT: This document was generated by Puppet Strings -->

## Table of Contents


_Public Classes_

* [`klass`](#klass): A simple class.

_Private Classes_

* `noparams`: Overview for class noparams

**Defined types**

* [`klass::dt`](#klassdt): A simple defined type.

**Resource types**

* [`apt_key`](#apt_key): Example resource type using the new API.
* [`database`](#database): An example database server type.


* [`func`](#func): A simple Puppet function.
* [`func3x`](#func3x): Documentation for an example 3.x function.
* [`func4x`](#func4x): An example 4.x function.
* [`func4x_1`](#func4x_1): An example 4.x function with only one signature.


* [`(stdin)`](#(stdin)): Allows you to backup your database to local file.

## Classes

### klass

An overview for a simple class.

* **TODO** Do a thing

* **Note** some note

* **Since** 1.0.0

* **See also**

#### Examples

##### This is an example

class { 'klass':
  param1 => 1,
  param3 => 'foo',

##### This is another example

class { 'klass':
  param1 => 1,
  param3 => 'foo',

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `klass` class.

##### `param1`

Data type: `Integer`

First param.

Default value: 1

##### `param2`

Data type: `Any`

Second param.


* **:opt1** `String`: something about opt1
* **:opt2** `Hash`: a hash of stuff

Default value: `undef`

##### `param3`

Data type: `String`

Third param.

Default value: 'hi'

##### `param4`

Data type: `Enum['one', 'two']`

Fourth param.


* **:one**: One option
* **:two**: Second option

Default value: 'two'

## Defined types

### klass::dt

An overview for a simple defined type.

* **Since** 1.1.0

* **See also**

#### Examples

##### Here's an example of this type:

klass::dt { 'foo':
  param1 => 33,
  param4 => false,

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `klass::dt` defined type.

##### `param1`

Data type: `Integer`

First param.

Default value: 44

##### `param2`

Data type: `Any`

Second param.


* **:opt1** `String`: something about opt1
* **:opt2** `Hash`: a hash of stuff

##### `param3`

Data type: `String`

Third param.

Default value: 'hi'

##### `param4`

Data type: `Boolean`

Fourth param.

Default value: `true`

##### `param5`

Data type: `Enum['a', 'b']`

Fifth param.


* **:a**: Option A
* **:b**: Option B

Default value: 'a'

## Resource types

### apt_key

This type provides Puppet with the capabilities to manage GPG keys needed
by apt to perform package validation. Apt has it's own GPG keyring that can
be manipulated through the `apt-key` command.
If Puppet is given the location of a key file which looks like an absolute
path this type will autorequire that file.

#### Examples

##### here's an example

apt_key { '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F':
  source => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com/pubkey.gpg'

#### Properties

The following properties are available in the `apt_key` type.

##### `ensure`

Data type: `Enum[present, absent]`

Whether this apt key should be present or absent on the target system.

##### `created`

Data type: `String`

Date the key was created, in ISO format.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `apt_key` type.

##### `id`


Data type: `Variant[Pattern[/A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}Z/], Pattern[/A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{16}Z/], Pattern[/A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}Z/]]`
_*this data type contains a regex that may not be accurately reflected in generated documentation_

The ID of the key you want to manage.

### database

An example database server type.

#### Examples

##### here's an example

database { 'foo':
  address => 'qux.baz.bar',

#### Properties

The following properties are available in the `database` type.

##### `ensure`

Valid values: present, absent, up, down

Aliases: "up"=>"present", "down"=>"absent"

What state the database should be in.


* **:up**: Upstate
* **:down**: Downstate

Default value: up

##### `file`

The database file to use.

##### `log_level`

Valid values: debug, warn, error

The log level to use.

Default value: warn

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `database` type.

##### `address`


The database server name.

##### `encryption_key`

The encryption key to use.

Required features: encryption.

##### `encrypt`

Valid values: `true`, `false`, yes, no

Whether or not to encrypt the database.

Default value: `false`

## Functions

### func

Type: Puppet Language

A simple Puppet function.

#### Examples

##### Test

$result = func(1, 2)

#### `func(Integer $param1, Any $param2, String $param3 = hi, Enum['yes', 'no'] $param4 = 'yes')`

A simple Puppet function.

Returns: `Undef` Returns nothing.

* `SomeError` this is some error

##### Examples

###### Test

$result = func(1, 2)

##### `param1`

Data type: `Integer`

First param.

##### `param2`

Data type: `Any`

Second param.

##### `param3`

Data type: `String`

Third param.


* **:param3opt** `Array`: Something about this option

##### `param4`

Data type: `Enum['yes', 'no']`

Fourth param.


* **:yes**: Yes option.
* **:no**: No option.

### func3x

Type: Ruby 3.x API

Documentation for an example 3.x function.

#### Examples

##### Calling the function.

func3x('hi', 10)

#### `func3x(String $param1, Integer $param2)`

Documentation for an example 3.x function.

Returns: `Undef`

##### Examples

###### Calling the function.

func3x('hi', 10)

##### `param1`

Data type: `String`

The first parameter.

##### `param2`

Data type: `Integer`

The second parameter.

### func4x

Type: Ruby 4.x API

An example 4.x function.

#### Examples

##### Calling the function

$result = func4x(1, 'foo')

##### Calling the function with all args

$result = func4x(1, 'foo', ['bar'])

#### `func4x(Integer $param1, Any $param2, Optional[Array[String]] $param3, Optional[Enum[one, two]] $param4)`

An overview for the first overload.

Returns: `Undef` Returns nothing.

##### Examples

###### Calling the function foo

$result = func4x(1, 'foooo')

##### `param1`

Data type: `Integer`

The first parameter.

##### `param2`

Data type: `Any`

The second parameter.


* **:option** `String`: an option
* **:option2** `String`: another option

##### `param3`

Data type: `Optional[Array[String]]`

The third parameter.

##### `param4`

Data type: `Optional[Enum[one, two]]`

The fourth parameter.


* **:one**: Option one.
* **:two**: Option two.

#### `func4x(Boolean $param, Callable &$block)`

An overview for the second overload.

Returns: `String` Returns a string.

##### Examples

###### Calling the function bar

$result = func4x(1, 'bar', ['foo'])

##### `param`

Data type: `Boolean`

The first parameter.

##### `&block`

Data type: `Callable`

The block parameter.

### func4x_1

Type: Ruby 4.x API

An example 4.x function with only one signature.

#### `func4x_1(Integer $param1)`

An example 4.x function with only one signature.

Returns: `Undef` Returns nothing.

##### `param1`

Data type: `Integer`

The first parameter.

## Tasks

### (stdin)

Allows you to backup your database to local file.

**Supports noop?** false

#### Parameters

##### `database`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Database to connect to

##### `user`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

The user

##### `password`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

The password

##### `sql`

Data type: `String[1]`

Path to file you want backup to