# frozen_string_literal: true require "mkmf" cflags = " -Wall" $CFLAGS += cflags $CPPFLAGS += cflags if RUBY_VERSION >= "2.0.0" $LOCAL_LIBS += " -lstdc++ " IO_TARGETS = [ [Kernel, :instance_eval], [(class << File; self; end), :class_eval], # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/19beb028 ] def IO_TARGETS.mod(&b) self.each{|class_, func| class_.send(func, &b)} end IO_TARGETS.mod{ alias_method(:open_orig, :open) } Dir::glob(File::join(File::dirname(__FILE__), "*/")).each{|dir| mod_name = File::basename(dir) dst = File::join(Dir.getwd, mod_name) FileUtils::mkdir_p(dst) if dir != dst $stderr.puts "For #{mod_name} ..." # @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/35842162/15992898 $srcs = Dir::glob(File::join(dir, '*.cxx')).collect{|path| File::join(mod_name, File::basename(path)) } $objs = $srcs.collect{|path| path.sub(/\.[^\.]+$/, '.o') } IO_TARGETS.mod{ # rename Makefile to Makefile.#{mod_name} define_method(:open){|*args, &b| args[0] += ".#{mod_name}" if (args[0] && (args[0] == "Makefile")) open_orig(*args, &b) } } create_makefile("boost_distributions/#{mod_name}") } IO_TARGETS.mod{ alias_method(:open, :open_orig) } # manual generation of top-level Makefile # @see https://yorickpeterse.com/articles/hacking-extconf-rb/ open("Makefile", 'w'){|io| # @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/17845120/15992898 io.write(<<-__TOPLEVEL_MAKEFILE__) TOPTARGETS := all clean distclean realclean install site-install SUBMFS := $(wildcard Makefile.*) $(TOPTARGETS): $(SUBMFS) $(SUBMFS): #{"\t"}$(MAKE) -f $@ $(MAKECMDGOALS) .PHONY: $(TOPTARGETS) $(SUBMFS) __TOPLEVEL_MAKEFILE__ } require 'fileutils' FileUtils::touch("boost_distributions.so") # dummy