3.1.20 (Brainy Betty) 3c90b9d1f9e48c3268b8d89ced74287e753315e5 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"q/* * Tables.less * Tables for, you guessed it, tabular data * ---------------------------------------- */:ET: @silenti: @loud0;[: @linei: @options{o; ;[I"+/* BASE TABLES * ----------------- */; T; i; 0;[; i ; @ o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @rule[I" table; T: @tabsi:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence;[o:Sass::Selector::Element : @name[I" table; T:@namespace0; i:@filenameI"; F; i;@; i;@;[ o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[I"max-width; T;o:Sass::Script::String;I" 100%; T: @type:identifier; @ ;i:@prop_syntax:new;[; i; @ o; ;[I"background-color; T;o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I"tableBackground; T:@underscored_nameI"tableBackground; T; i; @ ;i;;;[; i; @ o; ;[I"border-collapse; T;o;;I" collapse; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i; @ o; ;[I"border-spacing; T;o;;I"0; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i; @ ; i:@has_childrenT; @ o; ;[I"-/* BASELINE STYLES * --------------- */; T; i; 0;[; i; @ o; ;[I" .table; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o:Sass::Selector::Class;[I" table; T; i;I"; F; i;@G; i;@G;[o; ;[I" width; T;o;;I" 100%; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i; @ o; ;[I"margin-bottom; T;o; ;I"baseLineHeight; T;!I"baseLineHeight; T; i; @ ;i;;;[; i; @ o; ;[I"/* Cells */; T; i; 0;[; i; @ o; ;[I" th, td; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i;I"; F; i;@fo;;[o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; i;@f; i;@f; i;@f;[ o; ;[I" padding; T;o;;I"8px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i; @ o; ;[I"line-height; T;o; ;I"baseLineHeight; T;!I"baseLineHeight; T; i; @ ;i;;;[; i; @ o; ;[I"text-align; T;o;;I" left; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i ; @ o; ;[I"vertical-align; T;o;;I"top; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i!; @ o; ;[I"border-top; T;o:Sass::Script::List ;[o:Sass::Script::Number ;i:@numerator_units[I"px; T:@denominator_units[; i":@originalI"1px; F; @ o; ;I" solid; T;;; @ ; i"o; ;I"tableBorder; T;!I"tableBorder; T; i"; @ :@separator: space; i"; @ ;i;;;[; i"; @ ; i;"T; @ o; ;[I"th; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i$;I"; F; i$;@Ÿ; i$;@Ÿ;[o; ;[I"font-weight; T;o;;I" bold; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i%; @ ; i$;"T; @ o; ;[I"+/* Bottom align for column headings */; T; i; 0;[; i'; @ o; ;[I" thead th; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i(;I"; F; i(;@·o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i(;@·; i(;@·; i(;@·;[o; ;[I"vertical-align; T;o;;I" bottom; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i); @ ; i(;"T; @ o; ;[I"2/* Remove top border from thead by default */; T; i; 0;[; i+; @ o; ;[I"Úcaption + thead tr:first-child th, caption + thead tr:first-child td, colgroup + thead tr:first-child th, colgroup + thead tr:first-child td, thead:first-child tr:first-child th, thead:first-child tr:first-child td; T;i;o;;[ o;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" caption; T;0; i.;I"; F; i.;@ÔI"+; To;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i.;@Ôo:Sass::Selector::Pseudo ;: class;[I"first-child; T: @arg0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" caption; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@ÔI"+; To;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i.;@Ôo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[ I" ; Fo;;[o; ;[I" colgroup; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@ÔI"+; To;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i.;@Ôo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" colgroup; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@ÔI"+; To;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i.;@Ôo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[ I" ; Fo;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i.;@Ôo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i.;@Ôo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i.;@Ôo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i.;@Ôo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ôo;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ô; i.;@Ô;[o; ;[I"border-top; T;o;;I"0; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i/; @ ; i.;"T; @ o; ;[I"//* Account for multiple tbody instances */; T; i; 0;[; i1; @ o; ;[I"tbody + tbody; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; i2;I"; F; i2;@}I"+; To;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; i2;@}; i2;@}; i2;@};[o; ;[I"border-top; T;o;$ ;[o;% ;i;&[I"px; T;'[; i3;(I"2px; F; @ o; ;I" solid; T;;; @ ; i3o; ;I"tableBorder; T;!I"tableBorder; T; i3; @ ;);*; i3; @ ;i;;;[; i3; @ ; i2;"T; @ ; i;"T; @ o; ;[I"M/* CONDENSED TABLE W/ HALF PADDING * ------------------------------- */; T; i; 0;[; i9; @ o; ;[I".table-condensed; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o;#;[I"table-condensed; T; i<;I"; F; i<;@¥; i<;@¥;[o; ;[I" th, td; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i=;I"; F; i=;@³o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; i=;@³; i=;@³; i=;@³;[o; ;[I" padding; T;o;;I" 4px 5px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i>; @ ; i=;"T; @ ; i<;"T; @ o; ;[I"//* BORDERED VERSION * ---------------- */; T; i; 0;[; iC; @ o; ;[I".table-bordered; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o;#;[I"table-bordered; T; iF;I"; F; iF;@Ò; iF;@Ò;[o; ;[I" border; T;o;$ ;[o;% ;i;&[I"px; T;'[; iG;(I"1px; F; @ o; ;I" solid; T;;; @ ; iGo; ;I"tableBorder; T;!I"tableBorder; T; iG; @ ;);*; iG; @ ;i;;;[; iG; @ o; ;[I"border-collapse; T;o;;I" separate; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; iH; @ o; ;[I"./* Done so we can round those corners! */; T; i; 0;[; iH; @ o; ;[I"*border-collapse; T;o;;I"collapsed; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; iI; @ o; ;[I")/* IE7 can't round corners anyway */; T; i; 0;[; iI; @ o; ;[I"border-left; T;o;;I"0; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; iJ; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;I"border-radius; T: @args[o;% ;i ;&[I"px; T;'[; iK;(I"4px; F; @ :@keywords{;[; iK; @ o; ;[I" th, td; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iL;I"; F; iL;@o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; iL;@; iL;@; iL;@;[o; ;[I"border-left; T;o;$ ;[o;% ;i;&[I"px; T;'[; iM;(I"1px; F; @ o; ;I" solid; T;;; @ ; iMo; ;I"tableBorder; T;!I"tableBorder; T; iM; @ ;);*; iM; @ ;i;;;[; iM; @ ; iL;"T; @ o; ;[I""/* Prevent a double border */; T; i; 0;[; iO; @ o; ;[I"Fcaption + thead tr:first-child th, caption + tbody tr:first-child th, caption + tbody tr:first-child td, colgroup + thead tr:first-child th, colgroup + tbody tr:first-child th, colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td, thead:first-child tr:first-child th, tbody:first-child tr:first-child th, tbody:first-child tr:first-child td; T;i;o;;[o;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" caption; T;0; iR;I"; F; iR;@=I"+; To;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" caption; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=I"+; To;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" caption; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=I"+; To;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[ I" ; Fo;;[o; ;[I" colgroup; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=I"+; To;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" colgroup; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=I"+; To;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[ o;;[o; ;[I" colgroup; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=I"+; To;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[ I" ; Fo;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iR;@=o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iR;@=; iR;@=o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; iR;@=; iR;@=; iR;@=;[o; ;[I"border-top; T;o;;I"0; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; iS; @ ; iR;"T; @ o; ;[I"J/* For first th or td in the first row in the first thead or tbody */; T; i; 0;[; iU; @ o; ;[I"ethead:first-child tr:first-child th:first-child, tbody:first-child tr:first-child td:first-child; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; iV;I"; Fo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iV;@1; iV;@1o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iV;@1o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iV;@1; iV;@1o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; iV;@1o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iV;@1; iV;@1o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; iV;@1o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iV;@1; iV;@1o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; iV;@1o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iV;@1; iV;@1o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; iV;@1o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; iV;@1; iV;@1; iV;@1;[o; ;[I"#-webkit-border-top-left-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; iW; @ o; ;[I"border-top-left-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; iX; @ o; ;[I"-moz-border-radius-topleft; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; iY; @ ; iV;"T; @ o; ;[I"cthead:first-child tr:first-child th:last-child, tbody:first-child tr:first-child td:last-child; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; i[;I"; Fo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i[;@~; i[;@~o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i[;@~o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i[;@~; i[;@~o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i[;@~o;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; i[;@~; i[;@~o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; i[;@~o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i[;@~; i[;@~o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i[;@~o;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; i[;@~; i[;@~o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; i[;@~o;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; i[;@~; i[;@~; i[;@~;[o; ;[I"$-webkit-border-top-right-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i\; @ o; ;[I"border-top-right-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i]; @ o; ;[I" -moz-border-radius-topright; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i^; @ ; i[;"T; @ o; ;[I"J/* For first th or td in the first row in the first thead or tbody */; T; i; 0;[; i`; @ o; ;[I"athead:last-child tr:last-child th:first-child, tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:first-child; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; ia;I"; Fo;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; ia;@Ï; ia;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; ia;@Ïo;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; ia;@Ï; ia;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; ia;@Ïo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; ia;@Ï; ia;@Ïo;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; ia;@Ïo;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; ia;@Ï; ia;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; ia;@Ïo;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; ia;@Ï; ia;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; ia;@Ïo;+ ;;,;[I"first-child; T;-0; ia;@Ï; ia;@Ï; ia;@Ï;[o; ;[I"&-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; ib; @ o; ;[I"border-bottom-left-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; ic; @ o; ;[I""-moz-border-radius-bottomleft; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; id; @ ; ia;"T; @ o; ;[I"_thead:last-child tr:last-child th:last-child, tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:last-child; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" thead; T;0; if;I"; Fo;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; if;@; if;@o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; if;@o;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; if;@; if;@o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; if;@o;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; if;@; if;@o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; if;@o;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; if;@; if;@o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; if;@o;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; if;@; if;@o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; if;@o;+ ;;,;[I"last-child; T;-0; if;@; if;@; if;@;[o; ;[I"'-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; ig; @ o; ;[I"border-bottom-right-radius; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; ih; @ o; ;[I"#-moz-border-radius-bottomright; T;o;;I"4px; T;;; @ ;i;;;[; ii; @ ; if;"T; @ ; iF;"T; @ o; ;[I"+/* ZEBRA-STRIPING * -------------- */; T; i; 0;[; in; @ o; ;[I"U/* Default zebra-stripe styles (alternating gray and transparent backgrounds) */; T; i; 0;[; iq; @ o; ;[I".table-striped; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o;#;[I"table-striped; T; ir;I"; F; ir;@q; ir;@q;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; is;I"; F; is;@; is;@;[o; ;[I"/tr:nth-child(odd) td, tr:nth-child(odd) th; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; it;I"; Fo;+ ;;,;[I"nth-child; T;-[I"odd; T; it;@; it;@o;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; it;@; it;@o;;[o;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; it;@o;+ ;;,;[I"nth-child; T;-[I"odd; T; it;@; it;@o;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; it;@; it;@; it;@;[o; ;[I"background-color; T;o; ;I"tableBackgroundAccent; T;!I"tableBackgroundAccent; T; iu; @ ;i;;;[; iu; @ ; it;"T; @ ; is;"T; @ ; ir;"T; @ o; ;[I"n/* HOVER EFFECT * ------------ * Placed here since it has to come after the potential zebra striping */; T; i; 0;[; i{; @ o; ;[I" .table; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o;#;[I" table; T; i~;I"; F; i~;@Á; i~;@Á;[o; ;[I")tbody tr:hover td, tbody tr:hover th; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; i;I"; F; i;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i;@Ïo;+ ;;,;[I" hover; T;-0; i;@Ï; i;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"td; T;0; i;@Ï; i;@Ïo;;[o;;[o; ;[I" tbody; T;0; i;@Ï; i;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"tr; T;0; i;@Ïo;+ ;;,;[I" hover; T;-0; i;@Ï; i;@Ïo;;[o; ;[I"th; T;0; i;@Ï; i;@Ï; i;@Ï;[o; ;[I"background-color; T;o; ;I"tableBackgroundHover; T;!I"tableBackgroundHover; T; i{; @ ;i;;;[; i{; @ ; i;"T; @ ; i~;"T; @ o; ;[I"1/* TABLE CELL SIZING * ----------------- */; T; i; 0;[; i; @ o; ;[I" table; T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o; ;[I" table; T;0; i;I"; F; i;@ ; i;@ ;[o:Sass::Tree::ForNode : @varI"i; T: @fromo;% ;i;&[;'[; i‚;(I"1; F; @ :@too; ;I"gridColumns; T;!I"gridColumns; T; i‚; @ :@exclusiveF;[o; ;[I" .span; Fo; ;I"i; T;!I"i; T; iƒ; @ ;i;[o;. ;I"tableColumns; T;/[o; ;I"i; T;!I"i; T; iƒ; @ ;0{;[; iƒ; @ ; iƒ;"T; @ ; i‚;"T; @ ; i;"T; @ :@templateI"á // // Tables.less // Tables for, you guessed it, tabular data // ---------------------------------------- // BASE TABLES // ----------------- table { max-width: 100%; background-color: $tableBackground; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } // BASELINE STYLES // --------------- .table { width: 100%; margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight; // Cells th, td { padding: 8px; line-height: $baseLineHeight; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; border-top: 1px solid $tableBorder; } th { font-weight: bold; } // Bottom align for column headings thead th { vertical-align: bottom; } // Remove top border from thead by default caption + thead tr:first-child th, caption + thead tr:first-child td, colgroup + thead tr:first-child th, colgroup + thead tr:first-child td, thead:first-child tr:first-child th, thead:first-child tr:first-child td { border-top: 0; } // Account for multiple tbody instances tbody + tbody { border-top: 2px solid $tableBorder; } } // CONDENSED TABLE W/ HALF PADDING // ------------------------------- .table-condensed { th, td { padding: 4px 5px; } } // BORDERED VERSION // ---------------- .table-bordered { border: 1px solid $tableBorder; border-collapse: separate; // Done so we can round those corners! *border-collapse: collapsed; // IE7 can't round corners anyway border-left: 0; @include border-radius(4px); th, td { border-left: 1px solid $tableBorder; } // Prevent a double border caption + thead tr:first-child th, caption + tbody tr:first-child th, caption + tbody tr:first-child td, colgroup + thead tr:first-child th, colgroup + tbody tr:first-child th, colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td, thead:first-child tr:first-child th, tbody:first-child tr:first-child th, tbody:first-child tr:first-child td { border-top: 0; } // For first th or td in the first row in the first thead or tbody thead:first-child tr:first-child th:first-child, tbody:first-child tr:first-child td:first-child { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-left-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px; } thead:first-child tr:first-child th:last-child, tbody:first-child tr:first-child td:last-child { -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; } // For first th or td in the first row in the first thead or tbody thead:last-child tr:last-child th:first-child, tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:first-child { -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 4px; } thead:last-child tr:last-child th:last-child, tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:last-child { -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 4px; } } // ZEBRA-STRIPING // -------------- // Default zebra-stripe styles (alternating gray and transparent backgrounds) .table-striped { tbody { tr:nth-child(odd) td, tr:nth-child(odd) th { background-color: $tableBackgroundAccent; } } } // HOVER EFFECT // ------------ // Placed here since it has to come after the potential zebra striping .table { tbody tr:hover td, tbody tr:hover th { background-color: $tableBackgroundHover; } } // TABLE CELL SIZING // ----------------- table { @for $i from 1 through $gridColumns { .span#{$i} { @include tableColumns($i); } } }; T; i;"T; @