require 'spec_helper' require 'omniauth-google-oauth2' describe OmniAuth::Strategies::GoogleOauth2 do let(:request) { double('Request', :params => {}, :cookies => {}, :env => {}) } let(:app) { lambda do [200, {}, ["Hello."]] end } subject do, 'appid', 'secret', @options || {}).tap do |strategy| strategy.stub(:request) { request } end end before do OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true end after do OmniAuth.config.test_mode = false end describe '#client_options' do it 'has correct site' do eq('') end it 'has correct authorize_url' do subject.client.options[:authorize_url].should eq('/o/oauth2/auth') end it 'has correct token_url' do subject.client.options[:token_url].should eq('/o/oauth2/token') end describe "overrides" do it 'should allow overriding the site' do @options = {:client_options => {'site' => ''}} == '' end it 'should allow overriding the authorize_url' do @options = {:client_options => {'authorize_url' => ''}} subject.client.options[:authorize_url].should == '' end it 'should allow overriding the token_url' do @options = {:client_options => {'token_url' => ''}} subject.client.options[:token_url].should == '' end end end describe "#authorize_options" do [:access_type, :hd, :login_hint, :prompt, :scope, :state].each do |k| it "should support #{k}" do @options = {k => 'http://someval'} subject.authorize_params[k.to_s].should eq('http://someval') end end describe 'access_type' do it 'should default to "offline"' do @options = {} subject.authorize_params['access_type'].should eq('offline') end it 'should set the access_type parameter if present' do @options = {:access_type => 'online'} subject.authorize_params['access_type'].should eq('online') end end describe 'hd' do it "should default to nil" do subject.authorize_params['hd'].should eq(nil) end it 'should set the hd (hosted domain) parameter if present' do @options = {:hd => ''} subject.authorize_params['hd'].should eq('') end end describe 'login_hint' do it "should default to nil" do subject.authorize_params['login_hint'].should eq(nil) end it 'should set the login_hint parameter if present' do @options = {:login_hint => ''} subject.authorize_params['login_hint'].should eq('') end end describe 'prompt' do it "should default to nil" do subject.authorize_params['prompt'].should eq(nil) end it 'should set the prompt parameter if present' do @options = {:prompt => 'consent select_account'} subject.authorize_params['prompt'].should eq('consent select_account') end end describe 'scope' do it 'should expand scope shortcuts' do @options = {:scope => ''} subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('') end it 'should leave full scopes as is' do @options = {:scope => ''} subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('') end it 'should join scopes' do @options = {:scope => 'userinfo.profile,'} subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('') end it 'should deal with whitespace when joining scopes' do @options = {:scope => 'userinfo.profile,'} subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('') end it 'should set default scope to,userinfo.profile' do subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('') end it 'should support space delimited scopes' do @options = {:scope => 'userinfo.profile'} subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('') end it "should support extremely badly formed scopes" do @options = {:scope => 'userinfo.profile,foo,steve yeah'} subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('') end end describe 'state' do it 'should set the state parameter' do @options = {:state => 'some_state'} subject.authorize_params['state'].should eq('some_state') subject.session['omniauth.state'].should eq('some_state') end it 'should set the omniauth.state dynamically' do subject.stub(:request) { double('Request', {:params => {'state' => 'some_state'}, :env => {}}) } subject.authorize_params['state'].should eq('some_state') subject.session['omniauth.state'].should eq('some_state') end end describe "overrides" do it 'should include top-level options that are marked as :authorize_options' do @options = {:authorize_options => [:scope, :foo, :request_visible_actions], :scope => 'http://bar', :foo => 'baz', :hd => "wow", :request_visible_actions => "something"} subject.authorize_params['scope'].should eq('http://bar') subject.authorize_params['foo'].should eq('baz') subject.authorize_params['hd'].should eq(nil) subject.authorize_params['request_visible_actions'].should eq('something') end describe "request overrides" do [:access_type, :hd, :login_hint, :prompt, :scope, :state].each do |k| context "authorize option #{k}" do let(:request) { double('Request', :params => {k.to_s => ''}, :cookies => {}, :env => {}) } it "should set the #{k} authorize option dynamically in the request" do @options = {k => ''} subject.authorize_params[k.to_s].should eq('') end end end describe "custom authorize_options" do let(:request) { double('Request', :params => {'foo' => 'something'}, :cookies => {}, :env => {}) } it "should support request overrides from custom authorize_options" do @options = {:authorize_options => [:foo], :foo => ''} subject.authorize_params['foo'].should eq('something') end end end end end describe '#authorize_params' do it 'should include any authorize params passed in the :authorize_params option' do @options = {:authorize_params => {:request_visible_actions => 'something', :foo => 'bar', :baz => 'zip'}, :hd => 'wow', :bad => 'not_included'} subject.authorize_params['request_visible_actions'].should eq('something') subject.authorize_params['foo'].should eq('bar') subject.authorize_params['baz'].should eq('zip') subject.authorize_params['hd'].should eq('wow') subject.authorize_params['bad'].should eq(nil) end end describe '#token_params' do it 'should include any token params passed in the :token_params option' do @options = {:token_params => {:foo => 'bar', :baz => 'zip'}} subject.token_params['foo'].should eq('bar') subject.token_params['baz'].should eq('zip') end end describe "#token_options" do it 'should include top-level options that are marked as :token_options' do @options = {:token_options => [:scope, :foo], :scope => 'bar', :foo => 'baz', :bad => 'not_included'} subject.token_params['scope'].should eq('bar') subject.token_params['foo'].should eq('baz') subject.token_params['bad'].should eq(nil) end end describe '#callback_path' do it 'has the correct callback path' do subject.callback_path.should eq('/auth/google_oauth2/callback') end end describe 'raw info' do it 'should include raw_info in extras hash by default' do subject.stub(:raw_info) { {:foo => 'bar'} } subject.extra[:raw_info].should eq({:foo => 'bar'}) end it 'should not include raw_info in extras hash when skip_info is specified' do @options = {:skip_info => true} subject.extra.should_not have_key(:raw_info) end end describe 'populate auth hash urls' do it 'should populate url map in auth hash if link present in raw_info' do subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'name' => 'Foo', 'link' => ''} }[:urls]['Google'].should eq('') end it 'should not populate url map in auth hash if no link present in raw_info' do subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'name' => 'Foo'} } have_key(:urls) end end describe 'image options' do it "should have no image if a picture isn't present" do @options = {:image_aspect_ratio => 'square'} subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'name' => 'User Without Pic'} }[:image].should be_nil end describe "when a picture is returned from google" do it 'should return the image with size specified in the `image_size` option' do @options = {:image_size => 50} subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'picture' => ''} }[:image].should eq('') end it 'should return the image with width and height specified in the `image_size` option' do @options = {:image_size => {:width => 50, :height => 40}} subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'picture' => ''} }[:image].should eq('') end it 'should return square image when `image_aspect_ratio` is specified' do @options = {:image_aspect_ratio => 'square'} subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'picture' => ''} }[:image].should eq('') end it 'should return square sized image when `image_aspect_ratio` and `image_size` is set' do @options = {:image_aspect_ratio => 'square', :image_size => 50} subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'picture' => ''} }[:image].should eq('') end it 'should return square sized image when `image_aspect_ratio` and `image_size` has height and width' do @options = {:image_aspect_ratio => 'square', :image_size => {:width => 50, :height => 40}} subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'picture' => ''} }[:image].should eq('') end end it 'should return original image if no options are provided' do subject.stub(:raw_info) { {'picture' => ''} }[:image].should eq('') end end describe 'build_access_token' do it 'should read access_token from hash' do request.stub(:params).and_return('id_token' => 'valid_id_token', 'access_token' => 'valid_access_token') subject.should_receive(:verify_token).with('valid_id_token', 'valid_access_token').and_return true subject.should_receive(:client).and_return(:client) token = subject.build_access_token token.should be_instance_of(::OAuth2::AccessToken) token.token.should eq('valid_access_token') token.client.should eq(:client) end it 'should call super' do subject.should_receive(:orig_build_access_token) subject.build_access_token end end describe 'verify_token' do before(:each) do subject.options.client_options[:connection_build] = proc do |builder| builder.request :url_encoded builder.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get('/oauth2/v2/tokeninfo?id_token=valid_id_token&access_token=valid_access_token') do |env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'}, MultiJson.encode( :issued_to => '', :audience => '', :user_id => '000000000000000000000', :scope => '', :expires_in => 3514, :email => '', :verified_email => true, :access_type => 'online' )] end stub.get('/oauth2/v2/tokeninfo?id_token=invalid_id_token&access_token=invalid_access_token') do |env| [400, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'}, MultiJson.encode(:error_description => 'Invalid Value')] end end end end it 'should verify token if access_token and id_token are valid and app_id equals' do subject.options.client_id = '' subject.send(:verify_token, 'valid_id_token', 'valid_access_token').should == true end it 'should not verify token if access_token and id_token are valid but app_id is false' do subject.send(:verify_token, 'valid_id_token', 'valid_access_token').should == false end it 'should raise error if access_token or id_token is invalid' do expect { subject.send(:verify_token, 'invalid_id_token', 'invalid_access_token') }.to raise_error(OAuth2::Error) end end end