module Saulabs module Reportable # Extends the {Saulabs::Reportable::ClassMethods#reportable} method into +base+. # def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Generates a report on a model. That report can then be executed via the new method +_report+ (see documentation of {Saulabs::Reportable::Report#run}). # # @param [String] name # the name of the report, also defines the name of the generated report method (+_report+) # @param [Hash] options # the options to generate the reports with # # @option options [Symbol] :date_column (created_at) # the name of the date column over that the records are aggregated # @option options [String, Symbol] :value_column (:id) # the name of the column that holds the values to aggregate when using a calculation aggregation like +:sum+ # @option options [Symbol] :aggregation (:count) # the aggregation to use (one of +:count+, +:sum+, +:minimum+, +:maximum+ or +:average+); when using anything other than +:count+, +:value_column+ must also be specified # @option options [Symbol] :grouping (:day) # the period records are grouped in (+:hour+, +:day+, +:week+, +:month+); Beware that reportable treats weeks as starting on monday! # @option options [Fixnum] :limit (100) # the number of reporting periods to get (see +:grouping+) # @option options [Hash] :conditions ({}) # conditions like in +ActiveRecord::Base#find+; only records that match these conditions are reported; # @option options [Boolean] :live_data (false) # specifies whether data for the current reporting period is to be read; if +:live_data+ is +true+, you will experience a performance hit since the request cannot be satisfied from the cache alone # @option options [DateTime, Boolean] :end_date (false) # when specified, the report will only include data for the +:limit+ reporting periods until this date. # # @example Declaring reports on a model # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # reportable :registrations, :aggregation => :count # reportable :activations, :aggregation => :count, :date_column => :activated_at # reportable :total_users, :cumulate => true # reportable :rake, :aggregation => :sum, :value_column => :profile_visits # end def reportable(name, options = {}) (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do report_klass = if options.delete(:cumulate) Saulabs::Reportable::CumulatedReport else Saulabs::Reportable::Report end define_method("#{name.to_s}_report".to_sym) do |*args| report =, name, options) raise unless args.empty? || (args.length == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Hash)) || {}) end end end end end end