class String # ensures that our url starts with at least http def ensure_http return "http://#{self}" unless /^(ht|f)tp:\/\/.*/i.match(self) self end # returns whether this string is a well formed url def is_url? !!(Uri.is_well_formed_uri_string(self.to_clr_string, UriKind.Absolute) && /^(ht|f)tp/i.match( end def strip_html self.gsub(/<(.|\n)*?>/, '') end def camelize(first_letter_in_uppercase = true) if first_letter_in_uppercase self.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::" + $1.upcase }.gsub(/(^|_)(.)/) { $2.upcase } else self[0...1].downcase + camelize(self)[1..-1] end end def underscore self.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end def to_clr_char self.to_clr_string.to_char_array[0] end def to_secure_string IronNails::Security::SecureString.secure_string self end def decrypt IronNails::Security::SecureString.decrypt_string self end def classify Kernel.const_get(self.camelize) end def truncate(max=140) if self.size > max s = self[0...max-5] return s.split(' ')[0...s.split(' ').size - 1].join(' ') end self end end