Feature: Switch and move tabs within a notebook Scenario: Switch tab down When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab And I switch down a tab Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab Scenario: Switching tabs down will wrap When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab And I switch down a tab And I switch down a tab Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab Scenario: Switch tab up When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab And I switch down a tab And I switch up a tab Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab Scenario: Switching tabs up will wrap When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab And I switch up a tab Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab Scenario: Switch notebooks When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I make a new notebook When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Scarlett" And I move the tab to the other notebook When I switch notebooks Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab Scenario: Move tab up When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab And I switch down a tab Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab And I move up a tab Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab And I switch down a tab Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab Scenario: Moving tabs up will wrap When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Catherine of Aragon" Then I should see "Catherine of Aragon" in the edit tab And I move up a tab And I move up a tab And I move up a tab And I move up a tab And I switch up a tab Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab Scenario: Move tab down When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab And I move down a tab Then I should see "Elizabeth Woodville" in the edit tab And I switch up a tab Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab Scenario: Moving tabs down will wrap When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Anne Boleyn" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Elizabeth Woodville" And I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Catherine of Aragon" Then I should see "Catherine of Aragon" in the edit tab And I move down a tab And I move down a tab And I move down a tab And I move down a tab And I switch down a tab Then I should see "Anne Boleyn" in the edit tab