#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'set' require 'socket' require 'thread' module Gearman # = Worker # # == Description # A worker that can connect to a Gearman server and perform tasks. # # == Usage # require 'gearman' # # w = Gearman::Worker.new('') # # # Add a handler for a "sleep" function that takes a single argument, the # # number of seconds to sleep before reporting success. # w.add_ability('sleep') do |data,job| # seconds = data # (1..seconds.to_i).each do |i| # sleep 1 # # Report our progress to the job server every second. # job.report_status(i, seconds) # end # # Report success. # true # end # loop { w.work } class Worker # = Ability # # == Description # Information about an ability that we possess. class Ability ## # Create a new ability. # # @param block code to run # @param timeout server gives up on us after this many seconds def initialize(block, timeout=nil) @block = block @timeout = timeout end attr_reader :timeout ## # Run the block of code. # # @param data data passed to us by a client # @param job interface to report job information to the server def run(data, job) @block.call(data, job) end end # = Job # # == Description # Interface to allow a worker to report information to a job server. class Job ## # Create a new Job. # # @param sock Socket connected to job server # @param handle job server-supplied job handle def initialize(sock, handle) @socket = sock @handle = handle end ## # Report our status to the job server. def report_status(numerator, denominator) req = Util.pack_request( :work_status, "#{@handle}\0#{numerator}\0#{denominator}") Util.send_request(@socket, req) self end ## # Send data before job completes def send_data(data) req = Util.pack_request(:work_data, "#{@handle}\0#{data}") Util.send_request(@socket, req) self end ## # Send a warning explicitly def report_warning(warning) req = Util.pack_request(:work_warning, "#{@handle}\0#{warning}") Util.send_request(@socket, req) self end end ## # Create a new worker. # # @param job_servers "host:port"; either a single server or an array # @param opts hash of additional options def initialize(job_servers=nil, opts={}) chars = ('a'..'z').to_a @client_id = Array.new(30) { chars[rand(chars.size)] }.join @sockets = {} # "host:port" -> Socket @abilities = {} # "funcname" -> Ability @bad_servers = [] # "host:port" @servers_mutex = Mutex.new %w{client_id reconnect_sec network_timeout_sec}.map {|s| s.to_sym }.each do |k| instance_variable_set "@#{k}", opts[k] opts.delete k end if opts.size > 0 raise InvalidArgsError, 'Invalid worker args: ' + opts.keys.sort.join(', ') end @reconnect_sec = 30 if not @reconnect_sec @network_timeout_sec = 5 if not @network_timeout_sec self.job_servers = job_servers if job_servers start_reconnect_thread end attr_accessor :client_id, :reconnect_sec, :network_timeout_sec, :bad_servers # Start a thread to repeatedly attempt to connect to down job servers. def start_reconnect_thread Thread.new do loop do @servers_mutex.synchronize do # If there are any failed servers, try to reconnect to them. if not @bad_servers.empty? update_job_servers(@sockets.keys + @bad_servers) end end sleep @reconnect_sec end end.run end def job_servers servers = nil @servers_mutex.synchronize do servers = @sockets.keys + @bad_servers end servers end ## # Connect to job servers to be used by this worker. # # @param servers "host:port"; either a single server or an array def job_servers=(servers) @servers_mutex.synchronize do update_job_servers(servers) end end # Internal function to actually connect to servers. # Caller must acquire @servers_mutex before calling us. # # @param servers "host:port"; either a single server or an array def update_job_servers(servers) @bad_servers = [] servers = Set.new(Util.normalize_job_servers(servers)) # Disconnect from servers that we no longer care about. @sockets.each do |server,sock| if not servers.include? server Util.log "Disconnecting from old server #{server}" sock.close @sockets.delete(server) end end # Connect to new servers. servers.each do |server| if not @sockets[server] begin Util.log "Connecting to server #{server}" @sockets[server] = connect(server) rescue NetworkError, Errno::ECONNRESET @bad_servers << server Util.log "Unable to connect to #{server}" end end end end private :update_job_servers ## # Connect to a job server. # # @param hostport "hostname:port" def connect(hostport) begin # FIXME: handle timeouts sock = TCPSocket.new(*hostport.split(':')) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise NetworkError end # FIXME: catch exceptions; do something smart Util.send_request(sock, Util.pack_request(:set_client_id, @client_id)) @abilities.each {|f,a| announce_ability(sock, f, a.timeout) } @sockets[hostport] = sock end private :connect ## # Announce an ability over a particular socket. # # @param sock Socket connect to a job server # @param func function name (including prefix) # @param timeout the server will give up on us if we don't finish # a task in this many seconds def announce_ability(sock, func, timeout=nil) begin cmd = timeout ? :can_do_timeout : :can_do arg = timeout ? "#{func}\0#{timeout.to_s}" : func Util.send_request(sock, Util.pack_request(cmd, arg)) rescue Exception => ex bad_servers << @sockets.keys.detect{|hp| @sockets[hp] == sock} end end private :announce_ability ## # Add a new ability, announcing it to job servers. # # The passed-in block of code will be executed for jobs of this function # type. It'll receive two arguments, the data supplied by the client and # a Job object. If it returns nil or false, the server will be informed # that the job has failed; otherwise the return value of the block will # be passed back to the client in String form. # # @param func function name (without prefix) # @param timeout the server will give up on us if we don't finish # a task in this many seconds def add_ability(func, timeout=nil, &f) @abilities[func] = Ability.new(f, timeout) @sockets.values.each {|s| announce_ability(s, func, timeout) } end ## # Let job servers know that we're no longer able to do something. # # @param func function name def remove_ability(func) @abilities.delete(func) req = Util.pack_request(:cant_do, func) @sockets.values.each {|s| Util.send_request(s, req) } end ## # Handle a job_assign packet. # # @param data data in the packet # @param sock Socket on which the packet arrived # @param hostport "host:port" def handle_job_assign(data, sock, hostport) handle, func, data = data.split("\0", 3) if not func Util.err "Ignoring job_assign with no function from #{hostport}" return false end Util.log "Got job_assign with handle #{handle} and #{data.size} byte(s) " + "from #{hostport}" ability = @abilities[func] if not ability Util.err "Ignoring job_assign for unsupported func #{func} " + "with handle #{handle} from #{hostport}" Util.send_request(sock, Util.pack_request(:work_fail, handle)) return false end exception = nil begin ret = ability.run(data, Job.new(sock, handle)) rescue Exception => e exception = e end cmd = if ret && exception.nil? ret = ret.to_s Util.log "Sending work_complete for #{handle} with #{ret.size} byte(s) " + "to #{hostport}" [ Util.pack_request(:work_complete, "#{handle}\0#{ret}") ] elsif exception.nil? Util.log "Sending work_fail for #{handle} to #{hostport}" [ Util.pack_request(:work_fail, handle) ] elsif exception Util.log "Sending work_warning, work_fail for #{handle} to #{hostport}" [ Util.pack_request(:work_warning, "#{handle}\0#{exception.message}"), Util.pack_request(:work_fail, handle) ] end cmd.each {|p| Util.send_request(sock, p) } true end ## # Do a single job and return. def work req = Util.pack_request(:grab_job) loop do bad_servers = [] # We iterate through the servers in sorted order to make testing # easier. servers = nil @servers_mutex.synchronize { servers = @sockets.keys.sort } servers.each do |hostport| Util.log "Sending grab_job to #{hostport}" sock = @sockets[hostport] Util.send_request(sock, req) # Now that we've sent grab_job, we need to keep reading packets # until we see a no_job or job_assign response (there may be a noop # waiting for us in response to a previous pre_sleep). loop do begin type, data = Util.read_response(sock, @network_timeout_sec) case type when :no_job Util.log "Got no_job from #{hostport}" break when :job_assign return if handle_job_assign(data, sock, hostport) break else Util.log "Got #{type.to_s} from #{hostport}" end rescue Gearman::ServerDownException, NetworkError, Errno::ECONNRESET Util.log "Server #{hostport} timed out or lost connection; marking bad" bad_servers << hostport break end end end @servers_mutex.synchronize do bad_servers.each do |hostport| @sockets[hostport].close if @sockets[hostport] @bad_servers << hostport if @sockets[hostport] @sockets.delete(hostport) end end Util.log "Sending pre_sleep and going to sleep for #{@reconnect_sec} sec" @servers_mutex.synchronize do @sockets.values.each do |sock| Util.send_request(sock, Util.pack_request(:pre_sleep)) end end # FIXME: We could optimize things the next time through the 'each' by # sending the first grab_job to one of the servers that had a socket # with data in it. Not bothering with it for now. IO::select(@sockets.values, nil, nil, @reconnect_sec) end end end end