module Permits class Ability include CanCan::Ability # set up each RolePermit instance to share this same Ability # so that the can and cannot operations work on the same permission collection! def self.permits ability special_permits << [:system, :any].map{|name| make_permit(role, ability)} role_permits = Permits::Roles.available.inject([]) do |permits, role| permits << make_permit role, ability end special_permits + role_permits end def initialize(user, request=nil) # put ability logic here! user ||= Ability.permits(self).each do |permit| # get role name of permit permit_role = permit.class.demodulize.to_sym if permit_role == :system # always execute system permit result = role_permit.permit?(user, request) break if result == :break else # only execute the permit if the user has the role of the permit or is for any role role_permit.permit?(user, request) if user.has_role?(permit_role) || permit_role == :any end end end protected def self.make_permit role, ability "Permit::#{role.to_s.camelize}" end end end