require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "helper")) require 'rubygems' class TestConvertXPath < Nokogiri::TestCase def setup super @N = Nokogiri( end def assert_syntactical_equivalence(hpath, xpath, match, &blk) blk ||= lambda {|j| j.first} assert_equal match,, "xpath result did not match" end def test_child_tag assert_syntactical_equivalence("h1[a]", ".//h1[child::a]", "Tender Lovemaking") do |j| j.inner_text end end def test_child_tag_equals assert_syntactical_equivalence("h1[a='Tender Lovemaking']", ".//h1[child::a = 'Tender Lovemaking']", "Tender Lovemaking") do |j| j.inner_text end end def test_filter_contains assert_syntactical_equivalence("title:contains('Tender')", ".//title[contains(., 'Tender')]", "Tender Lovemaking ") do |j| j.inner_text end end def test_filter_comment assert_syntactical_equivalence("div comment()[2]", ".//div//comment()[position() = 2]", "") do |j| j.first.to_s end end def test_filter_text assert_syntactical_equivalence("a[text()]", ".//a[normalize-space(child::text())]", "Tender Lovemaking") do |j| j.first.to_s end assert_syntactical_equivalence("a[text()='Tender Lovemaking']", ".//a[normalize-space(child::text()) = 'Tender Lovemaking']", "Tender Lovemaking") do |j| j.first.to_s end assert_syntactical_equivalence("a/text()", ".//a/child::text()", "Tender Lovemaking") do |j| j.first.to_s end assert_syntactical_equivalence("h2//a[text()!='Back Home!']", ".//h2//a[normalize-space(child::text()) != 'Back Home!']", "Meow meow meow meow meow") do |j| j.first.inner_text end end def test_filter_by_attr assert_syntactical_equivalence("a[@href='']", ".//a[@href = '']", "") do |j| j.first["href"] end end def test_css_id assert_syntactical_equivalence("#linkcat-7", ".//*[@id = 'linkcat-7']", "linkcat-7") do |j| j.first["id"] end assert_syntactical_equivalence("li#linkcat-7", ".//li[@id = 'linkcat-7']", "linkcat-7") do |j| j.first["id"] end end def test_css_class assert_syntactical_equivalence(".cat-item-15", ".//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' cat-item-15 ')]", "cat-item cat-item-15") do |j| j.first["class"] end assert_syntactical_equivalence("", ".//li[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' cat-item-15 ')]", "cat-item cat-item-15") do |j| j.first["class"] end end def test_css_tags assert_syntactical_equivalence("div li a", ".//div//li//a", "") do |j| j.first.inner_text end assert_syntactical_equivalence("div li > a", ".//div//li/a", "") do |j| j.first.inner_text end assert_syntactical_equivalence("h1 ~ small", ".//small[preceding-sibling::h1]", "The act of making love, tenderly.") do |j| j.first.inner_text end assert_syntactical_equivalence("h1 ~ small", ".//small[preceding-sibling::h1]", "The act of making love, tenderly.") do |j| j.first.inner_text end end def test_positional assert_syntactical_equivalence("div/div:first()", ".//div/div[position() = 1]", "\r\nTender Lovemaking\r\nThe act of making love, tenderly.\r\n".gsub(/[\r\n]/, '')) do |j| j.first.inner_text.gsub(/[\r\n]/, '') end assert_syntactical_equivalence("div/div:first", ".//div/div[position() = 1]", "\r\nTender Lovemaking\r\nThe act of making love, tenderly.\r\n".gsub(/[\r\n]/, '')) do |j| j.first.inner_text.gsub(/[\r\n]/, '') end assert_syntactical_equivalence("div//a:last()", ".//div//a[position() = last()]", "Wordpress") do |j| j.last.inner_text end assert_syntactical_equivalence("div//a:last", ".//div//a[position() = last()]", "Wordpress") do |j| j.last.inner_text end end def test_multiple_filters assert_syntactical_equivalence("a[@rel='bookmark'][1]", ".//a[@rel = 'bookmark' and position() = 1]", "Back Home!") do |j| j.first.inner_text end end # TODO: # doc/'title ~ link' -> links that are siblings of title # doc/'p[@class~="final"]' -> class includes string (whitespacy) # doc/'p[text()*="final"]' -> class includes string (index) (broken: always returns true?) # doc/'p[text()$="final"]' -> /final$/ # doc/'p[text()|="final"]' -> /^final$/ # doc/'p[text()^="final"]' -> string starts with 'final # nth_first # nth_last # even # odd # first-child, nth-child, last-child, nth-last-child, nth-last-of-type # only-of-type, only-child # parent # empty # root end