require 'active_support/version' # for ActiveSupport2.3 require 'active_support/core_ext/float/rounding.rb' unless ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 # Float#round(precision) module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module Integrations #:nodoc: module Pxpay # An example. Note the username as a parameter and transaction key you # will want to use later. The amount that you pass in will be *rounded*, # so preferably pass in X.2 decimal so that no rounding occurs. You need # to set :credential2 to your PxPay secret key. # # PxPay accounts have Failproof Notification enabled by default which means # in addition to the user being redirected to your return_url, the return_url will # be accessed by the PxPay servers directly, immediately after transaction success. # # payment_service_for('order_id', 'pxpay_user_ID', :service => :pxpay, # :amount => 157.0, :currency => 'USD', :credential2 => 'pxpay_key') do |service| # # service.customer :email => '' # # service.description 'Order 123 for MyStore' # # # Must specify both a return_url or PxPay will show an error instead of # # capturing credit card details. # # service.return_url "http://t/pxpay/payment_received_notification_sub_step" # # # These fields will be copied verbatim to the Notification # service.custom1 'custom text 1' # service.custom2 '' # service.custom3 '' # # See the helper.rb file for various custom fields # end class Helper < ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::Helper include PostsData mapping :account, 'PxPayUserId' mapping :credential2, 'PxPayKey' mapping :currency, 'CurrencyInput' mapping :description, 'MerchantReference' mapping :order, 'TxnId' mapping :customer, :email => 'EmailAddress' mapping :custom1, 'TxnData1' mapping :custom2, 'TxnData2' mapping :custom3, 'TxnData3' def initialize(order, account, options = {}) super add_field 'AmountInput', "%.2f" % options[:amount].to_f.round(2) add_field 'EnableAddBillCard', '0' add_field 'TxnType', 'Purchase' end def return_url(url) add_field 'UrlSuccess', url add_field 'UrlFail', url end def form_fields # if either return URLs are blank PxPay will generate a token but redirect user to error page. raise "error - must specify return_url" if @fields['UrlSuccess'].blank? raise "error - must specify cancel_return_url" if @fields['UrlFail'].blank? result = request_secure_redirect raise "error - failed to get token - message was #{result[:redirect]}" unless result[:valid] == "1" url = URI.parse(result[:redirect]) CGI.parse(url.query) end def form_method "GET" end private def generate_request xml = root = xml.add_element('GenerateRequest') @fields.each do | k, v | v = v.slice(0, 50) if k == "MerchantReference" root.add_element(k).text = v end xml.to_s end def request_secure_redirect request = generate_request response = ssl_post(Pxpay.token_url, request) xml = root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//Request") valid = root.attributes["valid"] redirect = root.elements["URI"].text # example positive response: # <Request valid="1"><URI></URI></Request> # example negative response: # <Request valid="0"><URI>Invalid TxnType</URI></Request> {:valid => valid, :redirect => redirect} end end end end end end