# MockRedis Changelog ### 0.15.2 * Fix `zrangebyscore` to work with exclusive ranges on both ends of interval ### 0.15.1 * Fix `hmget` and `mapped_hmget` to allow passing of an array of keys ### 0.15.0 * Add support for the `time` method ### 0.14.1 * Upgrade `redis` gem dependency to 3.2.x series * Map `HDEL` field to string when given as an array ### 0.14.0 * Fix bug where SETBIT command would not correctly unset a bit * Fix bug where a key that expired would cause another key that expired later to prematurely expire * Add support to set methods to take array as argument * Evaluate futures at the end of `#multi` blocks * Add support for the SCAN command * Add support for `[+/-]inf` values for min/max in ordered set commands ### 0.13.2 * Fix SMEMBERS command to not return frozen elements ### 0.13.1 * Fix bug where certain characters in keys were treated as regex characters rather than literals * Add back support for legacy integer timeouts on blocking list commands ### 0.13.0 * Fix bug where SETBIT command would not correctly unset a bit * Add support for the `connect` method * Check that `min`/`max` parameters are floats in `zrangebyscore`, `zremrangebyscore`, and `zrevrangebyscore` * Update blocking list commands to take `timeout` in an options hash for compatibility with `redis-rb` >= 3.0.0 ### 0.12.1 * RENAME command now keeps key expiration ### 0.12.0 * Fix bug where `del` would not raise error when given empty array * Add support for the BITCOUNT command ### 0.11.0 * Raise errors for empty arrays as arguments * Update error messages to conform to Redis 2.8. This officially means `mock_redis` no *longer supports Redis 2.6 or lower*. All testing in TravisCI is now done against 2.8 * Update return value of TTL to return -2 if key doesn't exist * Add support for the HINCRBYFLOAT command * Add support for `count` parameter on SRANDMEMBER * Add support for the PTTL command * Improve support for negative start indices in LRANGE * Improve support for negative start indices in LTRIM * Allow `del` to accept arrays of keys ### 0.10.0 * Add support for :nx, :xx, :ex, :px options for SET command ### 0.9.0 * Added futures support ### 0.8.2 * Added support for Ruby 2.0.0, dropped support for Ruby 1.8.7 * Changes for compatibility with JRuby ### 0.8.1 * Fix `#pipelined` to yield self ### 0.8.0 * Fixed `watch` to return OK when passed no block * Implemented `pexpire`, `pexpireat` * Fixed `expire` to use millisecond precision ### 0.7.0 * Implemented `mapped_mget`, `mapped_mset`, `mapped_msetnx` * Fixed `rpoplpush` when the `rpop` is nil ### 0.6.6 * Avoid mutation of @data from external reference * Fix sorted set (e.g. `zadd`) with multiple score/member pairs ### 0.6.5 * Fix `zrevrange` to return an empty array on invalid range * Fix `srandmember` spec on redis-rb 3.0.3 * Stringify keys in expiration-related commands ### 0.6.4 * Update INFO command for latest Redis 2.6 compatibility ### 0.6.3 * Treat symbols as strings for keys * Add #reconnect method (no-op) ### 0.6.2 * Support for `connected?`, `disconnect` (no-op) * Fix `*` in `keys` to support 0 or more ### 0.6.1 * Support default argument of `*` for keys * Allow `MockRedis` to take a TimeClass ### 0.6.0 * Support for `#sort` (ascending and descending only) ### 0.5.5 * Support exclusive ranges in `zcount` * List methods (`lindex`, `lrange`, `lset`, and `ltrim`) can take string indexes * Fix typo in shared example `zset` spec * Fix `lrange` to return `[]` when start is too large * Update readme about spec suite compatibility ### 0.5.4 * Support `incrbyfloat` (new in Redis 2.6) * Fix specs to pass in Redis 2.6 * Deprecated spec suite on 2.4 ### 0.5.3 * Support `location` as an alias to `id` for `Sidekiq`'s benefit ### 0.5.2 * Support `watch` * `sadd` is now Redis 2.4-compliant ### 0.5.1 * Support `MockRedis.connect` ### 0.5.0 * Support `redis-rb` >= 3.0 * Support Redis::Distributed * Support ruby 1.9.3 in spec suite * Support subsecond timeouts * Support `-inf`, `+inf` in #zcount * Return array of results from pipelined calls * Use `debugger` instead of the deprecated `ruby-debug19` * Fix exception handling in transaction wrappers * Fix rename error behaviour for nonexistant keys ### 0.4.1 * bugfixes: teach various methods to correctly handle non-string values ### 0.4.0 * Support `mapped_hmset`/`mapped_hmget` * Support `pipelined` * Correctly handle out-of-range conditions for `zremrangebyrank` and `zrange` * Fix off-by-one error in calculation of `ttl` ### 0.3.0 * Support hash operator (`[]`/`[]=`) as synonym of `get`/`set` * Misc bugfixes ### 0.2.0 * Support passing a block to `#multi`. ### 0.1.2 * Fixes for 1.9.2; no functionality changes. ### 0.1.1 * Fix handling of -inf, +inf, and exclusive endpoints (e.g. "(3") in zrangebyscore, zrevrangebyscore, and zremrangebyscore. ("Fix" here means "write", as it's something that was completely forgotten the first time around.) ### 0.1.0 * Support `move(key, db)` to move keys between databases. ### 0.0.2 * Fix gem homepage. ### 0.0.1 Initial release.