require 'earth/model' require 'earth/industry/industry' class MecsEnergy < ActiveRecord::Base extend Earth::Model TABLE_STRUCTURE = <<-EOS CREATE TABLE mecs_energies ( name CHARACTER VARYING(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, census_region_number INTEGER, naics_code CHARACTER VARYING(255), energy FLOAT, energy_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), electricity FLOAT, electricity_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), residual_fuel_oil FLOAT, residual_fuel_oil_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), distillate_fuel_oil FLOAT, distillate_fuel_oil_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), natural_gas FLOAT, natural_gas_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), lpg_and_ngl FLOAT, lpg_and_ngl_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), coal FLOAT, coal_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), coke_and_breeze FLOAT, coke_and_breeze_units CHARACTER VARYING(255), other_fuel FLOAT, other_fuel_units CHARACTER VARYING(255) ); EOS self.primary_key = "name" FUELS = [:electricity, :residual_fuel_oil, :distillate_fuel_oil, :natural_gas, :lpg_and_ngl, :coal, :coke_and_breeze, :other_fuel] # Find the first record whose naics_code matches code and that has valid fuel ratios. # If no record found chop off the last character of code and try again, and so on. def self.find_by_naics_code(code) find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number(code, nil) end # Find the first record whose census_region_number matches number, whose naics_code matches code, and that has valid fuel ratios. # If none found and we know census region number, try looking nationwide # If none found and looking nationwide, chop off the last character of code and try again looking in census region # And so on def self.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number(code, number, original_number = number) if code.blank? record = nil else code = Industry.format_naics_code code candidate = where(:census_region_number => number, :naics_code => code).first if candidate.try(:fuel_ratios).present? record = candidate elsif number.present? record = find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number(code, nil, original_number) else record = find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number(code[0..-2], original_number) end end record end def fuel_ratios # Don't return a ratio if reported total energy was withheld if energy.to_f > 0 # Calculate the sum of all fuels and note if any were withheld withheld = 0 fuels_sum = MecsEnergy::FUELS.inject(0) do |sum, fuel| (value = send("#{fuel}")).nil? ? withheld = 1 : sum += value sum end # If energy > sum of all fuels and some fuels were withheld, calculate fuel ratios as fraction of energy # and attribute the disparity between energy and sum of all fuels to the dirtiest fuel that was withheld if energy > fuels_sum and withheld == 1 ratios = MecsEnergy::FUELS.inject({}) do |r, fuel| fuel_use = send("#{fuel}") r[fuel] = fuel_use.present? ? fuel_use / energy : nil r end dirtiest_withheld = ([:coal, :other_fuel, :coke_and_breeze, :residual_fuel_oil, :distillate_fuel_oil, :lpg_and_ngl, :natural_gas] &{|k,v| v.nil?}.keys).first ratios[dirtiest_withheld] = (energy - fuels_sum) / energy ratios.delete_if{ |fuel, ratio| ratio.to_f == 0.0 } # Otherwise calculate ratios as fraction of sum of all fuels, skipping any fuels that were withheld else ratios = MecsEnergy::FUELS.inject({}) do |r, fuel| fuel_use = send("#{fuel}") r[fuel] = fuel_use / fuels_sum if fuel_use.to_f > 0 r end ratios.keys.any? ? ratios : nil end end end end