// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('Core') ; // The Server object knows how to send requests to the server and how to // get things back from the server. It automatically handles situations // such as 304 caching and queuing requests to send to the server later if // the computer becomes disconnected from the internet. // The Server object is designed to work with a resource oriented application. // That is, you do someting like this: // // Server.request('resource','verb',{ parameters }) // or // Server.create('resource',{ parameters }) // Server.refresh('resource',{ parameters }) // Server.update('resource',{ parameters }) // Server.destroy('resource',{ parameters }) // // parameters include: // onSuccess -- passes back returned text // onFailure -- // // // SC.Record.refresh // SC.Record.commit --> create/update // SC.Record.destroy SC.Server = SC.Object.extend({ // Set this to the prefix for your app. Server will use this to convert // record_type properties into recordTypes. prefix: null, // Set this string to the format to be used to set your resource and verb. urlFormat: '/%@/%@', // call this in your main to preload any data sent from the server with the // initial page load. preload: function(clientData) { if ((!clientData) || (clientData.size == 0)) return ; this.refreshRecordsWithData(clientData,SC.Record,null,false); }, // This is the root method for accessing a server resource. Pass in the // resource URL, verb name, and any parameters. There are several special- // purpose parameters used also: // // onSuccess -- function invoked when request completes. Expects the format // didSucceed(status,ajaxRequest,cacheCode,context) // onFailure -- function invoked when request fails. Same format. // requestContext -- simply passed back. // cacheCode -- String indicating the time of the last refresh. // request: function(resource, verb, ids, params, method) { // Get Settings and Options if (!params) params = {} ; var opts = {} ; var onSuccess = params.onSuccess; delete params.onSuccess; var onNotModified = params.onNotModified; delete params.onNotModified ; var onFailure = params.onFailure ; delete params.onFailure ; var context = params.requestContext ; delete params.requestContext ; var cacheCode = params.cacheCode; delete params.cacheCode ; // handle ids var idPart = '' ; if (ids) if (ids.length > 1) { params.ids = [ids].flatten().join(',') ; } else if (ids.length == 1) { idPart = '/' + ids[0] ; } // convert parameters. var parameters = this._toQueryString(params) ; if (parameters && parameters.length > 0) opts.parameters = parameters ; // prepare request headers and options if (cacheCode) opts.requestHeaders = ['Sproutit-Cache',cacheCode] ; opts.method = method || 'get' ; var url = this.urlFormat.format(resource,verb) + idPart; var request = null ; //will container the ajax request // Save callback functions. opts.onSuccess = function(transport) { var cacheCode = request.getHeader('Last-Modified') ; if ((transport.status == '200') && (transport.responseText == '304 Not Modified')) { if (onNotModified) onNotModified(transport.status, transport, cacheCode,context); } else { if (onSuccess) onSuccess(transport.status, transport, cacheCode,context); } } ; opts.onFailure = function(transport) { var cacheCode = request.getHeader('Last-Modified') ; if (onFailure) onFailure(transport.status, transport, cacheCode,context); } ; request = new Ajax.Request(url,opts) ; }, // RECORD METHODS // These methods do the basic record changes. // .......................................... // LIST // This is the method called by a collection to get an updated list of // records. listFor: function(opts) { var recordType = opts.recordType ; var resource = recordType.resourceURL() ; if (!resource) return false ; var order = opts.order || 'id' ; if (!(order instanceof Array)) order = [order] ; order = order.map(function(str){ return str.decamelize() ; //rubyify }).join(',') ; params = {} ; if (opts.conditions) { var conditions = this._decamelizeData(opts.conditions) ; for(var key in conditions) { params[key] = conditions[key] ; } } params.requestContext = opts ; params.onSuccess = this._listSuccess.bind(this) ; params.onNotModified = this._listNotModified.bind(this) ; params.onFailure = this._listFailure.bind(this) ; if (opts.cacheCode) params.cacheCode = opts.cacheCode ; if (opts.offset) params.offset = opts.offset; if (opts.limit) params.limit = opts.limit ; if (order) params.order = order ; this.request(resource,'list',null,params) ; }, _listSuccess: function(status, transport, cacheCode, context) { var json = eval('json='+transport.responseText) ; if (!json) { console.log('invalid json!'); return; } // first, build any records passed back if (json.records) { this.refreshRecordsWithData(json.records,context.recordType,cacheCode,false); } // next, convert the list of ids into records. var recs = (json.ids) ? json.ids.map(function(guid) { return SC.Store.getRecordFor(guid,context.recordType) ; }) : [] ; // now invoke callback if (context.callback) context.callback(recs,json.count,cacheCode) ; }, _listNotModified: function(status, transport, cacheCode, context) { if (context.callback) context.callback(null,null,null) ; }, _listFailure: function(status, transport, cacheCode, records) { console.log('listFailed!') ; }, // .......................................... // CREATE // send the records back to create them. added a special parameter to // the hash for each record, _guid, which will be used onSuccess. createRecords: function(records) { if (!records || records.length == 0) return ; records = this._recordsByResource(records) ; // sort by resource. for(var resource in records) { if (resource == '*') continue ; var curRecords = records[resource] ; // collect data for records var server = this ; var context = {} ; var data = curRecords.map(function(rec) { var recData = server._decamelizeData(rec.getPropertyData()) ; recData._guid = rec._guid ; context[rec._guid] = rec ; rec.set('newRecord',false) ; return recData ; }) ; // issue request this.request(resource,'create',null,{ requestContext: context, onSuccess: this._createSuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this._createFailure.bind(this), records: data },'post') ; } }, // This method is called when a create is successful. It first goes through // and assigns the primaryKey to each record. _createSuccess: function(status, transport, cacheCode, context) { var json = eval('json='+transport.responseText) ; if (!(json instanceof Array)) json = [json] ; // first go through and assign the primaryKey to each record. if (!context) context = {} ; json.each(function(data) { var guid = data._guid ; var rec = (guid) ? context[guid] : null ; if (rec) { var pk = rec.get('primaryKey') ; var dataKey = (pk == 'guid') ? 'id' : pk.decamelize().toLowerCase().replace(/\-/g,'_') ; rec.set(pk,data[dataKey]) ; } }) ; // now this method will work so go do it. this.refreshRecordsWithData(json,context._recordType,cacheCode,true) ; }, _createFailure: function(status, transport, cacheCode, records) { console.log('createFailed!') ; }, // .......................................... // REFRESH refreshRecords: function(records) { if (!records || records.length == 0) return ; records = this._recordsByResource(records) ; // sort by resource. for(var resource in records) { if (resource == '*') continue ; var curRecords = records[resource] ; // collect resource ids, sort records into hash, and get cacheCode. var cacheCode = null ; var ids = [] ; var context = {} ; var primaryKey = curRecords[0].get('primaryKey') ; // assumes all the same curRecords.each(function(r) { cacheCode = cacheCode || r._cacheCode ; var key = r.get(primaryKey); if (key) { ids.push(key); context[key] = r; } }); context._recordType = curRecords[0].recordType ; // default rec type. // issue request this.request(resource,'show',ids,{ requestContext: context, cacheCode: ((cacheCode=='') ? null : cacheCode), onSuccess: this._refreshSuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this._refreshFailure.bind(this) }) ; } }, // This method is called when a refresh is successful. It expects an array // of hashes, which it will convert to records. _refreshSuccess: function(status, transport, cacheCode, context) { var json = eval('json='+transport.responseText) ; if (!(json instanceof Array)) json = [json] ; this.refreshRecordsWithData(json,context._recordType,cacheCode,true) ; }, _refreshFailure: function(status, transport, cacheCode, records) { console.log('refreshFailed!') ; }, // .......................................... // COMMIT commitRecords: function(records) { if (!records || records.length == 0) return ; records = this._recordsByResource(records) ; // sort by resource. for(var resource in records) { if (resource == '*') continue ; var curRecords = records[resource] ; // collect data for records var server = this ; var data = curRecords.map(function(rec) { return server._decamelizeData(rec.getPropertyData()) ; }) ; // issue request this.request(resource,'update',null,{ requestContext: records, onSuccess: this._commitSuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this._commitFailure.bind(this), records: data },'post') ; } }, // This method is called when a refresh is successful. It expects an array // of hashes, which it will convert to records. _commitSuccess: function(status, transport, cacheCode, context) { var json = eval('json='+transport.responseText) ; if (!(json instanceof Array)) json = [json] ; this.refreshRecordsWithData(json,context._recordType,cacheCode,true) ; }, _commitFailure: function(status, transport, cacheCode, records) { console.log('commitFailed!') ; }, // .......................................... // DESTROY destroyRecords: function(records) { if (!records || records.length == 0) return ; records = this._recordsByResource(records) ; // sort by resource. for(var resource in records) { var curRecords = records[resource] ; if (resource == '*') { curRecords.each(function(rec){ rec.set('isDeleted',true) ; SC.Store.removeRecord(rec) ; }); continue ; } // collect resource ids, sort records into hash, and get cacheCode. var ids = [] ; var key ; var primaryKey = curRecords[0].get('primaryKey') ; curRecords.each(function(rec) { if ((key = rec.get(primaryKey)) && (!rec.get('newRecord'))) { ids.push(key) ; } rec.set('isDeleted',true) ; SC.Store.removeRecord(rec) ; }) ; // issue request -- we may not have ids to send tho (for ex, if all // records were newRecords.) if (ids && ids.length > 0) this.request(resource,'destroy',ids,{ requestContext: records, onSuccess: this._destroySuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this._destroyFailure.bind(this) },'post') ; } }, _destroySuccess: function(status, transport, cacheCode, records) { console.log('destroySuccess!') ; }, _destroyFailure: function(status, transport, cacheCode, records) { console.log('destroyFailed!') ; }, // .......................................... // SUPPORT // This method is called by the various handlers once they have extracted // their data. refreshRecordsWithData: function(dataAry,recordType,cacheCode,loaded) { var server = this ; // first, prepare each data item in the Ary. dataAry = dataAry.map(function(data) { // camelize the keys received back. data = server._camelizeData(data) ; // convert the 'id' property to 'guid' if (data.id) { data.guid = data.id; delete data.id; } // find the recordType if (data.type) { var recordName = data.type.capitalize() if (server.prefix) for(var prefixLoc=0;prefixLoc < server.prefix.length; prefixLoc++) { var namespace = window[server.prefix[prefixLoc]] ; if (namespace) data.recordType = namespace[recordName] ; if (data.recordType) break ; } else data.recordType = window[recordName] ; if (!data.recordType) console.log('skipping undefined recordType:'+recordName) ; } else data.recordType = recordType ; if (!data.recordType) return null; // could not process. return data ; }).compact() ; // now update. SC.Store.updateRecords(dataAry,server,recordType,loaded) ; }, // ................................ // PRIVATE METHODS // places records from array into hash, sorted by resourceURL. _recordsByResource: function(records) { var ret = {} ; records.each(function(rec) { var recs = ret[rec.resourceURL || '*'] || [] ; recs.push(rec) ret[rec.resourceURL || '*'] = recs ; }) ; return ret ; }, _camelizeData: function(data) { if (data == null) return data ; // handle array var that = this ; if (data instanceof Array) return data.map(function(d){ return that._camelizeData(d) ; }) ; // handle other objects if (typeof(data) == "object") { var ret = {} ; for(var key in data) { var value = that._camelizeData(data[key]) ; if (key == 'id') key = 'guid' ; ret[key.replace(/_/g,'-').camelize()] = value ; } return ret ; } // otherwise just return value return data ; }, _decamelizeData: function(data) { if (data == null) return data ; // handle array var that = this ; if (data instanceof Array) return data.map(function(d){ return that._decamelizeData(d) ; }) ; // handle other objects if (typeof(data) == "object") { var ret = {} ; for(var key in data) { var value = that._decamelizeData(data[key]) ; if (key == 'guid') key = 'id' ; ret[key.decamelize()] = value ; } return ret ; } // otherwise just return value return data ; }, // converts a string, array, or hash into a query string. root is the // root string applied to each element key. Used for nesting. _toQueryString: function(params,rootKey) { // handle nulls if (params == null) { return rootKey + '='; // handle arrays } else if (params instanceof Array) { var ret = [] ; for(var loc=0;loc