Feature: Link helpers work in Sprockets & Middleman for sprockets or middleman assets
Given a fixture app "base-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :sprockets do |c|
c.imported_asset_path = "sprockets"
And a file named "vendor/js/one.js" with:
And a file named "vendor/js/two.js.coffee" with:
And a file named "vendor/js/three.js.erb" with:
And a file named "vendor/js/four.js.coffee.erb" with:
And a file named "vendor/css/one.css" with:
.one { color: inherit; }
And a file named "vendor/css/two.css.sass" with:
color: inherit
And a file named "vendor/css/three.css.scss" with:
.three { color: inherit; }
And a file named "vendor/css/four.css.erb" with:
.four { color: inherit; }
And a file named "vendor/css/five.css.sass.erb" with:
color: inherit
And a file named "vendor/css/six.css.scss.erb" with:
.six { color: inherit; }
And a file named "source/links.html.erb" with:
JS Links
one: "<%= javascript_path('one') %>"
two: "<%= javascript_path('two') %>"
three: "<%= javascript_path('three') %>"
four: "<%= javascript_path('four') %>"
CSS Links
one: "<%= stylesheet_path('one') %>"
two: "<%= stylesheet_path('two') %>"
three: "<%= stylesheet_path('three') %>"
four: "<%= stylesheet_path('four') %>"
five: "<%= stylesheet_path('five') %>"
six: "<%= stylesheet_path('six') %>"
Scenario: Link helpers work in a sprockets asset
Given a file named "source/javascripts/links.js.erb" with:
var js_links = {
one: "<%= javascript_path('one') %>",
two: "<%= javascript_path('two') %>",
three: "<%= javascript_path('three') %>",
four: "<%= javascript_path('four') %>",
var css_links = {
one: "<%= stylesheet_path('one') %>",
two: "<%= stylesheet_path('two') %>",
three: "<%= stylesheet_path('three') %>",
four: "<%= stylesheet_path('four') %>",
five: "<%= stylesheet_path('five') %>",
six: "<%= stylesheet_path('six') %>"
And the Server is running
When I go to "/javascripts/links.js"
Then I should see 'one: "/sprockets/one.js'
And I should see 'two: "/sprockets/two.js'
And I should see 'three: "/sprockets/three.js'
And I should see 'four: "/sprockets/four.js'
And I should see 'one: "/sprockets/one.css'
And I should see 'two: "/sprockets/two.css'
And I should see 'three: "/sprockets/three.css'
And I should see 'four: "/sprockets/four.css'
And I should see 'five: "/sprockets/five.css'
And I should see 'six: "/sprockets/six.css'