RSpec Code Examples



Page class with face definitions
has face method as singleton
face class method defines method
face accepts args used by method body
Page faces included in rspec
face defines a watir element access
faces with arguments
text field wrapped in label tag without for attribute defined
parent of text_field should be Watir Element
parent tagName should be a LABEL
parent text returns text of label
label for text field not wrapped
text value of label
SelectList selections
selected returns preselected item in single select
selected returns preselected value in single select
selected returns nil for none selected items in multi select
selected returns nil for none selected values in multi select
set item text and find selected item and text for multiselect
set value and find selected item and value for multiselect
set and query option by text for single select
set and query option by value for single select
set by text multple items for multiselect selects each item
set by value multple items for multiselect selects each item
set items array for single select selects each in turn. selected is the last item in array
set item after multiple items were set returns all values selected for multiselect
set using position for multiselect
set using position and item for multiselect
set using position for single select
clear removes selected attribute for all selected items in multiselect
clear removes selected attribute for item in single select list
expected not: == "F",
         got:    "F"
132    # option item select = false does not set false like it does in multiselect
133    gender.clear
134    gender.selected.should_not == 'F'
135  end
set_value selects value atribute text
set_value for multiselect returns selected and selected_values
Watirloo browser when no browsers on desktop nor in locker
should start a default new browser and load a testfile
should attach to a default browser with loaded testfile and return its title
should start second browser with a named keyword
should attach to second browser with keyword and navigate to a testfile
should attach to two distinct browsers by key values by kewords used to start them
Watirloo multiple browsers and threads
open 5 new browsers in threads and add them to locker
use locker to reattach to 5 browsers and load 5 diff pages at once
reattach and close all 5 browsers
locker file does not exist. create it. mapping should return empty hash
clear should create locker file and save empty mapping
add stores ie.hwnd with friendly name and adds it to mapping
mapping holds what was added
remove deletes a key value record
browser reattaches to named browser based on windows handle
browser attach to nonexisting windows behaves like IE.attach, it raises error
browser checkbox_group accesses a group of checkboxes sharing the same name on a page
browser responds to checkbox_group
access by name as default returns CheckboxGroup
size retuns checkboxes as items count in a group
values returns array of value attributes for each checkbox in a group
checkbox_group values when no checkbox is checked in a group
selected should return nil
selected_value should return nil
selected_values should return empty array
set? should return false when no checkbox is checked in a group
checkbox_group values when set string selecs one item only
selected should return the string used to select it
selected_value should return the string when one item is selected
selected values returns array with one element
set? should return truee when 1 checkbox is checked in a group
checkbox_group set array of strings selects multiple values in a group
selected returns array of strings when multiple values are selected
selected_value returns the same array of strings by position in a group
selected_values returns the same array of strings by position in a group
set? should return truee when more than 1 checkbox is checked in a group
checkbox_group set by numberical position
set Fixnum checks checkbox by position in a group. Position is 1 based.
set array of Fixnums checks each checkbox by position
Watirloo Desktop
clear closes all browsers on the desktop and browsers should be empty
adding first browser should report 1 addition and no deletions
while one browser on the desktop the additions and deletions should be false
adding second browser should report one addition and no deletions
close one should report 1 deletion and no additions, attempt to attach to deleted cause exception
close one and start new one should report one addition and one deletion
Class client mixing interfaces from other modules
spray and scrape example
add faces text fields page objects
face returns a watir element text_field
face name method and value returns current text
face name method and set enters value into field
spray method matches keys as facenames and sets values to fields
scrape keys updates keys with values and returns datamap
checkbox_groups access for browser
browser responds to checkbox_group
returns group object and its values from the page
lenght returns integer count of groups
each iterator returns CheckboxGroup
each accesses the group and returns name
bracket access[] returns 1-based indexed group
if checkbox group does not exists it returns size 0 or name nil (or should it blow up? or respond to exists? method
return checkbox groups contained by the form element
Person Page interfaces defined by def wrappers and class definitions
calling face when there is wrapper method
calling interface when there is definition and no method
spray method by convetion has keys correspondig to interface names for watir elements
Mystery input element
the id is text_field
the label points to text_field
the id should return select_list
RadioGroup class access in watir browser
browser responds to radio_group
radio group needs :what value with implicit :how=name
RadioGroup class interface in watirloo
container radio_group method returns RadioGroup class
size or count returns how many radios in a group
values returns value attributes text items as an array
selected_value returns internal option value for selected radio item in a group
set selects radio by position in a group
set selects radio by value in a group. selected returns value
set position throws exception if number not within the range of group size
set value throws exception if value not found in options
set throws exception if sybmol is used. it should accept Fixnum or String element only
reflext :text_fields
text_fields.reflect each :text_field
reflect :radio_groups
reflects each radio group
reflect :checkbox_groups
reflects each checkbox_group
setting and getting values for individual checkboxes with value attributes in face definitions
semantic name accesses individual CheckBox
set individual checkbox does not set other checkboxes sharing the same name
SelectList options as visible items and values as hidden to the user attributes
values of options by facename method
options with no value attribute
items method returns visible contents as array of text items
items returns visible text items as array
RadioGroup class access in watir browser
browser responds to radio_group
returns RadioGroups class
lenght returns integer count of groups
each iterator returns RadioGroup
each accesses the group and returns name
bracket access[] returns 1-based indexed group
if radio group does not exists it returns size 0 or name nil (or should it blow up? or respond to exists? method
groups contained by a form element