module Simp # Various utilities for dealing with YUM repos class Simp::YUM class Error < StandardError end require 'tmpdir' require 'facter' require 'simp/rpm' attr_reader :yum_conf def initialize(yum_conf, initialize_cache = false) if File.exist?(yum_conf) @yum_conf = File.absolute_path(yum_conf) else raise(Error, "Could not find yum configuration at '#{yum_conf}'") end # Only need to look these up once! @@yum_cmd ||= %x(which yum).strip raise(Error, "Error: Could not find 'yum'. Please install and try again.") if @@yum_cmd.empty? tmp_dir = ENV['TMPDIR'] || '/tmp' # Ensure that yumdownloader uses a fresh cache directory for each run of a given platform @@yum_cache ||= File.join(tmp_dir, 'yum_cache-' + Facter.fact('operatingsystem').value + '-' + Facter.fact('operatingsystemmajrelease').value + '-' + Facter.fact('architecture').value) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@@yum_cache) @@yum ||= "TMPDIR=#{@@yum_cache} #{@@yum_cmd} -c #{@yum_conf}" @@yumdownloader_cmd ||= %x(which yumdownloader).strip raise(Error, "Error: Could not find 'yumdownloader'. Please install and try again.") if @@yumdownloader_cmd.empty? @@yumdownloader ||= "TMPDIR=#{@@yum_cache} #{@@yumdownloader_cmd} -c #{@yum_conf}" @@curl ||= %x(which curl).strip raise(Error, "Error: Could not find 'curl'. Please install and try again.") if @@curl.empty? @@file ||= %x(which file).strip raise(Error, "Error: Could not find 'file'. Please install and try again.") if @@file.empty? generate_cache if initialize_cache end def clean_yum_cache_dir # Make this as safe as we can if @@yum_cache =~ /yum_cache/ FileUtils.remove_entry(@@yum_cache) end end def generate_cache puts "Attempting to generate build-specific YUM cache from\n #{@yum_conf}" %x(#{@@yum} clean all 2>/dev/null) %x(#{@@yum} makecache 2>/dev/null) unless $?.success? puts "WARNING: Unable to generate build-specific YUM cache from #{@yum_conf}" end end # Create a reasonable YUM config file # * yum_tmp => The directory in which to store the YUM DB and any other temporary files # # Returns the location of the YUM configuration def self.generate_yum_conf(yum_dir=nil) yum_dir ||= Dir.pwd raise(Error, "Could not find YUM data dir at '#{yum_dir}'") unless yum_conf = nil Dir.chdir(yum_dir) do # Create the target directory yum_tmp = File.join('packages','yum_tmp') FileUtils.mkdir_p(yum_tmp) unless yum_cache = File.expand_path('yum_cache', yum_tmp) FileUtils.mkdir_p(yum_cache) unless yum_logfile = File.expand_path('yum.log', yum_tmp) repo_dirs = [] # Add the global directory repo_dirs << File.expand_path('../my_repos') if'my_repos') # Add the local user repos if they exist repo_dirs << File.expand_path('my_repos') else # Add the default Internet repos otherwise repo_dirs << File.expand_path('repos') end # Create our YUM config file yum_conf = File.expand_path('yum.conf', yum_tmp), 'w') do |fh| fh.puts <<-EOM.gsub(/^\s+/,'') [main] keepcache = 0 persistdir = #{yum_cache} logfile = #{yum_logfile} exactarch = 1 obsoletes = 0 gpgcheck = 0 plugins = 1 reposdir = #{repo_dirs.join(' ')} assumeyes = 1 EOM end end return yum_conf end # Returns the full name of the latest package of the given name # # Returns nil if nothing found def available_package(rpm) yum_output = %x(#{@@yum} list #{rpm} 2>/dev/null) found_rpm = nil if $?.success? pkg_name, pkg_version = yum_output.lines.last.strip.split(/\s+/) pkg_name, pkg_arch = pkg_name.split('.') found_rpm = %(#{pkg_name}-#{pkg_version}.#{pkg_arch}.rpm) end return found_rpm end def get_sources(rpm) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| output = %x(#{@@yumdownloader} --urls #{File.basename(rpm,'.rpm')} 2>/dev/null).lines sources = output.grep(%r(\.rpm$)) unless (output.grep(/Error/).empty? || sources.empty?) err_msg = "\n-- YUMDOWNLOADER ERROR --\n" + output.join("\n") raise(Error, "No sources found for '#{rpm}'" + err_msg) end return sources end end def get_source(rpm, arch=nil) sources = get_sources(rpm) if arch native_sources = sources.grep(%r((#{arch}|noarch)\.rpm$)) if native_sources.size > 1 # We can't have more than one native source raise(Error, "More than one native source found for #{rpm}:\n * #{native_sources.join("\n *")}") end end return sources.first end def download(rpm, opts={:target_dir => nil}) rpm.strip! downloaded_rpm_name = nil target_dir = Dir.pwd if opts[:target_dir] target_dir = File.absolute_path(opts[:target_dir]) end Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) do # If just passed an RPM name, use yumdownloader if rpm !~ %r(://) # In case someone passed a path rpm_name = rpm.split(File::SEPARATOR).last err_msg = %x(#{@@yumdownloader} #{File.basename(rpm_name, '.rpm')} 2>/dev/null) downloaded_rpm_name = rpm_name else # If passed a URL, curl it and fall back to yumdownloader rpm_name = rpm.split('/').last %x(#{@@curl} -L --max-redirs 10 -s -o #{rpm_name} -k #{rpm}) # Check what we've just downloaded if !(File.exist?(rpm_name) && %x(#{@@file} #{rpm_name}).include?('RPM')) # Fall back on yumdownloader FileUtils.rm_f(rpm_name) err_msg = %x(#{@@yumdownloader} #{File.basename(rpm_name, '.rpm')} 2>/dev/null) end # We might get a filename that doesn't make sense so we need to # move the file appropriately rpm_info = unless File.exist?(rpm_info.rpm_name), rpm_info.rpm_name) end downloaded_rpm_name = rpm_info.rpm_name end rpms = Dir.glob('*.rpm') err_msg = '' err_msg = "\n-- ERROR MESSAGE --\n" + err_msg if err_msg raise(Error, "Could not find any remote RPMs for #{rpm}" + err_msg) if rpms.empty? # Copy over all of the RPMs rpms.each do |new_rpm| FileUtils.mkdir_p(target_dir), target_dir) end end end return downloaded_rpm_name end end end