/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.subscriptions.controller:ManifestImportController * * @requires $scope * @requires $q * @requires translate * @requires CurrentOrganization * @requires Organization * @requires Subscription * @requires Task * * @description * Controls the import of a manifest. */ angular.module('Bastion.subscriptions').controller('ManifestImportController', ['$scope', '$q', 'translate', 'CurrentOrganization', 'Organization', 'Task', 'Subscription', 'GlobalNotification', function ($scope, $q, translate, CurrentOrganization, Organization, Task, Subscription, GlobalNotification) { function buildManifestLink(upstream) { var url = upstream.webUrl, upstreamId = upstream.uuid; if (!url.match(/^http/)) { url = "https://" + url; } if (!url.match(/\/$/)) { url = url + "/"; } url += upstreamId; return url; } function initializeManifestDetails(organization) { $scope.details = organization['owner_details']; $scope.upstream = $scope.details.upstreamConsumer; if (!_.isNull($scope.upstream)) { $scope.manifestLink = buildManifestLink($scope.upstream); $scope.manifestName = $scope.upstream.name || $scope.upstream.uuid; } } $scope.uploadErrorMessages = []; $scope.progress = {uploading: false}; $scope.uploadURL = '/katello/api/v2/organizations/' + CurrentOrganization + '/subscriptions/upload'; $scope.organization = Organization.get({id: CurrentOrganization}); $q.all([$scope.organization.$promise]).then(function () { $scope.panel.loading = false; initializeManifestDetails($scope.organization); }); $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { $scope.unregisterSearch(); }); $scope.unregisterSearch = function () { Task.unregisterSearch($scope.searchId); $scope.searchId = undefined; }; $scope.handleTaskErrors = function (task, errorMessage) { var errorMessageWithDetails = errorMessage; if (task.result === 'error' || task.result === 'warning') { if (task.humanized.output && task.humanized.output.length > 0) { errorMessageWithDetails += ' ' + task.humanized.output; } if (task.humanized.errors.length > 0) { errorMessageWithDetails += ' ' + task.humanized.errors.join(' '); } GlobalNotification.setErrorMessage(errorMessageWithDetails); $scope.histories = Subscription.manifestHistory(); } }; $scope.updateTask = function (task) { $scope.task = task; if (!$scope.task.pending) { $scope.unregisterSearch(); if ($scope.task.result === 'success') { $scope.refreshOrganizationInfo(); GlobalNotification.setSuccessMessage(translate("Manifest successfully imported.")); $scope.refreshTable(); } else { $scope.handleTaskErrors(task, translate("Error importing manifest.")); } } }; $scope.deleteManifest = function () { Subscription.deleteManifest({}, function (returnData) { $scope.deleteTask = returnData; $scope.searchId = Task.registerSearch({'type': 'task', 'task_id': $scope.deleteTask.id}, $scope.deleteManifestTask); }, function (response) { $scope.saveError = true; $scope.errors = response.data.errors; }); }; $scope.deleteManifestTask = function (task) { $scope.deleteTask = task; if (!$scope.deleteTask.pending) { $scope.unregisterSearch(); if ($scope.deleteTask.result === 'success') { $scope.saveSuccess = true; GlobalNotification.setSuccessMessage(translate("Manifest successfully deleted.")); $scope.refreshTable(); $scope.refreshOrganizationInfo(); } else { $scope.handleTaskErrors(task, translate("Error deleting manifest.")); } } }; $scope.refreshOrganizationInfo = function () { $scope.organization = Organization.get({id: CurrentOrganization}); $q.all([$scope.organization.$promise]).then(function () { initializeManifestDetails($scope.organization); }); $scope.histories = Subscription.manifestHistory(); }; $scope.refreshManifest = function () { Subscription.refreshManifest({}, function (returnData) { $scope.refreshTask = returnData; $scope.searchId = Task.registerSearch({'type': 'task', 'task_id': $scope.refreshTask.id}, $scope.refreshManifestTask); }, function (response) { $scope.saveError = true; $scope.errors = response.data.errors; }); }; $scope.refreshManifestTask = function (task) { $scope.refreshTask = task; if (!$scope.refreshTask.pending) { $scope.unregisterSearch(); if ($scope.refreshTask.result === 'success') { $scope.saveSuccess = true; GlobalNotification.setSuccessMessage(translate("Manifest successfully refreshed.")); $scope.refreshTable(); $scope.refreshOrganizationInfo(); } else { $scope.handleTaskErrors(task, translate("Error refreshing manifest.")); } } }; $scope.saveCdnUrl = function (organization) { var deferred; // @TODO hack needed to prevent upload of fields users, parent_name, and parent_id // http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/12894 var whitelistedOrganizationObject = {}, whitelist = [ "id", "redhat_repository_url" ]; angular.forEach(whitelist, function (key) { whitelistedOrganizationObject[key] = organization[key]; }); deferred = Organization.update(whitelistedOrganizationObject, function () { GlobalNotification.setSuccessMessage(translate('Repository URL updated')); $scope.refreshTable(); $scope.refreshOrganizationInfo(); }, function (response) { GlobalNotification.setErrorMessage(translate("An error occurred saving the URL: ") + response.data.error.message); }); return deferred.$promise; }; $scope.uploadManifest = function (content) { var returnData; if (content) { try { returnData = angular.fromJson(angular.element(content).html()); } catch (err) { returnData = content; } if (!returnData) { returnData = content; } if (returnData !== null && angular.isUndefined(returnData.errors)) { $scope.task = returnData; $scope.searchId = Task.registerSearch({'type': 'task', 'task_id': $scope.task.id}, $scope.updateTask); } else { $scope.uploadErrorMessages = [translate('Error during upload: ') + returnData.displayMessage]; } $scope.progress.uploading = false; } }; $scope.histories = Subscription.manifestHistory(); $scope.showHistoryMoreLink = false; $scope.truncateHistories = function (histories) { var numToDisplay = 4; var result = []; angular.forEach(histories, function (history, index) { if (index < numToDisplay) { result.push(history); } }); return result; }; $scope.isTruncated = function (subset, set) { return subset.length < set.length; }; $scope.$watch('histories', function (changes) { changes.$promise.then(function (results) { $scope.statuses = $scope.truncateHistories(results); $scope.showHistoryMoreLink = $scope.isTruncated($scope.statuses, results); }); }); }] );