module T module Utils private # def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time = # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity seconds = (to_time - from_time).abs minutes = seconds / 60 case minutes when 0...1 case seconds when 0...1 "a split second" when 1...2 "a second" when 2...60 format("%d seconds", seconds:) end when 1...2 "a minute" when 2...60 format("%d minutes", minutes:) when 60...120 "an hour" # 120 minutes up to 23.5 hours when 120...1410 format("%d hours", hours: (minutes.to_f / 60.0).round) # 23.5 hours up to 48 hours when 1410...2880 "a day" # 48 hours up to 29.5 days when 2880...42_480 format("%d days", days: (minutes.to_f / 1440.0).round) # 29.5 days up to 60 days when 42_480...86_400 "a month" # 60 days up to 11.5 months when 86_400...503_700 format("%d months", months: (minutes.to_f / 43_800.0).round) # 11.5 months up to 2 years when 503_700...1_051_200 "a year" else format("%d years", years: (minutes.to_f / 525_600.0).round) end end alias time_ago_in_words distance_of_time_in_words alias time_from_now_in_words distance_of_time_in_words def fetch_users(users, options) format_users!(users, options) require "retryable" users = Retryable.retryable(tries: 3, on: Twitter::Error, sleep: 0) do yield users end [users, users.length] end def format_users!(users, options) require "t/core_ext/string" options["id"] ? users.collect!(&:to_i) : users.collect!(&:strip_ats) end def extract_owner(user_list, options) owner, list_name = user_list.split("/") if list_name.nil? list_name = owner owner = @rcfile.active_profile[0] else require "t/core_ext/string" owner = options["id"] ? owner.to_i : owner.strip_ats end [owner, list_name] end def strip_tags(html) html.gsub(/<.+?>/, "") end def number_with_delimiter(number, delimiter = ",") digits = number.to_s.chars groups = digits.reverse.each_slice(3).collect(&:join) groups.join(delimiter).reverse end def pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil) "#{count || 0} " + (count == 1 || count =~ /^1(\.0+)?$/ ? singular : (plural || "#{singular}s")) end def decode_full_text(message, decode_full_uris = false) require "htmlentities" text = text = decode_uris(text, message.uris) if decode_full_uris text end def decode_uris(full_text, uri_entities) return full_text if uri_entities.nil? uri_entities.each do |uri_entity| full_text = full_text.gsub(uri_entity.uri.to_s, uri_entity.expanded_uri.to_s) end full_text end def open_or_print(uri, options), options) do say "Open: #{uri}" end end def parallel_map(enumerable) enumerable.collect { |object| { yield object } }.collect(&:value) end end end