module StaticCMS VERSION = '1.1.0' require 'scms/scms_utils.rb' require 'scms/s3deploy.rb' require 'erb' require 'ostruct' require 'yaml' require 'sass' require 'packr' include YAML def, config, mode) @pub = pub @cleanpub = true @configdir = config @mode = mode @webroot = "public" ScmsUtils.log("_Mode: #{mode}_") yamlpath=File.join(@configdir, "config.yml") ScmsUtils.log("**[Getting Config](#{ScmsUtils.uriEncode("file:///#{yamlpath}")})**") $settings = StaticCMS.getsettings(yamlpath) if $settings if $settings["options"] != nil if ENV["SCMS_PUBLISH_FOLDER"] == nil && $settings["options"]["build_dir"] != nil ScmsUtils.log("_Setting pub dir from config.yml_") @pub = $settings["options"]["build_dir"] end if $settings["options"]["clean_build_dir"] == false @cleanpub = false end end if @cleanpub StaticCMS.cleanpubdir(@pub) @cleanpub = false else ScmsUtils.log("Skipping cleaning \n#{@pub}") end #Bootstrap here if $settings["bootstrap"] != nil bootstrap = File.join($website, $settings["bootstrap"]) #ScmsUtils.log("Bootstrap is: #{$settings["bootstrap"]}") if File.exists?(bootstrap) begin require_relative bootstrap rescue Exception=>e ScmsUtils.errLog( e ) end else ScmsUtils.log("_Bootstrap does not exist #{bootstrap}_") end end #Bundle resources scripts = StaticCMS.bundlescripts($settings["scripts"]) stylesheets = StaticCMS.bundlestylesheets($settings["stylesheets"]) #Generate pages StaticCMS.parsetemplates(scripts, stylesheets) else ScmsUtils.errLog("Config is empty") end webroot = File.join($website, @webroot) if File.exists?(webroot) ScmsUtils.log("_Merging 'public' folder_") if @cleanpub StaticCMS.cleanpubdir(@pub) end FileUtils.mkdir @pub unless Dir.exists? @pub Dir.chdir(webroot) do #files = Dir.glob('*') #FileUtils.cp_r files, @pub Dir.glob("**/*").reject{|f| f['.svn']}.each do |oldfile| newfile = File.join(@pub, oldfile.sub(webroot, '')) #puts newfile File.file?(oldfile) ? FileUtils.copy(oldfile, newfile) : FileUtils.mkdir(newfile) unless File.exist? newfile end end StaticCMS.sassall(@pub) else ScmsUtils.log("**No 'public' folder in #{$webroot} - skiping merge**") end ScmsUtils.successLog("**Compiled :)**") ScmsUtils.log("[_#{@pub}_](#{ScmsUtils.uriEncode("file:///#{@pub}")})") return @pub end def StaticCMS.parsetemplates(scripts, stylesheets) # build views from templates @template = $settings["template"] if $settings["pages"] != nil ScmsUtils.log("**Compiling Pages:**") $settings["pages"].each do |page| if page != nil page.each do |option| #ScmsUtils.log( "option (#{option.class}) = #{option[0]}" ) pageconfig = option[1] #ScmsUtils.log( "Pageconfig = #{pageconfig}" ) if pageconfig["template"] == nil skin = @template else skin = pageconfig["template"] end page = pageconfig["generate"] ScmsUtils.successLog("#{page}") resource = if pageconfig["resource"] != nil resourcepath = File.join($website, pageconfig["resource"]) if File.exists?(resourcepath) #ScmsUtils.log( "_Resource found: #{pageconfig["resource"]}_" ) resource = YAML.load_file(resourcepath) else ScmsUtils.errLog( "Resource not found: #{resourcepath}" ) end end hasHandler = nil if pageconfig["handler"] != nil handlerpath = File.join($website, pageconfig["handler"]) if File.exists?(handlerpath) #ScmsUtils.log( "Handler found: #{pageconfig["handler"]}" ) require handlerpath funDefined = defined? Handler.render if funDefined != nil hasHandler = "yes" else ScmsUtils.errLog( "Handler doesnt have a render method" ) end else ScmsUtils.errLog( "**Handler not found: #{handlerpath}**" ) end end views = pageconfig["views"].each do |view| views[view[0]] = "" viewpath = File.join($website, view[1]) if File.exists?(viewpath) htmlsnipet = if !htmlsnipet.empty? model = model = { :page => page, :sitedir => $website, :resource => resource } if hasHandler == "yes" ScmsUtils.log("_Rendering with handler_") viewSnippet = Handler.render(viewpath) else viewSnippet = end if @mode == "cms" views[view[0]] = "
#{StaticCMS.parsetemplate(viewSnippet, model)}
" else views[view[0]] = StaticCMS.parsetemplate(viewSnippet, model) end else ScmsUtils.writelog(@pub, "Empty file: #{viewpath}") end else ScmsUtils.errLog("View not found: #{view[0]} - #{view[1]} [#{viewpath}]") ScmsUtils.writelog(@pub, "View not found: #{view[0]} - #{view[1]} [#{viewpath}]") end #ScmsUtils.log( "view = #{view[0]} - #{view[1]}" ) end monkeyhook = ""; if @mode == "cms" monkeyhook = "" end hash = { :page => page, :views => views, :resource => resource, :config => pageconfig, :scripts => scripts, :stylesheets => stylesheets, :sitedir => $website, :monkeyhook => monkeyhook } erb = File.join($website, skin) out = File.join(@pub, pageconfig["generate"]) if File.exists?(erb) pubsubdir = File.dirname(out) Dir.mkdir(pubsubdir, 755) unless File::directory?(pubsubdir) html = StaticCMS.parsetemplate(, hash), 'w') {|f| f.write(html) } else ScmsUtils.errLog("Template doesn't exist: #{erb}") end end end #ScmsUtils.log( out ) end end end def StaticCMS.bundlescripts(scriptsConfig) scripts = if scriptsConfig != nil ScmsUtils.log("**Bundeling Scripts:**") scriptsConfig.each do |script| #ScmsUtils.log( "script (#{script.class}) = #{script}" ) script.each do |option| name = option[0] if option[1]["version"] != nil scriptversion = option[1]["version"] else scriptversion = 1 end scriptname = "#{name}-v#{scriptversion}.js" scriptsdir = File.join(@pub, "scripts") puts scriptsdir FileUtils.mkdir_p(scriptsdir) unless File::directory?(scriptsdir) #Dir.mkdir_p(scriptsdir, 755 ) if !File::directory?(scriptsdir) out = File.join(scriptsdir, scriptname) ScmsUtils.successLog("#{scriptname}") content = "" assetList = "" bundle = option[1]["bundle"] bundle.each do |asset| assetList += "\t#{asset}\n" assetname = File.join($website, @webroot, asset) if File::exists?(assetname) content = content + "\n" + else ScmsUtils.errLog( "Error: No such file #{assetname}" ) end end ScmsUtils.log("#{assetList}") scripts[name] = "scripts/#{scriptname}", 'w') {|f| f.write(content) } end end end return scripts end def StaticCMS.bundlestylesheets(styleConfig) stylesheets = if styleConfig != nil ScmsUtils.log("**Bundeling Stylesheets:**") styleConfig.each do |stylesheet| #ScmsUtils.log( "stylesheet (#{stylesheet.class}) = #{stylesheet}" ) stylesheet.each do |option| name = option[0] if option[1]["version"] != nil stylesheetversion = option[1]["version"] else stylesheetversion = 1 end stylesheetname = "#{name}-v#{stylesheetversion}.css" Dir.mkdir(File.join(@pub, "stylesheets"), 755 ) if ! File::directory?(File.join(@pub, "stylesheets")) out = File.join(@pub, "stylesheets", stylesheetname) ScmsUtils.successLog("#{stylesheetname}") content = "" bundle = option[1]["bundle"] assetList = "" bundle.each do |asset| assetList += "\t #{asset}\n" assetname = File.join($website, @webroot, asset) if File::exists?(assetname) content = content + "\n" + else ScmsUtils.errLog( "Error: No such file #{assetname}" ) end end ScmsUtils.log( "#{assetList}" ) stylesheets[name] = "stylesheets/#{stylesheetname}", 'w') {|f| f.write(content) } end end end return stylesheets end def StaticCMS.parsetemplate(template, hash) data = result = "" begin result = { binding }) rescue Exception => e ScmsUtils.errLog("**Critical Error: Could not parse template**") ScmsUtils.log( "_(if your using resources make sure their not empty)_" ) ScmsUtils.errLog( e.message ) end return result end def StaticCMS.getsettings(yamlpath) config = nil if File.exist?(yamlpath) tree = begin myconfig = #puts "Conf = #{myconfig}" config = YAML.load(myconfig) #config = YAML.load_file(yamlpath) rescue Exception => e ScmsUtils.errLog("Error Loading config.yml (check there are no tabs in the file)") ScmsUtils.log( "_[Verify your config](") ScmsUtils.errLog( e.message ) ScmsUtils.errLog( e.backtrace.inspect ) end else ScmsUtils.errLog("Config file does not exist: #{yamlpath}") end return config end def StaticCMS.cleanpubdir(pub) ScmsUtils.log("_Cleaning pub folder #{pub}_") FileUtils.rm_rf pub #FileUtils.remove_dir(pub, force = true) sleep 0.5 # seconds FileUtils.mkdir_p(pub) unless File.exist? pub FileUtils.chmod 0755, pub end def StaticCMS.crunch(crunchDir) ScmsUtils.log( "Starting crunching CSS and JavaScript in:\n#{crunchDir}\n\n" ) #StaticCMS.sassall(crunchDir) Dir.chdir(crunchDir) do Dir.glob("**/*.js").reject{|f| /-min/.match(f) != nil || /\.min/.match(f) != nil || /\.pack/.match(f) != nil }.each do |asset| StaticCMS.packr(asset) end #Dir.glob("**/*.{css, js}").each do |asset| # #fullFileName = File.basename(asset) # #ScmsUtils.log( "Crunching #{fullFileName}" ) # ext = File.extname(asset) # StaticCMS.yuicompress(asset, ext) #end end end def StaticCMS.sassall(crunchDir) Dir.chdir(crunchDir) do Dir.glob("**/*.{scss}").each do |asset| StaticCMS.sass(asset) end end end def StaticCMS.sass(asset) if File.exists?(asset) begin template = sass_engine =, { :style => :compressed, :cache => false, :syntax => :scss }.freeze) output = sass_engine.to_css, 'w') { |file| file.write(output) } ScmsUtils.log( "_Sassed #{File.basename(asset)}_" ) rescue Exception => e ScmsUtils.errLog( "Error processing: #{asset}" ) ScmsUtils.errLog( e.message ) end end end def StaticCMS.packr(asset) if File.exists?(asset) begin code = compressed = Packr.pack(code), 'w') { |f| f.write(compressed) } ScmsUtils.log( "_Packed #{File.basename(asset)}_" ) rescue Exception => e ScmsUtils.errLog( "Error processing: #{asset}" ) ScmsUtils.errLog( e.message ) end end end def StaticCMS.yuicompress(asset, ext) if File.exists?(asset) #ScmsUtils.log( " Encoding: #{asset.encoding}" ) enc = "--charset utf-8" enc = "" cmd = "java" params = "-jar \"#{File.join(Folders[:tools], "yuicompressor", "yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar")}\" #{enc} --type #{ext.gsub(".","")} \"#{asset}\" -o \"#{asset}\"" ##Need to check if asset exists if system("#{cmd} #{params}") ScmsUtils.log( "_Crunched #{File.basename(asset)}_" ) else ScmsUtils.errLog( "Error crunching: #{asset}" ) end else ScmsUtils.errLog( "#{asset} does not exist" ) end end def StaticCMS.deploy(pub, config) yamlpath=File.join(config, "s3config.yml") if File.exists?(yamlpath) S3Deploy.sync(pub, config) else raise "The following file doesn't exist #{yamlpath}" end end end