define(["graph/abstract_chart"], function (abstract_chart) { var network2 = abstract_chart.extend({ decl_properties: { nodes: [['key', 'key', {property: 'id'}], ['radius', 'int', 30], ['fill_color', 'color', 'blue'], ['stroke_width', 'int', 1], ['stroke_color', 'color', 'black'], ['x', 'int', 10], ['y', 'int', 10], ['label_text', 'key', {property: 'name'}], ['label_font', 'string', null], ['label_size', 'int', 16], ['label_color', 'color', 'white'], ], links: [['key', 'key', {property: 'id'}], ['stroke_width', 'int', 2], ['stroke_color', 'color', 'black'], ['stroke_fill', 'color', 'blue'], ['from', 'index', {key: 'from_id', join_stream: 'nodes', join_key: 'id'}], ['to', 'index', {key: 'to_id', join_stream: 'nodes'}] // join_key: 'id' ... default ] }, defaults: function() { return this.deep_defaults({ interaction_mode: 'none', // none, hover, click },; }, configure_base_layer: function(vis) { var ca = this.widget_area; this.graph_layer = vis.append("svg:g") .attr("transform", "translate(0, " + ca.h + ")") ; this.legend_layer = vis.append("svg:g"); }, base_css_class: 'oml-network', // Find the appropriate data source and bind to it // init_data_source: function() { var o = this.opts; var sources = o.data_sources; var self = this; if (! (sources instanceof Array)) { throw "Expected an array"; } if (sources.length == 1) { // Check if the source name is 'default' and we can find // a _links and _nodes source var s = sources[0]; if ( == 'default') { // ok, lets expand it var ss =; if (typeof(ss) != 'object') { ss = { name: ss }; } var prefix =; var sn = {}; for (var p in ss) { sn[p] = ss[p]; }; = prefix + '/nodes'; var sl = {}; for (var p in ss) { sl[p] = ss[p]; }; = prefix + '/links'; sources = [ {name: 'nodes', stream: sn}, {name: 'links', stream: sl}, ]; } } if (sources.length != 2) { throw "Expected TWO data source, one for nodes and one for links"; } var dsh = this.data_source = {};, function(s) { dsh[] = self.init_single_data_source(s); }); if (dsh.links == undefined || dsh.nodes == undefined) { throw "Data sources need to be named 'links' and 'nodes'. Missing one or both."; } }, process_schema: function() { this.schema = { nodes: this.process_single_schema(this.data_source.nodes), links: this.process_single_schema(this.data_source.links) }; var om = this.opts.mapping; if (om.links == undefined || om.nodes == undefined) { throw "Missing mapping instructions in 'options' for either 'links' or 'nodes', or both."; } this.mapping = { nodes: this.process_single_mapping('nodes', om.nodes, this.decl_properties.nodes), links: this.process_single_mapping('links', om.links, this.decl_properties.links) }; }, /* * Return schema for +stream+. */ schema_for_stream: function(stream) { var schema = this.schema[stream]; return schema; }, data_source_for_stream: function(stream) { var ds = this.data_source[stream]; if (ds == undefined) { throw "Unknown data_source '" + stream + "'."; } return ds; }, update: function() { var ldata = this.data_source.links.rows(); var ndata = this.data_source.nodes.rows(); this.redraw({links: ldata, nodes: ndata}); }, redraw: function(data) { var self = this; var o = this.opts; var mapping = this.mapping; //o.mapping || {}; var ca = this.widget_area; var x = function(v) { var x = v * ca.w + ca.x; var x = v * ca.w; return x; }; var y = function(v) { var y = -1 * (v * ca.h + ca.y); var y = -1 * (v * ca.h); return y; }; var vis = this.base_layer; var lmapping = mapping.links; var nmapping = mapping.nodes; var iline_f = d3.svg.line().interpolate('basis'); // curved line var line_f = function(d) { var a = 0.2; var b = 0.3; var o = 30; var from = lmapping.from(d); var to =; var x1 = x(nmapping.x(from)); var y1 = y(nmapping.y(from)); var x3 = x(nmapping.x(to)); var y3 = y(nmapping.y(to)); var dx = x3 - x1; var dy = y3 - y1; var l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var mx = x1 + a * dx; var my = y1 + a * dy; var x2 = mx - (dy * o / l); var y2 = my + (dx * o / l); return iline_f([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]); }; var ldata = data.links; var link2 = this.graph_layer.selectAll("") .data(d3.values(ldata)); link2 //.each(position) // update existing markers .style("stroke", lmapping.stroke_color) .style("stroke-width", lmapping.stroke_width) .attr("d", line_f) ; var le = link2.enter().append("svg:path"); le.attr("class", "link") .style("stroke", lmapping.stroke_color) .style("stroke-width", lmapping.stroke_width) .attr("fill", "none") .attr("d", line_f) ; this._set_link_interaction_mode(le); var ndata = data.nodes; // first draw white circle to allow actual node to become transparent // without links showing through var bg_node = this.graph_layer.selectAll("circle.bg_node") .data(ndata, function(d) { return nmapping.key(d); }) .attr("cx", function(d) { return x(nmapping.x(d)); }) .attr("cy", function(d) { return y(nmapping.y(d)); }) .attr("r", nmapping.radius) .style("fill", 'white') .enter().append("svg:circle") .attr("class", "bg_node") .attr("cx", function(d) { return x(nmapping.x(d)); }) .attr("cy", function(d) { return y(nmapping.y(d)); }) .attr("r", nmapping.radius) .style("fill", 'white'); ; function node_f(sel) { sel.attr("cx", function(d) { return x(nmapping.x(d)); }) .attr("cy", function(d) { return y(nmapping.y(d)); }) .attr("r", nmapping.radius) .style("fill", nmapping.fill_color) .style("stroke", nmapping.stroke_color) .style("stroke-width", nmapping.stroke_width) ; } var node = this.graph_layer.selectAll("circle.node") .data(ndata, function(d) { return nmapping.key(d); }); //.data(d3.values(ndata)); //function(d) { return d.time; } var enx =; // node.enter().append("svg:circle") // .call(node_f) // .attr("fixed", true) // .transition() // .attr("r", nmapping.radius) // .delay(0) // ; var en = node.enter().append("svg:circle"); en.attr("class", "node") .attr("cx", function(d) { return x(nmapping.x(d)); }) .attr("cy", function(d) { return y(nmapping.y(d)); }) .attr("r", nmapping.radius) .style("fill", nmapping.fill_color) .style("stroke", nmapping.stroke_color) .style("stroke-width", nmapping.stroke_width) .attr("fixed", true) .transition() .attr("r", nmapping.radius) .delay(0) ; this._set_node_interaction_mode(node); function label_f(sel) { sel.attr("class", "node_label") .attr('dy', '0.4em') .attr("x", function(d) { return x(nmapping.x(d)); }) .attr("y", function(d) { return y(nmapping.y(d)); }) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .style("fill", nmapping.label_color) .style("font-size", nmapping.label_size) .text(function(d) { return nmapping.label_text(d); }); } var label = this.graph_layer.selectAll("text.node_label") .data(ndata, function(d) { return nmapping.key(d); });; label.enter().append("svg:text").call(label_f); }, _set_link_interaction_mode: function(le) { var self = this; var o = this.opts; if (o.interaction_mode == 'hover') { le.on("mouseover", function(d) { self._on_link_selected(d); }) .on("mouseout", function(d) { self._on_link_selected(d); }) ; } else if (o.interaction_mode == 'click') { le.on("click", function(d) { self._on_link_selected(d); }) .style('cursor', 'hand') ; } }, _on_link_selected: function(d) { var key_f = this.mapping.links.key; var id = key_f(d); var msg = {id: id, type: 'link', source: this, data_source: this.data_source.links}; if (this.selected_link == id) { // if same link is clicked twice, unselect it this._render_selected_link(null); this._render_selected_node(null); } else { this._render_selected_link(id); this._render_selected_node('_NONE_'); this._report_selected(id, 'links', d); } }, // Make all but 'selected_id' link semi-transparent. If 'selected_id' is null // revert selection. // _render_selected_link: function(selected_id) { if (selected_id == null || selected_id == '_NONE_') { if (this.selected_link) { this._report_deselected(this.selected_link, 'links'); this.selected_link = null; } } else { this.selected_link = selected_id; } var key_f = this.mapping.links.key; if (selected_id) { // grey out non-selected this.graph_layer.selectAll("") .filter(function(d) { var key = key_f(d); return selected_id == '_NONE_' || key != selected_id; }) .transition() .style("opacity", 0.1) .delay(0) .duration(300); } // Ensure that selected link is shown fully this.graph_layer.selectAll("") .filter(function(d) { var key = key_f(d); return selected_id == null || key == selected_id; }) .transition() .style("opacity", 1.0) .delay(0) .duration(300); }, _set_node_interaction_mode: function(en) { var self = this; var o = this.opts; var msg_frag = {type: 'node', data_source: this.data_source.nodes}; if (o.interaction_mode == 'hover') { en.on("mouseover", function(d) { self._on_node_selected(d); }) .on("mouseout", function(d) { self._on_node_selected(d); }) ; } else if (o.interaction_mode == 'click') { en.on("click", function(d) { self._on_node_selected(d); }) .style('cursor', 'hand'); } }, _on_node_selected: function(d) { var key_f = this.mapping.nodes.key; var id = key_f(d); //var msg = {id: id, type: 'node', source: this, data_source: this.data_source.nodes}; if (this.selected_node == id) { // if same link is clicked twice, unselect it this._render_selected_link(null); this._render_selected_node(null); } else { this._render_selected_link('_NONE_'); this._render_selected_node(id); this._report_selected(id, 'nodes', d); } }, // Make all but 'selected_id' node semi-transparent. If 'selected_id' is null // revert selection. // _render_selected_node: function(selected_id) { if (selected_id == null || selected_id == '_NONE_') { if (this.selected_node) { this._report_deselected(this.selected_node, 'nodes'); this.selected_node = null; } } else { this.selected_node = selected_id; } var key_f = this.mapping.nodes.key; if (selected_id) { // grey out non-selected this.graph_layer.selectAll("circle.node") .filter(function(d) { var key = key_f(d); return selected_id == '_NONE_' || key != selected_id; }) .transition() .style("opacity", 0.1) .delay(0) .duration(300); } // Ensure that selected node is shown fully this.graph_layer.selectAll("circle.node") .filter(function(d) { var key = key_f(d); return selected_id == null || key == selected_id; }) .transition() .style("opacity", 1.0) .delay(0) .duration(300); }, _report_selected: function(selected_id, type, datum) { var ds = this.data_source[type]; var msg = {id: selected_id, type: type, source: this, data_source: ds, datum: datum}; OHUB.trigger("graph.selected", msg); OHUB.trigger("graph." + + ".selected", msg); }, _report_deselected: function(selected_id, type, datum) { var ds = this.data_source[type]; var msg = {id: selected_id, type: type, source: this, data_source: ds, datum: datum}; OHUB.trigger("graph.deselected", msg); OHUB.trigger("graph." + + ".deselected", msg); } }); return network2; }); /* Local Variables: mode: Javascript tab-width: 2 indent-tabs-mode: nil End: */