def create_feature_file name, platform = nil # options used to generate the file in the template function opts = {:name => camelize(name)} # If platform is not nil than the feature is OS dependent file_path = "" if platform.nil? file_path = File.join( FileUtils.pwd, "features", "#{name.downcase}.feature" ) opts[:platform] = "" else file_path = File.join( FileUtils.pwd, "features", platform.downcase, "features", "#{name.downcase}.feature" ) opts[:platform] = platform end # Thor creates a file based on the templates/ template template( "feature", file_path, opts ) end def create_steps_file name, platform = nil # options used to generate the file in the template function opts = {:name => camelize(name)} # If platform is not nil than the step is OS dependent file_path = nil if platform.nil? file_path = File.join( FileUtils.pwd, "features", "step_definitions", "#{name.downcase}_steps.rb" ) opts[:platform] = "" else file_path = File.join( FileUtils.pwd, "features", platform.downcase, "step_definitions", "#{name.downcase}_steps.rb" ) opts[:platform] = platform end # Thor creates a file based on the templates/ template template( "steps", file_path, opts ) end def create_screen_file name, platform # options used to generate the file in the template function opts = {:name => camelize(name), :platform => platform} # Thor creates a file based on the templates/ template template( "screen", File.join( FileUtils.pwd, "features", platform.downcase, "screens", "#{name.downcase}_screen.rb"), opts ) end def camelize string camelized = "" string.split("_").each do |s| camelized = camelized + s.capitalize end return camelized end def in_root_project_folder? # Looks if the user is in the root folder of the project if !Dir.exists? File.join(FileUtils.pwd, "features", "android", "features") or !Dir.exists? File.join(FileUtils.pwd, "features", "ios", "features") puts "Please run this command on the root folder of the project" exit 1 end return true end