# frozen-string-literal: true require "mobility/backends/active_record" require "mobility/backends/key_value" require "mobility/active_record/string_translation" require "mobility/active_record/text_translation" module Mobility module Backends =begin Implements the {Mobility::Backends::KeyValue} backend for ActiveRecord models. @example class Post < ActiveRecord::Base translates :title, backend: :key_value, association_name: :translations, type: :string end post = Post.create(title: "foo") post.translations #=> # post.translations.first.value #=> "foo" post.translations.first.class #=> Mobility::ActiveRercord::StringTranslation =end class ActiveRecord::KeyValue include ActiveRecord include KeyValue require 'mobility/backends/active_record/key_value/query_methods' # @!group Backend Configuration # @option options [Symbol] type (:text) Column type to use # @option options [Symbol] association_name (:text_translations) Name of association method # @option options [String,Class] class_name ({Mobility::ActiveRecord::TextTranslation}) Translation class # @raise [ArgumentError] if type is not either :text or :string def self.configure(options) super type = options[:type] options[:class_name] ||= Mobility::ActiveRecord.const_get("#{type.capitalize}Translation".freeze) options[:class_name] = options[:class_name].constantize if options[:class_name].is_a?(String) options[:association_name] ||= :"#{options[:type]}_translations" %i[type association_name].each { |key| options[key] = options[key].to_sym } end # @!endgroup setup do |attributes, options| association_name = options[:association_name] translations_class = options[:class_name] # Track all attributes for this association, so that we can limit the scope # of keys for the association to only these attributes. We need to track the # attributes assigned to the association in case this setup code is called # multiple times, so we don't "forget" earlier attributes. # attrs_method_name = :"__#{association_name}_attributes" association_attributes = (instance_variable_get(:"@#{attrs_method_name}") || []) + attributes instance_variable_set(:"@#{attrs_method_name}", association_attributes) has_many association_name, ->{ where key: association_attributes }, as: :translatable, class_name: translations_class.name, inverse_of: :translatable, autosave: true before_save do send(association_name).select { |t| t.value.blank? }.each do |translation| send(association_name).destroy(translation) end end after_destroy :mobility_destroy_key_value_translations module_name = "MobilityArKeyValue#{association_name.to_s.camelcase}" unless const_defined?(module_name) callback_methods = Module.new do define_method :initialize_dup do |source| super(source) self.send("#{association_name}=", source.send(association_name).map(&:dup)) # Set inverse on associations send(association_name).each { |translation| translation.translatable = self } end end include const_set(module_name, callback_methods) end include DestroyKeyValueTranslations end setup_query_methods(QueryMethods) # Returns translation for a given locale, or builds one if none is present. # @param [Symbol] locale # @return [Mobility::ActiveRecord::TextTranslation,Mobility::ActiveRecord::StringTranslation] def translation_for(locale, _options = {}) translation = translations.find { |t| t.key == attribute && t.locale == locale.to_s } translation ||= translations.build(locale: locale, key: attribute) translation end module DestroyKeyValueTranslations private # Clean up *all* leftover translations of this model, only once. def mobility_destroy_key_value_translations [:string, :text].freeze.each do |type| Mobility::ActiveRecord.const_get("#{type.capitalize}Translation".freeze). where(translatable: self).destroy_all end end end end end end