require 'spec_helper' describe ParallelSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger do def silence_warnings old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil yield ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end before do @output =[]) @example1 = mock( 'example', :location => "#{Dir.pwd}/spec/path/to/example:123", :full_description => 'should do stuff', :description => 'd' ) @example2 = mock( 'example', :location => "#{Dir.pwd}/spec/path/to/example2:456", :full_description => 'should do other stuff', :description => 'd') @exception1 = mock( :to_s => 'exception', :backtrace => [ '/path/to/error/line:33' ] ) @failure1 = mock( 'example', :location => "#{Dir.pwd}/example:123", :header => 'header', :exception => @exception1 ) @logger = @output ) end after do silence_warnings{ ParallelSpecs::SpecLoggerBase::RSPEC_1 = false } end def clean_output @output.output.join("\n").gsub(/\e\[\d+m/,'') end it "should produce a list of command lines for failing examples" do @logger.example_failed @example1 @logger.example_failed @example2 @logger.dump_failures @logger.dump_summary(1,2,3,4) clean_output.should =~ /^rspec .*? should do stuff/ clean_output.should =~ /^rspec .*? should do other stuff/ end it "should invoke spec for rspec 1" do silence_warnings{ ParallelSpecs::SpecLoggerBase::RSPEC_1 = true } ParallelSpecs.stub!(:bundler_enabled?).and_return true ParallelSpecs.stub!(:run).with("bundle show rspec").and_return "/foo/bar/rspec-1.0.2" @logger.example_failed @example1 @logger.dump_failures @logger.dump_summary(1,2,3,4) clean_output.should =~ /^bundle exec spec/ end it "should invoke rspec for rspec 2" do ParallelSpecs.stub!(:bundler_enabled?).and_return true ParallelSpecs.stub!(:run).with("bundle show rspec").and_return "/foo/bar/rspec-2.0.2" @logger.example_failed @example1 @logger.dump_failures @logger.dump_summary(1,2,3,4) clean_output.should =~ /^rspec/ end it "should return relative paths" do @logger.example_failed @example1 @logger.example_failed @example2 @logger.dump_failures @logger.dump_summary(1,2,3,4) clean_output.should =~ %r(\./spec/path/to/example:123) clean_output.should =~ %r(\./spec/path/to/example2:456) end # should not longer be a problem since its using native rspec methods xit "should not log examples without location" do example = mock('example', :location => 'bla', :full_description => 'before :all') @logger.example_failed example @logger.dump_failures @logger.dump_summary(1,2,3,4) clean_output.should == '' end end