require "shellwords" require "etc" require "io/console" require "rake_compiler_dock/version" module RakeCompilerDock class DockerIsNotAvailable < RuntimeError end class Starter class << self def sh(cmd, options={}, &block) begin exec('bash', '-c', cmd, options, &block) ensure STDIN.cooked! if STDIN.tty? end end def exec(*args) options = (Hash === args.last) ? args.pop : {} mountdir = options.fetch(:mountdir){ ENV['RCD_MOUNTDIR'] || Dir.pwd } workdir = options.fetch(:workdir){ ENV['RCD_WORKDIR'] || Dir.pwd } case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mingw|mswin/ mountdir = sanitize_windows_path(mountdir) workdir = sanitize_windows_path(workdir) # Virtualbox shared folders don't care about file permissions, so we use generic ids. uid = 1000 gid = 1000 when /darwin/ uid = 1000 gid = 1000 else # Docker mounted volumes also share file uid/gid and permissions with the host. # Therefore we use the same attributes inside and outside the container. uid = Process.uid gid = Process.gid end user = options.fetch(:username){ current_user } group = options.fetch(:groupname){ current_group } platforms(options).split(" ").each do |platform| image_name = container_image_name(options.merge(platform: platform)) check = check_docker(mountdir) if options.fetch(:check_docker){ true } docker_opts = options.fetch(:options) do opts = ["--rm", "-i"] opts << "-t" if $stdin.tty? opts end if verbose_flag(options) && args.size == 3 && args[0] == "bash" && args[1] == "-c" $stderr.puts "rake-compiler-dock bash -c #{ args[2].inspect }" end runargs = args.dup runargs.unshift("sigfw") if options.fetch(:sigfw){ true } runargs.unshift("runas") if options.fetch(:runas){ true } cmd = [check.docker_command, "run", "-v", "#{mountdir}:#{make_valid_path(mountdir)}", "-e", "UID=#{uid}", "-e", "GID=#{gid}", "-e", "USER=#{user}", "-e", "GROUP=#{group}", "-e", "GEM_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE", "-e", "ftp_proxy", "-e", "http_proxy", "-e", "https_proxy", "-e", "RCD_HOST_RUBY_PLATFORM=#{RUBY_PLATFORM}", "-e", "RCD_HOST_RUBY_VERSION=#{RUBY_VERSION}", "-e", "RCD_IMAGE=#{image_name}", "-w", make_valid_path(workdir), *docker_opts, image_name, *runargs] cmdline = Shellwords.join(cmd) if verbose_flag(options) == true $stderr.puts cmdline end ok = system(*cmd) if block_given? yield(ok, $?) elsif !ok fail "Command failed with status (#{$?.exitstatus}): " + "[#{cmdline}]" end end end def verbose_flag(options) options.fetch(:verbose) do Object.const_defined?(:Rake) && Rake.const_defined?(:FileUtilsExt) ? Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag : false end end def current_user make_valid_user_name(Etc.getlogin) end def current_group group_obj = Etc.getgrgid rescue nil make_valid_group_name(group_obj ? : "dummygroup") end def make_valid_name(name) name = name.to_s.downcase name = "_" if name.empty? # Convert disallowed characters if name.length > 1 name = name[0..0].gsub(/[^a-z_]/, "_") + name[1..-2].to_s.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, "_") + name[-1..-1].to_s.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_$-]/, "_") else name = name.gsub(/[^a-z_]/, "_") end # Limit to 32 characters name.sub( /^(.{16}).{2,}(.{15})$/ ){ $1+"-"+$2 } end def make_valid_user_name(name) name = make_valid_name(name) PredefinedUsers.include?(name) ? make_valid_name("_#{name}") : name end def make_valid_group_name(name) name = make_valid_name(name) PredefinedGroups.include?(name) ? make_valid_name("_#{name}") : name end def make_valid_path(name) # Convert problematic characters name = name.gsub(/[ ]/i, "_") end @@docker_checked_lock = @@docker_checked = {} def check_docker(pwd) @@docker_checked_lock.synchronize do @@docker_checked[pwd] ||= begin check =$stderr, pwd) unless check.ok? at_exit do check.print_help_text end raise DockerIsNotAvailable, "Docker is not available" end check end end end # Change Path from "C:\Path" to "/c/Path" as used by boot2docker def sanitize_windows_path(path) path.gsub(/^([a-z]):/i){ "/#{$1.downcase}" } end def container_image_name(options={}) options.fetch(:image) do image_name = ENV['RCD_IMAGE'] || ENV['RAKE_COMPILER_DOCK_IMAGE'] return image_name unless image_name.nil? "%s/rake-compiler-dock-image:%s-%s%s" % [ container_registry, options.fetch(:version) { IMAGE_VERSION }, container_rubyvm(options), container_jrubyvm?(options) ? "" : "-#{options.fetch(:platform)}", ] end end def container_registry ENV['CONTAINER_REGISTRY'] || "" end def container_rubyvm(options={}) return "jruby" if options[:platform] == "jruby" options.fetch(:rubyvm) { ENV['RCD_RUBYVM'] } || "mri" end def container_jrubyvm?(options={}) container_rubyvm(options).to_s == "jruby" end def platforms(options={}) options.fetch(:platform) { ENV['RCD_PLATFORM'] } || (container_jrubyvm?(options) ? "jruby" : "x86-mingw32 x64-mingw32") end end end end