require 'simp/rake' require 'simp/rake/build/constants' module Simp; end module Simp::Rake; end module Simp::Rake::Build class Iso < ::Rake::TaskLib include Simp::Rake include Simp::Rake::Build::Constants def initialize( base_dir ) init_member_vars( base_dir ) define_tasks end def verbose ENV.fetch('SIMP_ISO_verbose','no') == 'yes' end def define_tasks File.umask(0007) namespace :iso do task :prep do if $simp6 @build_dir = $simp6_build_dir || @distro_build_dir end end # Remove packages from the given directory. The goal of this method is to help # get the distro to be as small as possible. # [:from_dir] Root directory to remove packages from (removes recursively) # [:exclude_dirs] Array of directories to not remove any packages from # [:exclude_pkgs] Array of packages to not remove def prune_packages(from_dir,exclude_dirs,exclude_pkgs,mkrepo='createrepo -p',use_hack=true) $stderr.puts "Starting to prune..." Dir.chdir(from_dir) do prune_count = 0 Find.find('.') do |path| Find.prune if exclude_dirs.include?(File.basename(path)) if File.basename(path) =~ /.*\.rpm/ # Get the package name from the RPM. # Note: an alternative method may be to just simply check the names # of the RPMs themselves instead of the names of the packages. pkg = nil if use_hack # The proper way (defined below) is way too slow, so this hack helps # speed up the process by reading the file directly. If the code is # not working, attempt this without using the hack, just be ready # to wait a long time for the code to complete. pkgname = File.basename(path).split('-').first,'r').each_line do |line| if encode_line(line) =~ /C\000(\S+\000)?(#{Regexp.escape(pkgname)}\S*)\000/ pkg = $2.split(/\000/).first break end end else # Proper way to obtain the RPM's package name, but WAY too slow pkg = %x{rpm -qp --qf "%{NAME}" #{path} 2>/dev/null}.chomp end unless exclude_pkgs.include?(pkg) rm(path, :verbose => verbose) prune_count += 1 end end end $stderr.puts "Info: Pruned #{prune_count} packages from #{from_dir}" if prune_count > 0 # Recreate the now-pruned repos basepath = '.' if (File.basename(from_dir) =~ /^RHEL/) # This covers old versions of RHEL that don't follow the new # way of doing things. unless Dir.glob("Server/*.rpm").empty? basepath = 'Server' end end Dir.chdir(basepath) do cp(Dir.glob("repodata/*comps*.xml").first,"simp_comps.xml") sh %{#{mkrepo} -g simp_comps.xml .} rm("simp_comps.xml") end end end end # End of prune_packages =begin desc <<-EOM Build the SIMP ISO(s). * :tarball - Path of the source tarball or directory containing the source tarballs. * :unpacked_dvds - Path of the directory containing the unpacked base OS directories. Default is the current directory. * :prune - Flag for whether unwanted packages should be pruned prior to building the ISO. Default is true. ENV vars: - Set `SIMP_ISO_verbose=yes` to report file operations as they happen. EOM =end task :build,[:tarball,:unpacked_dvds,:prune] => [:prep] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:unpacked_dvds => "#{@run_dir}", :prune => 'true') if args.tarball.nil? fail("Error: You must specify a source tarball or tarball directory!") else tarball = File.expand_path(args.tarball) unless File.exist?(tarball) fail("Error: Could not find tarball at '#{tarball}'!") end end reposync_location = File.join(@build_dir,'yum_data','reposync') reposync_active = !Dir.glob(File.join(reposync_location, '**', 'repomd.xml')).empty? tarfiles = ? Dir.glob("#{tarball}/*.tar.gz") : [tarball] vermap = YAML::load_file( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'vermap.yaml')) tarfiles.each do |tball| namepieces = File.basename(tarball,".tar.gz").split('-') # SIMP 6 if namepieces[1] =~ /^\d/ simpver = namepieces[1..2].join('-') baseos = namepieces[3] else simpver = namepieces[3..-1].join('-') baseos = namepieces[2] end iso_dirs = Dir.glob("#{File.expand_path(args.unpacked_dvds)}/#{baseos}*") if iso_dirs.empty? fail("Error: No unpacked DVD directories found for '#{baseos}' under '#{File.expand_path(args.unpacked_dvds)}'") end # Process each unpacked base OS ISO directory found iso_dirs.each do |dir| baseosver = '???' arch = '???' # read the .treeinfo file (INI format) # ------------------------------------ require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/inifile' file = "#{dir}/.treeinfo" fail("ERROR: no file '#{file}'") unless File.file?(file) ini = sections ={ |s| } # NOTE: RHEL7 discs claim [general] section is deprecated. if sections.include?('general') h = Hash[ ini.get_section('general'){|k,v| [k,v]} ] arch = h.fetch('arch', arch).strip baseosver = h.fetch('version', baseosver).strip baseosver += '.0' if (baseosver.count('.') < 1) end # ------------------------------------ # Skip if SIMP version doesn't match target base OS version unless Array(vermap[simpver.split('.').first]).include?(baseosver.split('.').first) if verbose warn("Could not find SIMP version mapping for #{simpver} for Base OS #{baseosver}") warn("Do you need to update vermap.yaml in the Gem?") end next end mkrepo = baseosver.split('.').first == '5' ? 'createrepo -s sha -p' : 'createrepo -p' @simp_dvd_dirs.each do |clean_dir| if"#{dir}/#{clean_dir}") rm_rf("#{dir}/#{clean_dir}", :verbose => verbose) elsif File.file?("#{dir}/#{clean_dir}") fail("Error: #{dir}/#{clean_dir} is a file, expecting directory!") end end repo_target_dir = dir # If we've pulled in reposync directories, we expect them to # completely overwrite the directory of the same name in the # target ISO so no pruning is required # # Note: CASE MATTERS on the directory names if reposync_active # We're working with the new EL8+ layout, so we need to target # the SimpRepos subdirectory repo_target_dir = File.join(dir,'SimpRepos') mkdir_p(repo_target_dir, :verbose => verbose) repos_to_overwrite = Dir.glob(File.join(reposync_location, '*')) .delete_if{|x| !} .map{|x| File.basename(x)} repos_to_overwrite.each do |repo| src = File.join(reposync_location, repo) target = File.join(dir, repo) if rm_rf(target, :verbose => verbose) if else target = File.join(repo_target_dir, repo) end cp_r(src, target, :verbose => verbose) end else # Prune unwanted packages begin system("tar --no-same-permissions -C #{repo_target_dir} -xzf #{tball} *simp_pkglist.txt") rescue # Does not matter if the command fails end pkglist_file = ENV.fetch( 'SIMP_PKGLIST_FILE', File.join(dir,"#{baseosver.split('.').first}-simp_pkglist.txt") ) puts puts '-'*80 puts "### Pruning packages not in file '#{pkglist_file}'" puts puts ' (override this with `SIMP_PKGLIST_FILE=`)' puts puts '-'*80 puts if (args.prune.casecmp("false") != 0) && File.exist?(pkglist_file) exclude_pkgs = do |line| next if line =~ /^(\s+|#.*)$/ exclude_pkgs.push(line.chomp) end prune_packages(dir,['SIMP','SimpRepos'],exclude_pkgs,mkrepo) end end # Add the SIMP code system("tar --no-same-permissions -C #{dir} -xzf #{tball}") # Pop the SIMP directory from the tarball into the correct spot # FIXME: This is a hack unless dir == repo_target_dir simpdir = File.join(dir,'SIMP') if cp_r(simpdir, repo_target_dir, :verbose => verbose) rm_rf(simpdir, :verbose => verbose) end end Dir.chdir("#{repo_target_dir}/SIMP") do # Add the SIMP Dependencies simp_base_ver = simpver.split('-').first if $simp6 yum_dep_location = File.join(@build_dir,'yum_data','packages') else simp_dep_src = %(SIMP#{simp_base_ver}_#{baseos}#{baseosver}_#{arch}) yum_dep_location = File.join(@build_dir,'yum_data',simp_dep_src,'packages') end yum_dep_rpms = Dir.glob(File.join(yum_dep_location,'*.rpm')) unless fail("Could not find dependency directory at #{yum_dep_location}") unless reposync_active end if yum_dep_rpms.empty? fail("Could not find any dependency RPMs at #{yum_dep_location}") unless reposync_active end # Add any one-off RPMs that you might want to add to your own build # These are *not* checked to make sure that they actually match your # environment aux_packages = File.join(File.dirname(yum_dep_location),'aux_packages') if yum_dep_rpms += Dir.glob(File.join(aux_packages,'*.rpm')) end yum_dep_rpms.each do |rpm| rpm_arch = rpm.split('.')[-2] unless mkdir(rpm_arch) end # Just in case this is a symlink, broken, or some other nonsense. target_file = File.join(rpm_arch,File.basename(rpm)) rm_f(target_file) if File.exist?(target_file) cp(rpm,rpm_arch, :verbose => verbose) end if reposync_active fail("Error: Could not run createrepo in #{Dir.pwd}") unless system(%(#{mkrepo} .)) else ln_sf('noarch', arch, :verbose => verbose) if (! &&'noarch')) fail("Could not find architecture '#{arch}' in the SIMP distribution") unless ( || File.symlink?(arch)) # Get everything set up properly... Dir.chdir(arch) do Dir.glob('../*') do |rpm_dir| # Don't dive into ourselves next if File.basename(rpm_dir) == arch Dir.glob(%(#{rpm_dir}/*.rpm)) do |source_rpm| link_target = File.basename(source_rpm) if File.exist?(source_rpm) && File.exist?(link_target) next if == end ln_sf(source_rpm,link_target, :verbose => verbose) end end fail("Error: Could not run createrepo in #{Dir.pwd}") unless system(%(#{mkrepo} .)) end end end ### Munge the Repos # Create an Updates directory that is properly populated updates_readme = <<~README This directory houses updates to NON-MODULAR RPMs. DO NOT put modular RPMs in this directory or you will break your system updates! README updates_dir = File.join(dir, 'Updates') mkdir_p(updates_dir) Dir.chdir(updates_dir) do'README','w'){|fh| fh.puts(updates_readme) } repos = Dir.glob(File.join('..','**','repodata')) modular_repos = Dir.glob(File.join('..','**','repodata','*-modules.*')) non_modular_repos ={|x| modular_repos.grep(%r{^#{Regexp.escape(x)}}).empty? }!{|x| File.split(x).first} non_modular_repos.delete_if{|x| x.match(%r{/SimpRepos|/SIMP}) } non_modular_repos.each do |non_modular_repo| Dir.glob(File.join(non_modular_repo, '**', '*.rpm')).each do |rpm| # when non_modular_repo is '..', can still find RPMs we need # to exclude next if rpm.match(%r{/SimpRepos|/SIMP}) rpm_dest = File.basename(rpm) if File.exist?(rpm) && File.exist?(rpm_dest) next if (File.realpath(rpm) == File.realpath(rpm_dest)) end ln_sf(rpm, rpm_dest, :verbose => verbose) end end fail("Error: Could not run createrepo in #{Dir.pwd}") unless system(%(#{mkrepo} .)) end # New ISO Layout if reposync_active Dir.chdir(repo_target_dir) do gpgkeysdir = File.join('SIMP','GPGKEYS') if cp_r(gpgkeysdir, '.', :verbose => verbose) rm_rf(gpgkeysdir, :verbose => verbose) end end end # Make sure we have all of the necessary RPMs! Rake::Task['pkg:repoclosure'].invoke(File.expand_path(dir)) # Do some sane chmod'ing and build ISO system("chmod -fR u+rwX,g+rX,o=g #{dir}") simp_output_name = "SIMP-#{simpver}-#{baseos}-#{baseosver}-#{arch}" @simp_output_iso = "#{simp_output_name}.iso" mkisofs_cmd = [ 'mkisofs', "-A SIMP-#{simpver}", "-V SIMP-#{simpver}", "-volset SIMP-#{simpver}", '-uid 0', '-gid 0', '-J', '-joliet-long', '-r', '-v', '-T', '-b isolinux/isolinux.bin', '-c', '-boot-load-size 4', '-boot-info-table', '-no-emul-boot', '-eltorito-alt-boot', '-e images/efiboot.img', # This is apparently needed twice to get the lines above it to # take. Not sure why. '-no-emul-boot', '-m TRANS.TBL', '-x ./lost+found', "-o #{@simp_output_iso}", dir ] system(mkisofs_cmd.join(' ')) end end # End of tarfiles loop # If we got here and didn't generate any ISOs, something went horribly wrong fail('Error: No ISO was built!') unless @simp_output_iso end =begin desc <<-EOM Build the source ISO. Note: The process clobbers the temporary and built files, rebuilds the tarball(s) and packages the source ISO. Therefore it will take a while. * :key - The GPG key to sign the RPMs with. Defaults to 'prod'. EOM =end task :src,[:prep, :key] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:key => 'prod') if Dir.glob("#{@dvd_dir}/*.gz").empty? fail("Error: Could not find compiled source tarballs") end Rake::Task['tar:build'] Dir.chdir(@base_dir) do File.basename(Dir.glob("#{@dvd_dir}/*.tar.gz").first,'.tar.gz') =~ /SIMP-DVD-[^-]+-(.+)/ name = "SIMP-#{$1}" sh %{mkisofs -uid 0 -gid 0 -D -A #{name} -J -joliet-long -m ".git*" -m "./build/tmp" -m "./build/SRPMS" -m "./build/RPMS" -m "./build/build_keys" -o #{name}.src.iso .} end end end end end end