h1. Classy CAS Single sign-on server based on the "CAS protocol":http://www.jasig.org/cas/protocol and implemented in Sinatra. * Single sign-on server * "CAS protocol":http://www.jasig.org/cas/protocol compliant * Implemented with "Sinatra":http://www.sinatrarb.com/ * Uses "Redis":http://code.google.com/p/redis/ * Pairs great with "OmniAuth":https://github.com/intridea/omniauth "CAS client":https://github.com/intridea/omniauth/tree/master/oa-enterprise * Supports any "CAS protocol":http://www.jasig.org/cas/protocol compliant client from any language, framework, or platform (PHP, .NET, Java) On the client side, ClassyCAS pairs up nicely with "OmniAuth":https://github.com/intridea/omniauth and it's "CAS client implementation":https://github.com/intridea/omniauth/tree/master/oa-enterprise . However clients are not only limited to either RubyonRails or Sinatra apps, because the server is built on the "CAS protocol":http://www.jasig.org/cas/protocol any compliant client in any language or framework which adheres to the protocol is supported, thus ClassyCAS is also well to suited to environments where Single sign-on is desired but where the ecosystem of applications is heterogeneous in terms of platforms. h2. Demo on Heroku * "Site 1 Protected Content":http://casclientone.heroku.com/ * "Site 2 Protected Content":http://casclienttwo.heroku.com/ * "ClassyCAS Server":http://classycas.heroku.com/ Username is "test", password is "password". h2. Quick Start Demo
curl -O http://redis.googlecode.com/files/redis-2.0.4.tar.gz
tar xvzf redis-2.0.4.tar.gz
cd redis-2.0.4
sudo cp redis-server redis-cli redis-benchmark /usr/local/bin
git clone git@github.com:Econify/classy_cas_client_example.git first_client
cd first_client
bundle install
git clone git@github.com:Econify/classy_cas_client_example.git second_client
cd second_client
bundle install
#first or second
site_name: second
git clone git://github.com/Econify/ClassyCAS.git
bundle install
ruby script/server
ruby script/server -p 3001
shotgun config.ru
This url is for the "client demo app example":https://github.com/Econify/classy_cas_client_example.git, it could very be the href for a login link tag. A Callback url is the service parameter in this case, this callback url can be anything you want simply by change the service parameter on the initial call to ClassyCAS.
h2. What's There
* "Sinatra":http://www.sinatrarb.com/ based. Classy.
* Uses "Redis":http://code.google.com/p/redis/ to store tickets. Fast!
* Lots of tests. The whole protocol isn't there yet, but "this test":http://github.com/AndrewO/ClassyCAS/blob/master/test/protocol/cas_server_test.rb is a good start on an executable spec for CAS 1.0/2.0.
h2. What's Missing
* Proxy authentication.
h2. Resources
* "ClassyCAS client example app":https://github.com/Econify/classy_cas_client_example
* "CAS":http://www.jasig.org/cas
* "Sinatra":http://www.sinatrarb.com/
* "Redis":http://code.google.com/p/redis/
* "OmniAuth":https://github.com/intridea/omniauth
* "OmniAuth CAS":https://github.com/intridea/omniauth/tree/master/oa-enterprise